Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 917: 917

"Brush!" The power of the light and shadow power of the array is slowly released and covered, and the light shield of the imprisoned array power is slowly spread again on the battlefield area of the eight array platform.

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On the battlefield area of bazhentai, Wuhen, dressed in a green robe and holding a silver sword, stands aloof. In the empty field of Wuhen, a man with a black robe and an old face is quietly fighting with him. This man is no one else. He is the first person under the throne of Jiansha Taoist sect, and vice leader Wan elder is also.

"Damn, isn't that the Deputy master of the rigid evil way?"

"My God, that's the top Wuhuang strongman standing in the six states of mainland China, the top 30 in the six states list. How can he stand on the stage against one of the younger generation in court so regardless of his status?"

"Well, even though Liu Wuchen openly clamored to invite the powerful people from the three major clans to fight on the stage, it's still not right for him to appear on the stage as the deputy leader of the Jiansha road."

"Cough, it's just like the head of each major sect going to the stage to fight in person. It's a bit too bullying!"

"Ha ha, I didn't expect that the people who are stiff and evil should be so despicable and shameless. They should be able to do such a dirty and shameless thing in front of the powerful people of all parties!"

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"Hey, you deserve it. Who let that boy die by himself? It's self inflicted. I can't blame others!"

"Alas, I'm afraid that the battle of the Sutra collection Pavilion in the Academy will probably be over!"

All of a sudden, the voice of heated conversation spread to be in the position of all forces of Bazhen platform. The faces of the powerful people of all forces were extremely wonderful. They lowered their heads one after another, and on the observation platform where the road belonged, a group of strong people were extremely contemptuous and pointed out repeatedly.

"Second elder martial sister, these guys are so shameless!" Small fat Zhen not just face chubby fat straight gas up and down chaos tremble, face indignant look to two elder martial Sister Feng Feifei for help like look to say.

"Heartless, what do you think of that?" The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's eyes flashed with cold light, and the breath momentum of the whole person once again became very elegant. An invisible superior's power slowly released from his body, which made all the people in the Sutra Pavilion of the Academies on both sides tremble involuntarily.

"Hum, at the end of this war, if there is something wrong with the sixth younger martial brother, I will ask him to be buried with the leader of the Taoist sect!" The Third Elder martial brother water hums coldly, and his eyes are full of killing intention. He looks up at the void and glances past indifferently. His ruthless law and sword power are floating slowly, which makes his whole person feel even colder and terrifying.

"Cluck, then I'll give him to you. As for other things, I'll handle them." Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, seemed to have expected that the Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless would answer like this. Her spiritual power and mind slowly released and focused on every move in the battlefield area of bazhentai.

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"Hum!" There was a loud sound of the sword, and there was a silver sword on the eight battle platforms. The power of guard, the meaning of sword, and the nature of the five elements' Xuanli are quickly integrated into one, which turns into the power mask of guard law, the meaning of sword, and impressively covers and protects the whole person's body.

"Suddenly There was a strange wind whistling and blowing, and above the battlefield area of bazhentai, the air of yin and evil among Turks was rising. The fury of the evil spirit seemed to be overwhelming, sweeping from all directions. In an instant, it completely occupied the whole spacious and huge eight array platform.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

There was a dull sound in the battlefield area of bazhentai, and the dark evil spirit was surging wildly, which completely occupied the separatist regime except the place covered by the sword power of the guardian law. However, the frightful and stiff spirit didn't seem to stop at this point. Instead, it surged up in a frenzied and violent manner, attacking and killing the generals in the power of guarding the sword power.

Boom, boom, boom

With a deafening sound of terror, the whole battlefield area of the eight battle platforms was shaking violently. The Xuanli light shield of the surrounding array immediately had a slight crack. It seemed that it could not bear the impact and collision between the stiff spirit and the sword power.

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Click, click, click

It's said that in the middle of the besieged place surrounded by the evil spirit, the guard law sword power mask is producing cracks at the speed visible to the naked eye, and it seems to be crumbling at any time.

"Willow catkins are misty!" A green shadow is surrounded by the power of the law of sword meaning, which marks a bright silver flash in the void covered by the evil spirit. Then, I saw the figure of the green robe flying like streamer, moving freely and changing its position in the sky full of evil spirit.Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

At the same time, just as the green light of traceless place kept flying and changing its position, the precarious light shield protecting the law of sword meaning was broken on the spot. Immediately after that, you can see that the sword light and shadow floating in the void are like flying leaves. They seem to rush out from all directions at the same time. All of them will attack and kill mercilessly towards the source of the stiff and evil air.

Dong Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong

There was a terrible muffled sound, which came out of the empty space filled with the evil spirit. The fierce flying leaves are falling, and the sword Qi is vanishing. It's like a stiff corpse. A tall but gloomy body is slowly exposed in the place where the evil Qi is diffused and concentrated.

"Wow, that guard sword meaning light shield, unexpectedly a face is broken!"

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"Well, look, Liu Wuchen's Kendo skill seems to have lost its effect!"

"Keke, it's really worthy of being the top 30 in the list of six prefectures, the deputy leader of JIANGSHA Taoist school. It's amazing that he completely suppressed the gifted and evil disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy just by his own power and prestige!"

"Haha, there is a huge difference between the superior emperor and the superior emperor and the superior emperor! Wan elder is worthy of being a top-level strong man in six states. This move did not disgrace his reputation

"Ha ha, it's just that the man who confronts master Wan is a young man. In contrast, even if they win, they will become the laughing stock of the world's population in the future. "

"Ha ha, the winner is the king, and strength is the only truth in the world. As long as you die, how many people in the world will remember this evil genius of the old college Sutra Pavilion!"

A murmur will be heard quietly, and all the powerful people of all parties and the people of the major demon and beast families will sigh. All the people present at the moment believe that no trace seems to be defeated soon, and even some people begin to predict the situation after no trace's death and the subsequent changes and development< br>

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