Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 919: 919

Boom, boom, boom

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The horror of black shadow boxing spread all over the world, and instantly engulfed the place of no trace in the field completely. The evil spirit of terror seems to be endless. It's still fierce and fierce. It's going to attack the place where no trace is. It seems that it's the intention not to break the whole person into thousands of pieces on the spot, then it's absolutely not going to stop. It's extremely horrible and weird.

"Brush!" At this moment, a silver white sword light and shadow, which is as if there is nothing, as if it is not at all, hazy and ethereal, quietly and slowly emerges out of thin air.

"Hum!" The light and shadow of the dazzling silver sword flash out, and they cut the void covered by the stiff and evil spirit into a pale silver sword mark. At the same time, the mark of the silver long sword didn't mean to stay. It not only broke the evil spirit and defense power of Wan Lao, the deputy leader of Jiansha Dao, with one blow, but also flew away as if there were no one else. It turned straight to Wan Lao, the Deputy leader of Jiansha Dao, who had been integrated with the corpse of Jiansha Dao.

Yilala, yilala

The harsh sound of friction rang out quietly, and all the stiff air above the battlefield area of the eight battle platforms became restless. A silver white sword light, the light and shadow of the sword trace flash away, just like nothingness, and fall on the stiff chest of Wan elder, the deputy leader of the stiff evil way.

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"Shit, what just happened? Is that kid still alive?"

"Wow, he once again cut out the previous amazing sword. Isn't the Xuanli in this guy half consumed?"

"Well, that's the magic attack of the superior emperor's top fighting power. Even if the boy's life is big, he can't escape this time!"

"Keke, what about the sword you just wielded? It's the sword attack technique that killed the elder Long Wu, the elder of the upper emperor Wuhuang realm..."

All that happened in the battlefield of the eight formations is in a flash, and the powerful of all parties have an inexplicable illusion at this moment. It seems that there is no great difference between the two people's realms on the eight array stage. It was originally that the two top fighters in the cultivation level of the soul realm and the emperor realm fought here!

"Cough..." a burst of rapid light cough voice, in the gas of stiff evil rush to attack the killing place, quietly spread out on the spot. A handsome young man with extremely strong body and shirtless upper body was walking out of the siege stage with his head held high.

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"Hum!" With this young man's step slowly approaching, his silver sword power is more and more bright. The strong bronze skin above his body was undamaged under the siege of stiff and evil spirit. It can be seen that his physical strength is no less than that of the top strong in the realm of Emperor Wu in the realm of transforming soul.

"Ha ha, you can still stand in front of me alive after being attacked by my stiff spirit. It's no wonder that even the superior emperor and the powerful emperor can't take advantage of it!" Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way, had a cold light shining in his eyes, and the power of the Yin evil spirit released from his body was fierce and terrifying. At the moment, a white sword mark appeared on his chest, cutting the mark.

"Hoo A mouthful of turbid Qi slowly spits out from Wuhen's mouth. Wuhen's eternal Heaven and earth decisive skills start to work wildly, and the pure and vigorous Hongmeng chaotic purple Qi rushes and surges wildly. It engulfs and covers all the stiff and evil Qi that invades Wuhen's body, and submerges in the hazy sea of soul after Wuhen's soul transformation.

"Ha ha, that sword didn't cut you. It seems that your ossified body is still useful..." a cold smile appeared on the traceless and handsome face. The silver sword in his hand quickly waved out of the air again, and several light and shadow of the silver sword came out again, which were divided into upper, middle and lower All three directions rushed to the figure of Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way, and then he waved and chopped away.

"Hey, boy, do you think the same trick will work?" The gloomy and ironic smile will be spread on the eight array stage. The frightful and stiff air of Xuanli will quickly turn into turbulent waves. The three ethereal sword Qi in the void will hit and blow in the air as soon as possible.

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Poop, poop, poop, poop

The three silver white swords' flowing light, unexpectedly cut the general out of thin air, opened the endless stream of stiff spirit waves, and finally turned into three silver white swords' light and shadow, and cut the general on the body of Wan Lao, the deputy leader of stiff evil way.

"Jie Jie, if you only have this ability, I think you'd better be ready to die now!" Strange and gloomy cold laughter came from Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way. There are three silver sword marks in the upper, middle and lower positions of his body, but it is obviously lighter than the first move of no trace sword."Ha ha, it seems that the same trick really doesn't work!" After listening to wannianchang's complacent words, a smile like self mockery appeared on his traceless and handsome face. However, the silver sword in his hand trembled slightly, and an inexplicable resonance aroused it. It seemed that he was responding to the words of smile in traceless's mouth.

"Ha ha, it seems that it's too late to have an epiphany now." On the other side, Wan Lao, the deputy leader of the rigid evil way, showed a cold smile at the corner of his mouth, and the evil spirit released from his body quickly locked his whole body firmly. Then, he saw his rigid body, and moved his body. In three or two steps, he appeared in the empty space behind him effortlessly.

Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang

After counting the light and shadow of the black fist, he shot out at the same time and went to the back of the brain without any trace. All over the sky, the spirit of Yin evil quickly turned into the spirit of Dao's black mans' killing intention, which quickly integrated with his boxing style and black mans, and turned into a destructive momentum to attack and kill, just like destroying wood and decaying, and then came straight to the place where no trace was.

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"Hum!" A loud and terrible sound of the sword burst out in the hands of no trace. The light and shadow of thousands of silver swords quickly turned into nine ancient characters with different Xuanli breath. Like ghosts, they appeared on the traceless figure and lingered on their own.

At the same time, a fierce Xiaosha fangruo can kill all the sword power. At the same time, it will burst out in the ancient nine character sword meaning words. It will flash like thunder. The terrible silver sword light and shadow will float out all over the sky, and all the black shadow boxing will be destroyed.

Gulu, Gulu

A series of nervous choking sounds rang out, and all the major forces and the major demon and beast families on the scene all swallowed their saliva. All the people looked at the sudden sharp change of Wuchen's sword meaning, and all of them took a cold breath< br>

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