Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 910: 910

"Hum!" A loud sound of the sword sounded like earth shaking. The dazzling silver sword light burst out in vain from the power of the power mask of the guard law. In a moment, it turned into six silver white swords, flying all over the place, straight to the six Yin Yang corpses, and then it fell mercilessly.

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Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

Six strong silver swords wave and chop down, and instantly cut off the array power released from the six stiff corpses. At the same time, six heavy and dull sounds sprang up. On the six rigid corpses' bodies, which were comparable to the physical strength of the superior emperor's realm, six deep silver marks appeared on their backs.

Gulu, Gulu

On both sides of the eight array platform, all the strong people were frightened by the sudden release of the violent sword. I didn't expect that Wuchen would blow away the Zhiyin Zhiyang array with his hand. It seems that Wuchen's perception of Kendo is no less than that of other methods.

"From Yin to Yang, gather!" A cold voice suddenly rang out, and the five long old figure of the stiff and evil Dao dragon quickly flashed out above the traceless head. Moreover, there is a continuous stream of Qi of stiff evil spirit in his body, which is released and spread in a large scale. The damaged Zhiyin Zhiyang Dharma array connected to the six stiff evil bodies below is quickly repaired and perfected.

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"Suddenly A wisp of cold wind blows up slowly, and a dazzling brilliance bursts out on the guard rule Xuanli power mask.

"Brush!" The power of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and sword spirit, six pure and exuberant Xuanli powers quickly turned into six dazzling lights and shadows. Qi Shushu was divided into six Xuanqi currents, rushing and surging, which gathered on the silver white sword body of no trace hand.

Boom, boom, boom

Just at the moment when the power of protecting the law and the power of protecting the light shield vanishes, the six corpses with stiff spirit gather the Yin to Yang Dharma array with themselves as the guide. The power of stiff spirit and the power of the law rises up again, overwhelming with terror, A head of then toward the bottom exposed in the outside of no trace of the whole body above crazy kill attack pressure away.

"Hum!" A loud and unyielding sound of the sword once again resounded through the battlefield of Bazhen. And the sword light containing the power of the five elements, light and shadow, becomes the flying sword light catkins, forming a circular defense mask, which makes the whole body perfect again.

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"Willow style nine swords, catkins all over the sky!" There was a faint smile on his traceless and handsome face. He looked at the silver sword light flying like catkins in the void all around him with a very calm look. Then, I saw a fierce attack from the force of stiff and evil Qi, which contained the power of Zhiyang, and it collided with the sword light mask madly and fiercely.

Boom, boom, boom

The roar of terror resounded once again on the Bazhen platform. All the powerful elders in the ceremony platform of all the forces around the field were shocked. The terror fighting power burst out from the battlefield area of Bazhen platform, It has completely reached the upper level of emperor Wuhuang, the momentum and power of powerful people.

Daddada, dada, dada

All over the sky, the power attack is still raging, but the sword power mask wrapped like catkins is not affected at all. A light footstep came out slowly. Without trace, the whole body was suspended in the air. It was as majestic as stepping on the void. It slowly approached the place where the five long old body of the stiff dragon was above the head.

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"From Yin to Yang, the battle starts!" Feel the momentum of Wuchen's body more and more fierce, and the old face of the fifth dragon in the void is suddenly gloomy. The stiff and evil spirit in his body is more and more frantically released, and the momentum and pressure contained in his body is also climbing crazily at the moment, and he has leaped into the level of Emperor Wu Huang realm in the soul realm.

"Boom!" As the breath of the five elders of Gangsha Daolong stayed on the level of the upper huangwuhuang realm in the soul transforming realm, the six Gangsha corpses, which were originally comparable to the superior huangwuhuang realm, were also in a frenzy at this time. At the same time, they burst out six powerful forces of the upper huangwuhuang realm.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, as the five elders of Jiansha Daolong once again performed the Yin to Yang array, the six corpses of Jiansha, who had reached the level of Emperor Wu Huang, quickly ignited six extremely cold and Yin Qi on their bodies, and turned into six extremely black and horrible streamers, They started from six directions, and then went to the no trace body in the field."I rely on, change the soul realm to the level of Emperor Wu realm?"

"Well, the elder of the upper emperor Wuhuang realm was forced to do his best by a hairy boy of the lower emperor Wuhuang realm?"

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"Keke, it's obviously against the rules. If the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy cares about it, I'm afraid it won't end so easily!"

"Eh, secret method, it must be some kind of secret method, which can make the stiff corpse reach the same level of cultivation as its own state in a short time?"

"Alas, the skill of the secret method is displayed, which means that the performer will have to bear more pressure and consume more mysterious power than before. I don't know how long the stiff five elders of the dragon can hold on. I hope they can quickly get rid of Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, before the momentum has completely declined! "

Bursts of whispering, one after another quietly resounded in the eight formations around the forces of all parties on the ceremony platform. And all the powerful elders on the scene obviously found the change of elder Longwu's breath state. Wuchen, who had been quite optimistic, was once again the victim of the public's surprise and sigh.

"The sword is raining!" An extremely gentle call came out quietly from the battlefield of Bazhen. All the powerful elders in the field trembled, and they quickly focused on the battlefield area of Bazhen platform again. Then, the light and shadow of catkins all over the sky quickly turned into a dense sword rain, and the light and shadow rose in a whirl. They attacked and killed six stiff corpses madly and resisted the void< br>

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