Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 822: 822


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The dark and rolling clouds of evil Qi rise and turn the whole eight battle platforms into a monstrous world of evil Qi.

In the field, the Tianyun sect spreads out the achievement of Zhuge, and the MI Buddha sect inherits the disciple Youwu. Their bodies are all bound by the power of the magic gas swamp law, and their bodies are fixed in the same place. No matter how they break free, they can't escape the confinement and restriction of the power of the magic gas swamp law.

"Jie Jie, thank you both for driving me to such an embarrassing position!" A burst of chilly laughter seemed to ring from all directions above the eight battle platforms, confusing the spirit of the evil spirit and the spiritual power. It was immediately introduced into the minds of Zhuge Gongcheng and Wuxiao monk.

"Poof!"“ Poof

The two sounds of pain rang out in an instant. Zhuge Gongcheng and Wu Wu were stunned at the same time, and each of them spewed out a mouthful of bright red blood. The Xuanli Qi in their bodies became disordered and complicated.

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"Ha ha, since the soul has been transformed into the emperor, the fight will be unfair! I don't know if elder Zixia wants to judge this contest like this! " A slightly old voice floated out. Zhen Shengcai, the master of astrology hall led by tianyunzong, frowned slightly. There was a sudden silence on the eight array platform, which was restless and full of discussions. All of them looked at the square array of Bixia palace camp.

"Amitabha, are the disciples of the demon sect doing too much?" Master Shishan, one of the four great vajras of MI Buddha sect, recites the Buddha's name and stares away from the viewing platform of the square array of the demon sect.

"Hey, you are inferior to others, so don't come out and make a fool of yourself!" Elder Huang, the demon master, laughs and sneers at master Shishan.

Daddada, dada, dada

At the moment, on the eight array platform, Lampson, the inheritor of demon sect, is still walking slowly towards the two people who are bound by death. It seems that he has never heard the negotiation and dialogue of all forces outside the eight array platform from the beginning to the end.

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"Stop!" An extremely severe sound of drinking suddenly exploded on the eight battle platforms. A gust of wind swept the shadow of yunluan fairy, which flashed and appeared. As light as a breeze, it fell on the eight battle platforms.

"Why?" Seeing that yunluan fairy appeared in vain, the endless evil spirit of the black marsh slowly rushed towards Lampson's body. The breeze in the void seems to be sending out the force of the law, slowly weakening the power of the law of the magic marsh covered on the platform.

"Cluck, Lampson, a disciple of the demon sect, broke through the realm of cultivation in the battle. Now he has exceeded the contest limit of the younger generation of disciples in the infant and soul realm. Therefore, he is sentenced to automatically withdraw from the contest, and the ranking of the potential list will disappear! As for whether there is the name of master LAN on the list of the future six states, it depends on your chance... "Yunluan fairy smiles, and her voice rings like a copper bell on the eight battle platforms. With the great power of the law released by yunluan fairy, Zhuge's success and Wuer's figure gradually broke away from the confinement of the magic swamp.

Plop, plop

Two dull sounds resounded over the eight array platform, which was as silent as death. Zhuge's success was matched by none of them. All of them looked very ugly. Both sides gasped for breath, and at the same time, they madly urged their own skills to absorb the mysterious power of heaven and earth to make up for the great deficit. However, both sides suffered a certain amount of serious injury in varying degrees, and still could not completely recover too much Xuanli Qi for a while to treat the injuries in their respective bodies.

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"Suddenly The power of the law of magic marsh is slowly absorbed by Lampson, and the evil spirit of the eight battle platforms is slowly running to Lampson's body. Lampson's eyes were slightly angry, and his eyes fell on yunluan fairy.

"Cluck, if you are not convinced, you can wait until Dabi, the younger disciple of the eight sects, is over. You can step on the eight array platform to participate in the way of winning the title exchanged among the strong men of the eight sects. I'm willing to accompany you at any time!" Yunluan fairy's face still kept a faint smile, a momentum of not angry from the power quietly diffused out of his body, at this time, yunluan fairy is like a sword, people can't stand back, where there is just half of the shame and weakness.

"The way to win the throne..." he felt the sharp sword spirit of yunluan fairy. Lampson's frown relaxed in vain. Then he saw a sneer on Lampson's pale cheek. After bowing to yunluan fairy, he turned and ran to the bottom of the eight battle platform without saying a word. He jumped up and left.

"Cluck, old rule, you two have a quarter of an hour to rest! A quarter of an hour later, Zhuge Gong, a disciple of Tianyun sect, became a disciple of Zhanmi Buddhism sect. One of you will be the winner of this year's eight sects' younger generation disciple Dabi. At the same time, this will become the fundamental reference and basis for the distribution of resources of the eight sects in the next ten years! " Yunluan fairy's laughter is still floating on the eight battle platforms, but his whole body has already left and returned to the Bixia palace camp.Brush, brush, brush

The power of the eight battle platforms suddenly rose again, and the endless mysterious Qi of heaven and earth all flew away towards the two figures sitting on their knees. The whole eight array platform also quickly re integrated into one, covering the two seriously injured figures.

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"Eh, what is the way to win the championship?" Wu Chen's eyes were full of doubts. He looked at the people around him and asked softly.

On the other side, little fat Zhen Bucai, aftershock, Jianming, Ji Ruxue, and a group of people all look curious and set their eyes on the bodies of the teachers in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

"Alas, the way to win is to challenge and compete with each other among the strong at the level of soul realm. Every ten years, the major sects compete with the younger generation of their disciples. During this period, it is inevitable that some grudges will be put to an end. Fortunately, with this way of winning the title, many things can be solved in the name of martial arts. I guess this is also the fundamental reason why the Lord wants the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of our academy to come here to sit here! " Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother, sighs softly, and stares at people's figures with a look of hating iron but not steel. Then, he saw that his words were full of the tone of the old lady hengqiu, and told Wu Chen and others to preach again.

"Haha, it seems that the way to win is the battle that the strong of Emperor Wu level can take part in, and it is also the competition that the major forces can regain their face! Maybe there will be a contest among the top 100 people in the six states. No trace boy will have a good show this time! " Demon zunhuoxiao's rough voice came out again, and he joked excitedly in Wu trace's mind.

"Ha ha, I'm looking forward to the battle of the powerful in the realm of Emperor Wu." Traceless handsome face again on the spread of a bad smile, bright eyes repeatedly blink twinkle. Obviously, compared with the attraction of the strong on the list of six states to the war, for Wu trace, who has already set foot in the territory of Wu Huang, it can make him more excited and excited < br > than before

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