Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 837: 837

Brush, brush, brush

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All the eyes of the powerful people gathered on the bodies of the few disciples in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. In particular, as the way to win the title, he was well deserved by the leading role of the formation without trace. At this time, he received the attention and scanning of the powerful people from all sides.

The fall of Jiang Sha Dao, Zhen Bao Zhai and Yi Lian, the two powerful men in the rank of Emperor Wu Huang, especially Xu Fan, makes the hatred in the hearts of the strong men of Jiang Sha Dao at the critical point of the outbreak.

"Cluck, the name of aftershock, the third generation disciple of the Academy's Sutra Pavilion, I believe it won't be long before he will be on the list of six states!" A burst of Yingying's smile came out, and a graceful posture appeared in vain on the eight battle platforms. Yunluan fairy, the youngest elder of Bixia palace, was smiling and looked at the powerful people of the major sects. They continued softly: "however, since this battle is the way to win, I really hope to have the chance to participate! I'd like to invite younger martial sister Dou Ji Ruxue on the stage. I wonder if younger martial sister Ji would like to come on stage and give me some advice? "

Brush, brush, brush

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The eyes of most of them were confused. Ji Ruxue's name, compared with no trace, is obviously unfamiliar to the powerful members of the major branches. In addition to the eyes of the powerful of the major dynasties, there was a look of consternation, and all the other major forces on the ceremony platform fell into silence again.

"Like snow?" Has been sitting on the platform of no trace brow slightly wrinkled, eyes full of love to look at the side of Ji Ruxue gaze away.

"Well, no harm!" Ji Ruxue, who has always been famous for her ice beauty, nods her head with a warm smile in front of traceless. Then, Ji Ruxue stood up and walked slowly, step by step to the Guanli platform, and ran slowly over the eight array platform.

"Cluck, younger martial sister Ruxue, I didn't expect that you would break through the soul realm so quickly and become a strong one at the level of Emperor Wu. In the past, I heard that you were known as the first young disciple of Bixia palace, and I was the leader of the previous generation. Although you have quit our Bixia palace, I hope to have a chance to discuss with you! " Yunluan fairy eyebrows with a smile, to step on the stage to Ji Ruxue said with a smile. The tone of his words was full of amiability, and there was no sign that he was about to fight with him.

"Elder martial sister yunluan, although the younger sister left Bixia palace, she did not dare to forget the teachings of the sect. Internal strife among the disciples is OK, but it is not allowed to fight outside! Therefore, my younger sister is willing to lose the battle. Please forgive me for everything Ji Ruxue's face is still a cold, gorgeous and frost free appearance. She gently clasped her fist and arched her hand to yunluan fairy not far from her body. Then, his body slowly turned to leave, and he didn't pay any attention to yunluan fairy who was slightly stunned on the platform.

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"Cluck, as snow girl is really a strange person, just this temperament is very interesting!" Yunluan fairy suddenly recovered from the hesitation, and looked at Ji Ruxue's figure, which was gradually moving away, and laughed softly. Then, yunluan fairy gave a deep salute to the grandstand of Bixia palace, turned and stepped back slowly from the eight battle platforms.

"Ah, the girl Ruxue is the best candidate for the inheritance disciple of Bixia palace, regardless of her talent, aptitude or temperament. I really don't understand why you have to drive her out of the palace, elder martial sister?" On the viewing platform of Bixia palace, Zixia fairy, the leader of the second palace, was full of love in her eyes. She whispered to the Qingxia fairy sitting beside her.

"Well, if I don't teach her, or even expel her from Bixia palace, it's for the sake of Bixia palace! The soul in her body does not belong to our six states. If it is exposed and publicized too early, it will lead to death. If her martial spirit is targeted by people outside Liuzhou, let alone Bixia palace, even the Sutra collection Pavilion, which is known as the holy land of Liuzhou cultivation, may also lead to a devastating blow and disaster! " Qingxia fairy's face is very cold. She sweeps the Zixia fairy next to her and sends a message to tell her.

"Why, her martial spirit?" Hearing this, Zixia fairy's face turned pale in vain. Then she seemed to think of something terrible in her mind. Her face was filled with regret. She couldn't bear to glance deeply at Ji Ruxue's back in the distance.

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Gulu, Gulu

On both sides, all the powerful members of the major sects frowned suspiciously. They thought Ji Ruxue would fight against yunluan fairy. But they didn't expect Ji Ruxue to admit defeat. They didn't think that Ji Ruxue would take the initiative to fight against Bixia palace in the future.

From the attitude of yunluan fairy, he must have received some hints. Its main purpose must also be to test Ji Ruxue's attitude towards Bixia palace, which expelled her. Obviously, Ji Ruxue's attitude has also been recognized by Bixia palace.

"Back?" On the platform of tianyunzong, Wuchen stands up slowly and smiles to let Ji Ruxue back to his side!"Back Ji Ruxue's face was as cold as ice all the time. When she saw no trace, she burst out a beautiful and picturesque smile, which made the strong people on both sides of the gate always watching this direction tremble. It seems that at that moment, Ji Ruxue's beautiful and cool smile surprised their mood which had not been turbulent for many years.

"Keke..." a burst of old light cough came out quietly, and a layer of strange Xuanli breath immediately covered the tianyunzong ceremony platform. All the powerful men who were absent from the position of the main forces trembled in their hearts. They quickly took their eyes back and settled down.

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"Hey, old man, drink more water and have a rest. If you can't carry your body, you should find a place to have a rest." Zhen Bucai, a little fat man, flies out with a look of being beaten. His fat body will fall on the side of Zhen Shengcai, the master of astrology hall. His whispering voice was not disguised at all. He was so surprised that the strong faces of the main and Deputy Temple leaders were all stunned and speechless.

"Son of a bitch, get out of here!" Mr. Zhen, who has always been gentle, deep and sophisticated, has changed his appearance in front of the little fat man Zhen Bucai, and even kicked him out in front of the public.

"Hey hey, I said, old man, if I were a little rabbit, would you be an old rabbit..." little fat Zhen Bucai had a bad smile on his face, and his body moved quickly to return to the side of all the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy. His voice was clear and clear, which made the faces of the strong in the main temples of Tianyun sect more wonderful and strange< br>

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