Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 827: 827

"Keke, are you Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy?" The four eyes on the eight array platform are opposite. The elder of the inner gate of the array treasure house is indifferent, and his eyes are full of doubts. After looking at the little fat man Zhen Bucai for a long time, he asks suspiciously.

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"Haha, Xiaosheng is not talented, so is Zhen Bucai, the seventh disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion in the academy!" Small fat Zhen not just a face bad smile, to the opposite puzzled indifference gently clasped his fist arch hand road.

"Eh, Zhen Bucai, it seems that he has never heard of this person in the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy. However, the surname Zhen seems to have a rather noble status in the Tianyun sect... "Although the elder of the inner gate of zhenbaozhai is indifferent and young, he clearly knows the internal division of other major sects. Although I haven't heard the name of Zhen Bucai, I still dare not underestimate the status of Zhen family in Tianyun sect.

"Hey, my traceless boss has spoken. Anyone who is in the realm of Emperor Wu Huang in the soul transforming realm and who is not famous on the list of six states need not challenge him on the stage. As for why, you just need to see the end of this guy Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, is still careless, and his voice spreads all over the battle platform of bazhentai. The original restless battle platform once again falls into silence. Everyone's heart is excited, and his eyes are not good. He sweeps Zhen Bucai on the battle platform, and then he sets his eyes on the traceless figure of tianyunzong camp.

"Hey, traceless boy, little fat guy, it's obvious that he's putting you together. Next you're afraid it won't be a good end!" The rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao comes out again, full of bad laughter, wandering in traceless brain.

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"Well, I also want to keep a low profile, but he won't allow it!" No trace lightly sighed a tone, a face helplessly shrugged. The self assured or supercilious of all the powerful forces is still unmoved.

"Hum, I'll give you another chance. It's still too late to roll down now, or I'll start later. Even if your surname is Zhen, I won't be lenient!" After a cold hum, the elder of the inner gate of the treasure house was indifferent, and in vain burst out a terrible force. In the realm of transforming the soul, the power of emperor Wuhuang was released without reservation, and all of a sudden it spread to the whole eight battle platforms. At the same time, on the basis of indifference to the whole body, there is a strong and violent magic power of array weapons.

The power of the fire attribute law of terror diffused from the sky and the earth, and the temperature of the whole eight array platform was ignited dozens of times.

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

The terrible and burning flame power rises, and instantly evolves the whole eight battle platforms into a sea of fire. However, the power of the magic weapon and treasure on the indifference body suddenly turned into a golden mask, which completely shrouded the body and protected it.

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"Ha ha, just for what you just said, Xiaosheng decided to spare your life later!" Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, sneered, and his inner soul was transformed. The air of Xuanli burst out suddenly. A force of yin and cold law, Xuanli, came out of the air, completely isolating his whole body from the hot and violent sea of fire around him.

"Ha ha, since you are so confident, let me see your strength." After that, the indifferent figure disappeared in vain, and the whole person disappeared as if in the sea of fire on the platform.

The two words "ice, seal" and "seal" fell down, and the strong men of the major sects who were present at the ceremony trembled at the same time. An invisible chill suddenly poured into the hearts of every strong man on the scene. All the people on the scene looked at the little fat man on the stage, and Zhen Bucai's eyes became inexplicably dignified.

Poop, poop, poop

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There was a strange sound on the eight battle platforms. Little fat Zhen Bucai's whole body is covered with a thick layer of frost to protect his body. Step by step, he is as free and easy as a leisurely walk on the eight battle platforms.

With the little fat Zhen Bucai's step, the intense rising flame on the platform was frozen instantly. The thick ice layer is shining in the sunlight, which makes people feel a sense of fear from a distance.

"Ha ha, I can smell the array from you eight Zhang away! Do you think you can give Xiaosheng a fatal blow if you hide in the sea of fire? " After a week's tour of the eight battle platforms, little fat Zhen Bucai slowly stopped. The chilly chill on his whole body was released more violently and locked directly in the distant fire.

"Whoosh!" With the power of the law of chill released by little fat Zhen Bucai, the rising flame quickly condensed into a mass of thin ice. And a figure flying out, even with a fierce golden light, pounces on the complacent little fat Zhen Bucai not far away, and then goes crazy to kill him."Boom!" The indifferent figure flashed away in vain, and the power of the body protection magic weapon which had been shrouded in its body rose sharply. It turns into a golden light shield, and then it pours on the body of little fat Zhen Bucai. At the same time, just as the golden light mask flew to the top of little fat Zhen Bucai's head, an invisible binding force was immediately confined to little fat Zhen Bucai's body.

Click, click, click

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A sound of broken sound sprang up in court, little fat Zhen Bucai's whole body protected by the power of ice actually broke on the spot. And that golden light cover flies down and falls, which directly envelops and imprisons the whole person.

"Ha ha, boy, it's bad luck for you to meet your grandfather mo. in the next life, remember not to be enemies with our zhenbaozhai!" See little fat Zhen not just body shape is bound, has been cautious indifferent face suddenly showed extremely excited look. Then, he saw that the power of the whole person's flame law was released without reservation, and turned into a flaming gun, which appeared in his palm. In addition, the indifference of the whole person and the breath of the flame spear in the palm of his hand instantly fused into a whole, and an incomparable momentum of the lower Emperor Wu Huang and Xiao Sha burst out from the tip of his flame spear.

"Boom!" The momentum and power of the flame spear suddenly drowned the little fat Zhen Bucai, who was imprisoned by the golden magic weapon light shield, on the spot. The frightful and violent Xuanli's power was about to explode, which made the thick frozen ice on the Bazhen platform melt and evaporate in a flash.

Gulu, Gulu

A gasp from tension to suffocation suddenly spread all over the eight battle platforms. All the powerful members of the major sects showed a look of regret, and some sympathized to the bodies of the people in the Sutra Pavilion of tianyunzong guanlitai Academy< br>

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