Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 887: 887

Brush, brush, brush

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The whole area of the eight battle platforms was silent at the moment. Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace, and yezhu, the leader of yecha royal family, have four cold eyes, which makes the dark air and waves flowing in the void cold, and the surrounding temperature drops suddenly.

"Ha ha, the two fairies calm down. I'm afraid it's not suitable for them to fight each other on such occasions. Don't hurt the harmony and be seen as a joke by others!" Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, once again gave a cool smile and began to speak out. They resolved the embarrassment for the two people who were fighting in the field.

"Ha ha, even if master Zhuge said, please don't be impatient. We are here to ask for advice. Please don't delay our business for a moment!" The Spirit Lord's old and deep eyes flashed an imperceptible light, and his eyes fell firmly on the body of the night Lord. He opened his mouth and warned in public.

"Cluck, elder martial sister, didn't we agree that everything is decided by my younger sister?" Seeing that the two strong men began to intercede, Zixia fairy, the second leader of Bixia palace, came forward with a smile and stood in front of Qingxia fairy, the second leader of Bixia palace.

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"Hum!" With a cold hum, it's obvious that the anger in the heart of Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace, has not yet subsided. However, seeing Zixia fairy, the second leader of Bixia palace, standing in front of her, Qingxia fairy, the leader of Bixia palace, has no choice but to sit down in the distance again. Without a word, she coldly glances at the figures of all the people in the opposite Yasha royal family.

"Ha ha, in that case, it's up to you to be the master of spirit." The Lord of the yakha family, the Lord of the night, surprisingly did not speak sarcastically again. Instead, he bowed to the Lord of the spirit family and gave a blessing. Then, the night master, the master of the yakha royal family, sat down again with a smile on his face. He did not pay attention to the fierce eyes of Qingxia fairy, the master of the Bixia palace, who came from the distance with cold eyes.

"Ha ha, just now Tianjiao, the powerful member of the major sects, has shown his own heroic and elegant demeanor. However, on the one hand, I feel the gap and deficiency in the battle. Therefore, if you have any other requirements, you can ask for them. After all, this is the way to win. You also have the right to choose the opponents you want to challenge in your mind! " The spirit Master's eyes were full of smile. He looked at the four figures standing on the eight battle platforms and spoke softly. On the contrary, they seemed to have been used to it. Then they nodded to the four monster elders on the eight battle platform.

Brush, brush, brush

With the fall of the voice of the Spirit Lord, the hearts of all the powerful people on the scene were all inexplicably shaken. The eyes of all the powerful people on the scene flashed in vain, and they understood the deep meaning of the Spirit Lord's words.

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Obviously, the people of the eight monster kings don't intend to give up so easily. They even want to let the four strong monster kings who won on the platform stay and continue to challenge Tianjiao, the powerful one of the major forces.

However, according to the current situation, it is very difficult for any one of the powerful factions who have already stepped on the stage to defeat the strong faction of the four monster kings in the cultivation level of the middle emperor Wuhuang realm.

Today, even the tianyunzong, guimengzong and the two power camps that have not yet appeared on the stage, it is very difficult to select the elder Tianjiao who is strong in the realm of the middle emperor and Wuhuang, and can fight against the four powerful monster kings at the same time. What's more, among the Lingzhu, WanMu and the two powerful monster kings, Similarly, there has not yet been a powerful monster in the realm of the middle Emperor Wu Huang to fight on the stage. Therefore, the contest between the major branches of the road to success and the eight royal families of the orcs has ended in complete defeat.

Today, there are still four strong men among the major demon and beast families on the eight battle platforms. For the strong men of the major forces, they are just like naked provocation and public face slapping. However, the major forces are not as skilled as others, so they can only choose to tolerate and avoid.

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"Ha ha, there are eight sects in six states. Is there anyone willing to fight against ape Ren?" Ape Ren, the elder of the golden giant ape royal family, has a loud voice. He looks around like a scream, and the various forces and camps speak out repeatedly.

"Giggle, within the same realm, welcome Tianjiao to the stage to give advice!" Yemin, the powerful one of the yakha royal family, smiles charmingly, with a gentle but sharp tone.

"Hehe, it seems that this is the only way to win the championship!" Tian Yi, the powerful member of the wing clan, was obviously not so polite in his words. He even made a speech on the spot without any scruples and sneered at the powerful members of all parties.

"Ha ha, it's said that there is a holy land of cultivation in Liuzhou, named Shushan! There are several disciples practicing on the mountain of books, and they have outstanding talents, which can be called evil. Today, I wonder if I can have the honor to invite a group of colleagues from the Sutra Pavilion of the academy to take part in the battle? " Zhong Wugu, the powerful elder of the lion tiger family, had shining eyes. Two fierce eyes, like wild animals, were staring excitedly at the place where the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy belonged.Gulu, Gulu

Bursts of extremely slow and difficult throat huff and puff, once again in the mouth of the powerful forces of all parties. After listening to the sarcastic words of the four powerful monsters on the platform, the faces of the powerful people of all parties on the scene were more ugly than one another.

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At the same time, in the end, the words of Zhong Wugu, the powerful elder of the lion and tiger royal clan, also brought a glimmer of hope to the powerful members of the major sects. Before that, people had always felt embarrassed for those who fought together in the realm of the middle emperor and the emperor. Now when they thought of the Sutra Pavilion in the Academy, they were all happy and relieved.

At the level of the realm of Emperor Wu Huang in the soul transforming realm, Xifeng Xie, the fourth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, and Shifu Hua, the fifth younger brother, are all the top fighting forces in this realm. In addition to the aftershock of the three generations of disciples of the Academy's Sutra Pavilion who can fight by leaps and bounds, only this academy's Sutra Pavilion is convenient for three people to fight on the stage. If the two powerful forces of tianyunzong and ghost demon Zong choose one to fight on the stage, maybe they will have a chance to fight against the four powerful monsters on the stage.

Brush, brush, brush

All eyes full of hope but with renewed fighting spirit flicker and linger on the platform where the people on the side of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy live. Even the eight monsters of the royal family of monsters, all of them were looking at the figures of the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy< br>

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