Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 885: 885

Boom, boom, boom

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The earth shaking terror burst out in the sixth battlefield area of bazhentai. All over the sky, the Xuanli power of seal script magic is scattered and splashed, which only makes it difficult for the strong on both sides to open their eyes.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

Immediately after that, on the violent and turbulent battlefield platform area, one heavy dull sound after another seemed to strike the heartstrings of all the strong people on the scene, and the strange and frightening sound would be heard again and again.

"Suddenly A gust of cold wind was blowing, the roaring of tigers and lions on the sixth battlefield area of bazhentai gradually weakened, and the breath of the power and power of the law of attack and kill filled in the void gradually began to disappear.

Brush, brush, brush

The fierce and fierce eyes gathered in the sixth area of the battle platform. All the powerful people on the scene, as well as the powerful people of the major demon and beast families, all held their breath and focused on the area of the battle platform where the power of Xuanli disappeared gradually.

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"Da!" With a gentle sound of footsteps, it will appear on the central area of the battlefield area, and the face of Zhong Wugu, the lion and tiger king, will be slightly tired. The whole body shape after being transformed into the previous human form slowly.

"Hoo On the other side, on the edge of the sixth battlefield area, Dong Sheng, the Tianjiao elder of zhenbaozhai, still stood in the same place with the original proud look. However, the light and shadow of the spirit of Fazhong is still intact, and the whole body of Fazhong is shrouded in it.

"Well, it seems that these two people are not injured. How to calculate the outcome of this contest?"

"Damn it, they are both able to stand on the court. They are really the elders and strong men selected by zhenbaozhai and the lion tiger king clan!"

"Hey, hey, look, it seems that Zhong Wugu, the strongman of the lion and tiger family, has degenerated from the beast form to the human form. It seems that he must have suffered a serious internal injury. Otherwise, at such a critical moment, how could he take the lead in dispersing the long-standing monster momentum."

"Wow, it seems that Dong Sheng, the Tianjiao elder of the array treasure house, is better than others. His defense of the spirit of Fazhong is just against the sky. Facing the joint attack of the lion and tiger, he can still be as safe as a mountain. That's really cool!"

"Hum, how can the lion and tiger kings be defeated in the frontal attack?"

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"Ha ha, if the lions and tigers are defeated in this battle, I'm afraid it's time for them to change their position as monsters and beasts!"

"Hehe, if I choose a new king of monsters, I have several good choices here!"

All the forces around the battle platform of the eight battle formations are watching the battle platform. The powerful of the major forces and the powerful of the major demon and beast families are all looking to the battle platform and talking with each other. It seems that neither the major forces nor the major demon and beast families can accept the embarrassing result of a draw.

"Hey, traceless boy, which one do you prefer?" Demon respect fire Xiao fire red virtual shadow repeatedly flash in no trace side, playful smile gently reverberate in no trace mind.

"Ha ha, lion and tiger kings!" There was a bad smile on the traceless and handsome face, and the demon zunhuoxiao who was floating beside him went back to the road calmly.

"Well, how can we see that?" Demon respect fire Xiao body front tiny a Zheng, obviously didn't expect no trace this guy unexpectedly so straightforward quick then gave oneself reply.

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"Ha ha, nonsense, it's not necessary to ask. Of course, it's the young master. I don't like the people in the treasure house!" Traceless cold smile, as if to see an idiot general ruthlessly white side of the demon respect fire Xiao one eye.

"I rely on, this all can..." for a moment, the demon zunhuoxiao was choked by traceless, some speechless, finally as long as silently shaking its fiery red figure toward the side to float away, deep fiery red eyes extremely sad swept eyes, secretly standing aside, heart smile traceless.

"Hum, if you don't go away, don't you want me to give you another ride?" An extremely arrogant cold hum rang out in the central area of the sixth battlefield. Then, Zhong Wugu, the strongman of the lion and tiger family, gently raised his hands and rubbed the temples on both sides of his cheeks. He looked impatiently at the arrogant figure on the edge of the battlefield and angrily scolded.

"Brush!" All eyes flashed and fell again, and all the powerful people of the major sects and the powerful people of the demon and beast families were surprised. Especially some strong people who were not optimistic about Zhong Wugu, the powerful person of the lion and tiger family, had a sense of foreboding.Click, click, click

A series of clear and moving sounds were heard on the edge of the sixth battlefield of bazhentai. The tiny cracks are constantly expanding and spreading, and in the blink of an eye, they are all over the glorious body of the martial spirit of FA Zhong.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

There was a loud crash, which spread again before the strong of all sides could react. The spirit of Fazhong broke up and scattered all over the place in a flash, revealing the whole body of Dong Sheng, the Tianjiao elder of Baozhai.

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"Poof!" Without any words, a red blood line would spray out, and a strange light would flash in the eyes of all the powerful people on the other side. In an instant, the final outcome of the battle could be judged.

"Plop!" With a dull sound, Dong Sheng, the Tianjiao elder of the array treasure house, suddenly fell on the sixth battlefield of the eight array platform. In front of him, all the fragments of the spirit of Fazhong disappeared into the endless void.

Brush, brush, brush

A group of figures galloped out and quickly boarded the battlefield. Dong Sheng, the Tianjiao elder of Baozhai, was rescued and returned to the observation platform of Baozhai. The soul of Fazhong was destroyed. If he was lucky, Dong Sheng would still be able to recover his life, but his cultivation was at the level of Emperor Wuhuang, This life will not be able to recover. "Hey, old demon, what do you think of the result?" There was a faint smile on the traceless and handsome face, and the demon zunhuoxiao, who was far away from his body, asked in secret.

"Ha ha, it's just so so. If it's you, I'm afraid that the person lying on the battlefield at the moment is the strong elder of the lion and tiger family." Demon Zun Huoxiao's body flashed in vain, and then floated beside no trace, frowning and joking.

"Hey, that's nature! I'll fight all over the world Traceless handsome face smile more Sheng, not polite to meet the demon respect fire Xiao playful eyes, provocative raised head way.

On both sides, the powerful men of the main forces and the powerful men of the demon and beast families all kept flashing their eyes, staring at the six open battlefield areas separated by the eight array, with complex expressions and different thoughts< br>

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