Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 834: 834

"Boom!" A earth shaking roar resounded over the eight battle platforms. The heavy and terrifying air of the earth's Xuanli came out in a crazy way. In a moment, it locked the body shape of the evil ghost covered by the evil spirit on the battlefield on the spot.

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At the same time, a more violent Xuanli's air surged into the sky, and the nine Youming axe in the hands of the aftershock flew out in vain. It turned into a raging black flame, which completely covered the whole nine Youming axe and spread on the spot.

On the eight battle platforms, Xu Fan's divine consciousness came out, but he found that he could not command the corpse to move. Now, the stiff corpse is just like a mass of dead objects, and its whole body is imprisoned and oppressed by the heavy power of the earth's Xuanli law.

"Brush!" Caught in an embarrassing situation, Xu Fan roared and waved the flag of the dead again. In the surrounding void, all the ghosts and spirits who fled in disorder were crying and howling, and they were all uncontrollable, floating and surging into the flag of the dead.

"Boy, go to hell!" Feeling that the spiritual power gathered in the flag of the dead in his hand is becoming stronger and stronger, Xu Fan finally can't contain his anger. His body flies forward quickly and goes straight to the aftershock. At the same time, all the thousands of souls in the flag of the dead in his hand are crazy, so he attacks and kills madly in the aftershock mind.

Wu Wu, Wu Wu, Wu Wu

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The howls of ghosts and wolves mixed up the evil and wind, whistling and blowing. All the ghosts complained and the shadows were just like ghosts rushing to eat. They all hit the strong and strong body of the aftershock.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

A series of strange and strange stuffy noises, with pungent and choking smell, floated away. And the undead's evil spirits attacked by the aftershock were all ignited and burned at the same time, while the strange black flame in the aftershock rose madly in an instant.

The nine netherworld fire, which is full of dark and light, is as powerful as God's help. Burn all the thousands of souls and spirits, turn them into pungent and strong white smoke, and toss them in the air. All of a sudden, the whole eight battle platform will be covered with white smoke, and at the same time, it will dance with the wind and soar up.

Not only that, the fire of the nine netherworld burst out from the aftershock, but also followed the attack of the spiritual power released from the flag of the dead. All of a sudden, he pounced on the Necromancer's flag weapon in Xu Fan's hand and quickly ignited the whole weapon.

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

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The nine hell axe, which was dark and full of strange light, quickly ignited the work and completely engulfed the whole Necromancer's flag. The spiritual power contained in the flag of the dead, as well as the completely remaining spirits of the dead, all disintegrated and melted on the spot under the attack of the terrible black flame.

"Asshole, you dare to destroy my magic weapon!" A roar of extreme anger came out of Xu Fan's hoarse mouth. Xu Fan clenched the palm of his hand and quickly withdrew his body. And the black flame in the void is burning and melting the ghost flag weapon in the void at the speed visible to the naked eye.

Gulu, Gulu

This series of changes only happened in a flash. The overwhelming situation in the field suddenly changed dramatically.

Just after the aftershock was crushed by Xu Fan, the aftershock was surrounded by thousands of ghosts and ghosts, asking for their lives. And then the aftershocks appear, and now the corpse of the dead is imprisoned, and the magic weapon of the dead flag is destroyed, and the aftershocks on the platform still seem to have residual force, but the dead Dao Xu fan can only flee in a panic. This series of changes startle the powerful people on the scene, and they can't help but open their eyes in an uproar.

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"Ha ha, good, great! Aftershock this abnormal guy did not live up to our expectations, Xiaosheng not only I said he will not easily lose! Fortunately, the spirit of this guy is not a complete disgrace to the name of our college Sutra Pavilion! " On the tianyunzong platform, little fat Zhen Bucai laughs. His eyes are always fixed on the battle. Seeing that the aftershocks are dominant, little fat Zhen Bucai laughs even more.

"Cough, I say younger martial brother, when did you say that you are optimistic about aftershocks, and that aftershocks will not easily fail? Why did you never hear such words?" Shifu Hua, the fifth elder martial brother, looks very seriously at the little fat man Zhen Bucai, and asks on the spot.

Smell speech, two elder martial Sister Feng Feifei on both sides, four elder martial brother Shi Fuhua, Ji Ruxue, sword nameless and so on all together picked eyebrows, one after another set their eyes on the body of little fat Zhen Bucai, waiting for a perfect answer.

"Hey, I don't know what happened to the fifth elder martial brother. I always think so in my heart! It's hard to say some things clearly, younger martial brother. After all, the major forces also have to face! The Sutra collection Pavilion of our college has never been competing with others. It's better to keep a low profile when it comes to pretending to be 13 Little fat Zhen Bucai's face is neither red nor white, and he returns to the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua in a straight voice.On both sides, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei breaks into a smile, whines strangely white, and little fat Zhen Bucai does not say much at a glance. The fourth elder martial brother Xi Feng withered, the fifth elder martial brother Shi Fu Hua, and the second elder martial brother's face were red and white. They were almost defeated by the little fat man Zhen Bucai's shameless spirit.

No trace, sword nameless, Ji Ruxue, three people look at each other one after another, all see a touch of emotion from each other's eyes. However, the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless seemed to have heard nothing. He always fixed his eyes on the position of Bazhen platform.

Gulu, Gulu

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The breaths of tension and suffocation came from the square array of major forces. At this time, everyone's eyes were all focused on the big body on the platform, especially the stiff evil road. All the people were completely hanging their hearts on their voices.

"You, should, die!" Among Turks, the three characters of indifference were loud and sonorous, which broke out from the eight battle platforms without warning. The aftershock, which had been standing in the same place, was finally responding.

"Wow!" A pair of angry and terrifying eyes, like wild animals, flashed over the eight battle platforms, and then saw a heavy axe burning with black flame and shining light, cutting through the void from top to bottom. The originally turbulent and swaying emptiness trembled violently in vain. In front of the aftershock, the frozen corpse, which was imprisoned and bound, was stunned for no reason, and then there was no response quietly.

"No!" With a cry of surprise, Xu Fan's body retreated rapidly. In front of Xu Fan's body, the magic weapon of the flag of the dead, which had been in the void, turned to ashes and burned in a flash. While Xu Fan stepped back, several bright black lights suddenly appeared on the sleeves of his robes< br>

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