Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 819: 819

The sound of Xuanli's explosion of boom, boom, terror and turbulence is still ringing continuously, and one of the top four has been out of the eight battle platforms. At the same time, in the source of the evil spirit, there is a terrible explosion of Xuanli Qi.

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"Chirp!" On the void, the soul of the thousand crane flies by with soft and white wings, and impartially connects Zhuge Gong with his body on his broad back.

"Bang!" A deafening roar burst out in the most concentrated area of the demonic spirit of the eight battle platforms.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, at the same time, with the sound of the terrible Xuanli's air blowing through the sky and the earth, countless virtual shadows transformed from white fog in the field burst at the same time. Under the pressure of this violent and terrifying momentum, the two figures flew back to the left and right sides at the same time.

Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu, Gulu. Even no trace and others are stunned at the moment, looking at the two figures who just escaped from the eight battle platforms and swallowing their saliva.

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On the eight battle platforms, the whole body of Lampson was enveloped by the evil spirit. His pale face was extremely pale now, and his breath became extremely disordered and restless with the surge of evil spirit around him.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid air slowly spits out from Lampson's mouth, and Lampson's sharp eyes become more dignified at the moment. The evil spirit surging from his body rose slowly again, and the power of heaven and earth's law, which he understood, was released quickly by him without reservation.

"Amitabha!" At the same time, on the other side of the battle platform, the disciple of the secret Buddha sect named Wu Xiao monk. His bare upper body was already covered with blood and flesh. Beside him, a dim light of Buddha and golden awn slowly floated back to Wu Xiao monk's body. The original dense Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures, at this time, appear sporadically, and are engraved on the body of little monk Wu.

"Whoosh!" A white mist came down from the sky. Zhuge Gongcheng stepped on the body of Qianhe's soul and slowly fell down. His eyes were full of positive colors, and he looked warily at Lampson, who was slowly releasing his evil spirit.

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"Is it serious?" Zhuge stepped out with success, and his figure stood in front of the figure of little monk Wu. The body of Qianhe's soul soars up again, which is perfectly combined with the Xuanli Qi released by Zhuge Gongcheng.

"Amitabha, the Dharma body of young monk Baoxiang has been broken, but with my concise body of fighting, I still have the power to fight close to each other!" Little monk liaowu gently chanted a Buddha's name, and looked at the white figure in front of him, quietly whispered to tell him.

"Ha ha, this guy can break the concise Dharma appearance of your Buddhist secret method. It seems that his combat power is far superior to you and me. It seems that now you and I have to work together, maybe there is a chance to win in the first line! " Zhuge Gongcheng frowned slightly after listening to the words of little monk Wu, and his Xuanli spirit rose rapidly. The majestic white fog diffused out again, and a thousand crane spirits appeared on the eight battle platforms again.

"Amitabha, the fighting method is the same, the fighter wins the sky, the secret skill fights the body!" The voice of the young monk appeared again quietly, and the scattered Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures that lingered on his whole body quickly glowed. At the same time, the dazzling Golden Buddha light fell into the body of monk Wu. His bloody body began to heal quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye.

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Not only that, with the spread of the Golden Buddha light power, the whole body of monk Wu seems to be coated with a thick golden Buddha light cassock. From then on, the momentum of the whole person suddenly increased. The whole person was as big and powerful as a fighting Buddha. He was fierce in the battlefield area.

"Eh, the flesh body becomes emperor. This guy's flesh body has reached the level of soul transforming realm and Emperor Wu realm?" On the platform of Tianyun sect, everyone looked surprised. Just listen to the little fat Zhen Bucai a strength of nagging endless, staring at the battle platform on the golden light add body without little monk a strength of praise.

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that this Buddhist secret method is so magical that it can make the body of monk Wu reach the level of becoming emperor. Even if he can't win, he won't lose easily, and he won't be killed by accident!" Traceless handsome face on the same show a touch of surprise, his eyes will continue to fall on the field of evil spirit entangled in the shape of Lampson. From Lampson's eyes full of chill, I don't know why no trace saw a stubborn and resolute. Even, at the moment, the momentum and power of Lampson's body was still vaguely excited.

And Lampson did not take the lead in launching the attack from the beginning to the end. Even when Wuxiao monk and Zhuge succeeded in releasing their fighting power, Lampson still chose to watch quietly and coldly.Obviously, for Lampson, it is the victory and result that he really wants to get from the bottom of his heart to fight against two and win over the two in their heyday.

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"Ha ha, where is the Buddhist secret method so easy to use! What the little monk borrows now is the power of the soul in his body. If he doesn't decide whether to win or lose as soon as possible, he will only burn his own soul essence and blood when the power of the soul is consumed! Burn the essence and blood of the soul of one's life. If one can't do it well, he will be seriously injured and his foundation will be damaged. If he is serious, he will fall down, and he can't improve again in this life... "The voice of shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother, was full of coldness. He severely reprimanded Wuhen and little fat Zhen Bucai.

"Brush!" Smell speech, no trace, little fat Zhen not just is a Leng, and one side of Ji Ruxue, aftershock, sword nameless three people, also all body shape tremble, quite shocked toward the battle platform to stare at will again.

"Cluck, beat or beat, lest these little guys do anything stupid in the future!" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, smiles quietly and looks at Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother.

On the other hand, the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless still looks indifferent as if nothing has happened, while the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withers with disdain and turns his eyes to shifuhua, the fifth elder martial brother

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