Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 852: 852

Boom, boom, boom

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A series of terrible explosions roared up, and the dazzling array afterglow on the eight array platform slowly fell. Two light and shadow barriers, which are divided into two parts, are reflected in the eyes of all the people, absorbing the eyes of all the powerful people of the major sects on the scene.

On the two flat and bright battlefields of bazhentai, Xifeng, the fourth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, stood opposite to Mo Qianshan, the elder of Baozhai. Shifuhua, the fifth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, was one of the twelve elders of the twelve disciples of the Gangsha Taoism, and was assigned to one place by the eight array.

"Brush!" Four dazzling lights are shining at the same time, and the whole eight array platform's protective power light shield is instantly colorful.

In the void, there are four levels of power in the realm of the middle emperor, and they rush to the sky without warning. Four distinct powers of the law of terror continue to collide madly and fight fiercely on the platform which is divided into two.

Gulu, Gulu

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The power of the law of terror collided with each other crazily, forcing the whole eight battle platforms to shake violently. Four people four people figure all motionless stand on the spot, each other is completely relying on the power of the law and the power of the spirit of the attack, in the first between each other to visit the fight.

In this situation, all the powerful men in the field were shocked. Now, the terrible momentum released by the four men on the platform even has the trend of only approaching the upper emperor's realm. It's no exaggeration to say that the power of law released by the four men on the platform, It must be higher than the elders of the major forces present.

In other words, all the strong members of the eight sects present today, except for a few of the powerful members of the Emperor Wu, are very few who are confident that they can shake the four people on the stage.

"Jie Jie, the disciples of the Sutra collection Pavilion in the academy have always been very valuable. I have a chance to fight today. I'd like to ask for your advice!" With a burst of chilly smile, the wind of the evil spirit suddenly blows in the battle area of bazhentai.

But I saw dragon 12, one of the twelve disciples of the stiff evil way, disappear like ghosts. Then, the power of the Yin evil law in this half of the area spread wildly, and strange figures with decadent breath appeared in the eyes of the public.

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"Suddenly A wisp of wind blows by, and dozens of dark and strange figures rush out from all directions in the half area of bazhentai. Dozens of lower emperor Wuhuang's state momentum rolls wildly, and then oppresses and bombards the battle platform and the figure of shifuhua, the fifth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

"Ha ha, is this the famous technique of corpse control of Jiansha Daolai?" A faint smile came from the mouth of the fifth elder martial brother shifuhua. Immediately, he saw that the five elder martial brother Shifu Hua's body was shining in vain, and a golden light covered his body completely in an instant. In addition, with the golden light, the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua's whole body is full of book flavor, and his whole person feels like a very elegant scholar, without any domineering and exposed momentum.

"Brush!" A wisp of golden light envelops the body, and the pure and dazzling golden light shines out. Where the golden light passes, the Yin Qi is transformed by the power of Yin evil law, and all the Yin Qi dodges around, as if very afraid of the holy and elegant golden light.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

A dull sound continued to ring from several meters around the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua. Dozens of dark, strange and full of Yin Qi corpses all appeared in an instant, wrapping the whole body of the fifth elder martial brother Shifu Hua in a circle.

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"Jie Jie, it's interesting that you can resist my Yin evil law! In that case, I'll see how long you can last! " One of the twelve elders of the stiff evil way, the twelve elders kept on laughing, and the spirit of Yin evil came out suddenly.

"The secret of corpse control!" In the field, dozens of dark and strange corpses trembled at the same time, and all of them showed ferocious and painful color at the same time. Immediately, I saw that the breath of these dozens of stiff corpses all rose wildly, and even reached the level of Emperor Wu Huang in the soul transforming realm.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, dozens of figures rush out without any sign, attacking and killing from the body of shifuhua who is surrounded by them. The frightful and frightful atmosphere immediately enveloped the whole half of the battle platform area, and dozens of figures were killed in a crazy way towards the body of shifuhua, which was full of book breath and protected by golden light."Damn it, no good. Brother five is in danger!" On the tianyunzong's viewing platform, the little fat man exclaimed, and his face was very tense. His nerves became a rope, and his eyes were fixed on one side of the platform.

"Well, what a secret method it is! It makes dozens of stiff corpses improve to a higher level in an instant! If these lineups were placed in any corner of the mainland, they would be able to reach the standard of the founding faction! " Traceless heart is also a little surprised, staring at the fierce and murderous on the platform of a group of dead body secretly speechless.

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"Cluck, no wonder this guy dares to challenge you. It seems that these are all prepared for you in advance!" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, has a light smile on her face. She glances at the Third Elder martial brother, who is as steady as Mount Tai, and has a cold face.

"A sword is enough for him!" The Third Elder martial brother Shui is still expressionless. He seems to be responding to the words of the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei. He is also whispering to himself. However, when Wu Chen and others on both sides heard the words, they all laughed. After all, they were able to make water speak mercilessly. In addition to Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, and Hua, the elder martial brother, they didn't say a word. In Wu Chen's cognition, they really didn't think that the third person's choice had such deterrent power.

Boom, boom, boom

Once again, the terrible sound of bombing started in one side of the battlefield, and the terrible air of stifling quickly engulfed the golden light mask in the field. And dozens of stiff corpses almost reached the level of fighting power of the middle emperor, all of them were ferocious in appearance, and all of them were in the air and fixed on the spot< br>

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