Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 825: 825

Brush, brush, brush

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The eyes of the powerful members of the major schools fell on the bodies of the younger martial brothers and sisters in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy at the same time. There was curiosity, doubt, favor and hostility in the eyes. Even some strong people quietly released their divine consciousness and went to explore the people's bodies.

"Hum!" With a loud sound of the sword, the power of divine consciousness that was tested on the bodies of the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy was quickly cut off by the merciless and terrible sword. Among all the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, the Third Elder martial brother Shui is merciless, and his temperament is extremely cold. As if let a person take a look, they will unconsciously want to avoid.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

A sound of dull dull sound, in the main forces in the square array of Pan generals. One after another, some of the powerful sects were shocked by the power of divine consciousness. They were unable to suppress the injuries in their bodies, and they were able to spit out all the blood deposited in their bodies on the spot.

"Hum, it's just a warning. If there's one, I'll cut it next time." The Third Elder martial brother's sword gave a cold hum, and his arrogant and indifferent words immediately rang all over the eight array platform. The faces of the powerful of the dynasties all trembled at the same time. With fear and awe in their eyes, they turned to the Sutra Pavilion of the academy and looked at the figures of the people.

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The faces of the powerful members of the major sects are not very good-looking. On the one hand, the Third Elder martial brother Shui mercilessly hurt their people. On the other hand, it's hard for them to be so outspoken. However, they never thought that it would be too shameless for the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy to release their consciousness to explore others.

Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of nervous panting, in the main forces of the dynasties in the array of people squirming out. All the powerful members of the major sects were not good-looking. They stared at all the people in the Sutra Pavilion without saying a word.

But the people in the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy still don't think so. Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, even laughed on the spot. The Third Elder martial brother stood up with a cold face, holding his shoulders in both hands and looking straight ahead. As for the fourth elder martial brother Xifeng withered, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua, the two talked and laughed, pointing to the Dan soul which slowly faded in the void.

Little fat Zhen Bucai, aftershock, Jian Mingming, Ji Ruxue and others are just like no trouble people. They are still doing their own business, while Wuchen is huffing and sitting on the seat impatiently, sleepy.

"Brush!" At the time of extreme embarrassment, a graceful figure came down from the sky and landed on the platform. At this time, the power of the array above the eight battle platform has completely dissipated, and the whole battle platform has no trace of damage. Once again, it appears intact in front of the public.

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"Cackle, everybody, this time we six states hold every ten years of each big door young generation disciple big than, has all ended! Next, it's the time to announce the final results and ranking... "Yunluan fairy's voice will ring out like a silver bell, which distracts the attention of the powerful members of each major sect. In addition, the forces and people from all sides also took this step to turn their attention and set their eyes on the position of the eight battle platforms again.

"Cluck, this time Dabi, the younger generation disciple of the eight sects, the last four are Meng Tong, Bixia palace disciple Liuyun, sword Pavilion disciple Huang guanze, and animal Temple disciple mieba!"

"The fourth is Liu Yiming, the inheritor of zhenbaozhai, and the third is Lampson, the inheritor of Guimo sect! The second one is the successor of Buddhists, Youwu, and the first one, the winner of this year's younger disciple Dabi, is the successor of Tianyun sect, Zhuge Gongcheng

"Brush!" As yunluan fairy announced the final result of the contest, the faces of the powerful masters on the scene were happy and worried. However, all the members of the powerful families of the major dynasties, with an expression of Indescribability, peeped into the square array of the major forces.

"Cluck, this time, dabidou, the younger generation disciple of the eight sects, is officially over. In the next ten years, the resources of the major sects will be allocated according to the order of Tianyun sect, MiFu sect, Guimo sect, zhenbaozhai, animal temple, jiangge, Bixia palace, JIANGSHA Dao. Do the major sects have any objection?" Yunluan fairy's voice floated out again and fell into everyone's ears. Although some of the powerful people were dissatisfied, they knew that they had nothing to say about the result of the contest.

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After all, the contest was carried out in front of everyone's eyes from the beginning to the end, which can be said to be fair and open. Even if some religious forces are not so satisfied with the final resources and rankings, they can't deny and defend openly in front of the facts.

First of all, once every ten years, the younger generation of the major sects compete to decide the allocation of resources for the major sects in the next ten years. This is a rule handed down from a long time ago. Secondly, even if the younger generation's disciple Dabi fails, it does not represent the strength of the whole clan. Due to the different ways of focusing on practice, the gap between the major schools is not very huge. If even Dabi, a young disciple, had to deny it, wouldn't he have lost face in front of other sects and never look up."Amitabha, I have no objection to the secret Buddha sect!" With the sound of the Buddha's name, some of the first people in the square array of the Buddhists' camp began to speak back.

"I have no objection to ghosts and demons!"

"I have no objection!"

"Bixia palace has no objection!"

"Chen Baozhai has no objection!"

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With the Buddhists taking the lead in expressing their views, all the powerful members of the other major sects began to express their views. For a moment, all the people in the square array of all camps were silent, and all their eyes fell on the bodies of the powerful men of the major sects.

"Hum, I have no objection to the animal temple!" The strong one in the animal Temple snorted coldly. Although he was dissatisfied with the result of the fight, he still made a statement and did not cause any trouble on the spot.

"I am tianyunzong, no objection!" In the aspect of tianyunzong, all the strong men in the temple are smiling at the moment. Before Zhuge Gongcheng entered the competition, he only had a chance to win the championship, but no one thought that he would really win. Fortunately, although the process of twists and turns, but the final victory still fell in the tianyunzong side. It's too late for the strongmen of the inner gate of Tianyun sect to be happy. How could anyone be stupid enough to speak out against it.

"Stiff evil way, no objection!" At the same time, everyone was relieved. A strong man was almost biting his teeth. His voice was full of reluctance and indifference. He told it to the top of the eight battle platform word by word< br>

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