Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 898: 898

Clang, clang, clang

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The music of the string of demonic meaning is loud and clear, and obscure and low. But the power of the music of demonic meaning is still lingering around the area of Bazhen platform, and it will burst out again and again.

"Damn, this guy is good at magic attack. Is he really a freak?"

"Ha ha, who just said that this guy might soon be defeated in the face of the attack of spiritual power by fighting against the attack of sound wave with the power of Qin music?"

"Well, monster, this guy is a monster!"

"Ah, you see that the elder and the strong of the yakha royal clan can't move a step under the attack of the evil Qi zither. If all these violent evil Qi zither sound bombarded her body, I'm afraid that she would be gone and become nothing at this moment!"

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"My dear, this guy used the level cultivation of Huangwu emperor in huahun realm to fight against the top of Huangwu emperor level in huahun realm, and the strong one didn't fight back! Is this guy really just the level cultivation of the emperor in the realm of transforming the soul? "

Gulu, Gulu

There were breathless breaths of tension and breathlessness, and it was said that they were coming to the edge of the area around bazhentai. All the powerful members of the main forces and all the demon king families were shocked, looking at the black demons that were constantly exploding on the platform, They all took a cold breath unconsciously.

Dangdang, jingling, jingling

With the last deep and obscure sound of Qin, the violent and swaying battlefield area of bazhentai fell into a dead silence again.

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"Suddenly A gust of wind blows slowly again without any sign, and the endless air of dark evil will turn into strands of strange black awn rushing into the traceless body. And the Qin of magic intention suspended in the air gradually became nothingness. In full view of the public, it turned into darkness on the spot. The Qi of magic intention disappeared out of thin air.

"Ha ha, sister, what do you think of this song?" A sound of relaxed and pleasant smile reverberated once again on the battlefield area of bazhentai. The evil spirit on Wu Chen's body seems to disappear in an instant, and the noble and extraordinary momentum of the whole person becomes the approachable and indifferent person before.

"Plop!" A strange muffled sound was heard above the battlefield area of Bazhen platform. Yemin, the elder of the yecha clan, who has been standing in the same place for a long time, is sitting on the battlefield area of bazhentai with his knees softened. At the same time, the Xuanli Qi flowing in his body also decayed rapidly and fell down. After a long time, he slowly woke up and turned back to a little mental intelligence.

"What's the name of this music?" Yemin, who has just come back, is full of dignified color in her eyes. There is no more charming color in her beautiful face. On the contrary, when his deep and charming eyes looked toward no trace, there was a deep feeling of fear in his eyes.

It seems that what appears in front of him at the moment is not a handsome young man with extraordinary and elegant demeanor, but a ghost and devil from the depths of the nether world that people will be deterred at a glance.

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"Ha ha, this song is called ambush. I wonder if my sister is satisfied with it?" No trace's face is still wearing a faint smile, looking at the front of the ground can't sit up yecha King elders, strong Yemin, but without the slightest contempt, no trace's words and deeds at this time style and appearance, just as the two sides didn't fight, so approachable and indifferent.

"Keke, it's dangerous. You can't go beyond the thunder. This song is really suitable for the situation! Heaven and earth, nowhere to escape, ambush on all sides, kill people Yemin, the elder of the yakha clan, who is sitting on the ground, has obviously recovered some strength. The whole person is difficult to climb up from the ground, looking at the green robed young man standing in the opposite direction, whispering.

"Ha ha, it's good for my sister to like it. It's not in vain. I've just played a piece of music with great effort." No trace a tiny smile, toward the night fork King clan elder strong night sensitive gently raise a hand to signal.

"Cluck, I'm not big, but I'm good at it! In the future, if you have a chance, you can come to my Yasha royal family as a guest. When the time comes, my elder sister will surely show her housekeeping skills and give me the service you serve my younger brother! " A burst of pleasant laughter, like a silver bell, resounded again in the silent area of Bazhen platform. And Yemin, the elder of the yecha family, regained her charm again. She even threw seductive eyes at Wu trace.

"Cough, elder sister, don't make such a joke, younger brother, I'm from my family!" After listening to Yemin's extremely explicit ridicule, his face immediately changed. His eyes kept turning towards the place where everyone was in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, as if he was afraid that Ji Ruxue might misunderstand him."Poof Under the area of bazhentai, Ji Ruxue, who was once as cold as ice, soon turned to tears and smile when she saw the appearance of traceless embarrassment.

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On both sides, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei, the fourth elder martial brother Xi Fengwei, the fifth elder martial brother Shi Fuhua, the little fat man Zhen Bucai, the aftershock, the sword nameless and so on, they all tried to hold back their smiles and blinked as if they were watching the excitement and fearing nothing.

"Cluck, it seems that you really have a family! But that's good, so I can use it more easily! " Yemin, the elder of the yakha clan, sweeps Ji Ruxue under the stage and shakes her graceful posture like a teaser.

"Keke, elder sister, we don't have to bear grudges here." Traceless face is full of depressed color, staring at the opposite as the goblin general shrouded night sensitive indignant whispered warning.

"Cluck, that's all. I'll spare you once this time! Remember, come to my Yasha family when you have time See the appearance of no trace embarrassment, Yemin, the elder of the yakha royal family, a smile of understanding, then, see Yemin's charming and moving face, a pair of beautiful eyes like hook people, once again throw a wink at no trace. His whole face and posture were full of satisfaction, and he rushed to the battlefield area of bazhentai three times in one step.

"Damn, the old goblin!" Traceless heart secretly scolded a, restless mood again slowly calm down. His eyes swept around the silent all sides of the clan forces to watch the ritual battle platform. Even if he once again quietly set his eyes on the opposite side, the two battles will still be on the body of the powerful elder of the demon king clan above the battlefield area of the eight array platform< br>

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