Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 926: 926

Brush, brush, brush

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All the shocked and stunned eyes focused on the instruction, and they all fell into the area of the eight battle platforms.

At this time, the evil spirit of Wu Chen's body has completely dissipated, and its whole body is filled with the power of sword. A brand-new green robe covers Wu Chen's bronze body again, and the golden little earth dragon is crouching on Wu Chen's body. In particular, a pair of purple and gold eyes constantly flashing, staring around, the blood red long core is still in the mouth, from time to time restless breathing big mouth, big mouth breathing thick gas.

"Hum, the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy dares to kill my deputy patriarch Wan elder in public. At this time, I will surely hand over the battle book of life and death to the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy A cold hum, quietly in the eight formation platform battlefield above the cold spread of fury.

"Brush!" All the powerful men of the major sects and all the demons and beasts on the scene slowly came back to their senses, and each of them moved their eyes upward along the battlefield of the eight formations. Then he saw Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha Taoist sect, who was full of murderous anger. His chest was full of ups and downs. His eyes were fixed on the figure of the young man in white standing in the air.

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"Oh, my God. How could he have handed the book of life and death to the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy?"

"Wow, that's not to say that the resentment between the Sutra Pavilion of the academy and the rigid road has reached an irreconcilable level!"

"Ha ha, once a battle is handed down between the major forces, it means that both sides need to fight to the point where one side completely admits defeat and gives up his hand to surrender!"

"Well, for the top forces of the major branches, once they admit defeat, it is not the same as the general terrible destruction! Isn't that to say that either the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy no longer exists, or the rigid evil way will be eliminated from the eight sects

"Haha, no wonder that JIANGSHA Dao made such a cruel choice. He was killed by others and then fell to the top of the deputy leader level in front of all forces. Even if the leader of JIANGSHA Dao could endure, he would have to stand up and give an account to his subordinates! Otherwise, in the future, who will work for him? It's no different from the collapse of zongmen. It's just a matter of time! "

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A lot of hot discussions were heard all over bazhentai. It was said that all the forces around bazhentai were watching the ceremony and the position of the battle platform. And the powerful people of all sides are also aware of the extreme seriousness of the situation at this time, and they have opened their mouths to exchange their views and opinions!

"Ha ha, since master Wan is so elegant, the Sutra collection Pavilion of our academy has to be more respectful than obedient! From now on, the tactics of life and death have been established. The disciples of the Sutra Pavilion of our college are willing to wait for the strong and powerful experts of JIANGSHA Taoism at any time. On the holy land of books, let me come to make waves... "A voice of indifference sneers rises from the top of the battlefield of Bazhen platform. He dressed in white and looked indifferent. His whole body was full of ruthless sword. The Third Elder martial brother shuimerciless, who was haunted by the power Avenue, accepted the battle of life and death on the spot without hesitation after listening to Wan Canghai's letter of battle.

"Ha ha, good, good. Now that the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy has taken charge of this matter, you should wash your neck in the book mountain, and wait for me to come under the pressure of the strong to completely level the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy." The sound of a series of crazy sneers will be heard in the void above the battlefield. Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha daozong, saw the killing intention surging in his eyes. He directly scanned the location of Tianyun Zong's viewing platform, where the disciples of the Academy's Sutra Pavilion were sitting, and coldly scanned the ground.

Brush, brush, brush

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At the same time, just at the time of the conclusion of the life and death war agreement between the Sutra collection Pavilion of the academy and jiangshadao, dozens of figures rose out of the sky in the location of tianyunzong's ritual observation platform.

Among them, Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, master Zhen Shengcai, the leader of astrology hall, and the powerful deputy leaders of the inner gate Temple all stepped into the air and fought side by side over the position of Tianyun sect's observation platform.

"Hum, Zhuge mountain people, what do you mean?" With a cold hum, he once again spits out from Wan canghaikou, the leader of Jiansha Taoist sect. Wan Canghai's face becomes dignified, and his eyes stare at Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect.

"Ha ha, as we all know, there are only eight disciples in the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy. You are so stiff that you dare to use the whole clan's strength to pass down the battle book of life and death. How can tianyunzong ignore it?" Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, gently shaved the snow-white beard on his chest, and his kind face was covered with a faint smile.

"Ha ha, I see. So you tianyunzong want to meddle in this business?" Wan Canghai, the patriarch of JIANGSHA Taoist sect, was more murderous in his eyes and spoke coldly again without any weakness. At the same time, there are nine superior emperors in the rear of his body, and the strong ones in the realm of Emperor Wu rise up in the air. These nine people are just nine of the twelve surviving elders."Ha ha, my book of Tianyun is of the same origin as the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy. Now the book of war on life and death has been handed down. Why does my book of Tianyun refuse to fight! If this matter is to be spread out, how can tianyunzong still have a foothold in these six states in the future? "

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"Therefore, in the presence of all the powerful sects in the six states, Tianyun sect has today taken over the battle of life and death under the rigid evil way! From now on, tianyunzong will be in the state of preparing for the war all day long, until the battle of Jiansha daozong is destroyed, or WAN Canghai, the leader of Jiansha daozong, promises to defeat the war and ban the battle of life and death. " The voice of Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, spread all over the battlefield of Bazhen platform and every corner of the platform.

Gulu, Gulu

The breaths of tension and suffocation came out again from the mouths of the powerful men of the major sects and the people of the major demon and beast families. All the people present, including tianyunzong and all the strong elders of jianshadao, felt the invisible force of oppression and killing in the void.

On the void, Wan Canghai, the leader of Jiansha daozong, and the remaining elders of jiudaotu, together with shuimerciless, the third disciple of the Sutra Pavilion, Zhuge Shanren, the leader of Tianyun sect, Zhen Shengcai, the old master of astrology hall, and the elders at the level of the Deputy master of the main temple, stand in the air, All of them were serious and full of killing intention. They were on the spot< br>

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