Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 929: 929

Brush, brush, brush

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All kinds of sharp eyes came together, and the atmosphere in the place where all forces were watching the ceremony and the position of the platform suddenly became inexplicably tense and suffocated. Obviously, all the people present did not expect that Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, dared to denounce Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, and called him the old man directly.

"Ha ha, the battlefield of Bazhen platform, the way to win the championship, willing to set foot in the fight! I am the master of the treasure house of the array. As an elder, I step on the stage to instruct the younger generation of the Sutra Pavilion in your college. Is this also against the taboo of the Sutra Pavilion in your college? " With a slight movement, Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, quietly appeared in one of the marginal areas of the eight array battlefield.

On both sides, the main force of each major sect and the main force of Geng Fang's demon and beast king clan were all silent, their brows locked and staring at the battlefield of Bazhen platform.

"Cluck, tell the younger generation to be a killer? How can I direct my younger generation without saying hello? It's up to you, the master of the clan, to direct the younger generation? " Bursts of sneer in the mouth of the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei repeatedly spit out, the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's killing intention instantly rises and releases, the calm battlefield of Bazhen platform suddenly a violent swaying, an invisible hot momentum and pressure in an instant towards the opposite array Baozhai patriarch Mo Qiyu standing in the edge zone.

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"Brush!" A brilliant blue light flashed out, and the cold ice Dharma array was formed on the body of Mo Qiyu, the leader of the Baozhai array. However, the hot momentum released by Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, collided with the cold ice Dharma array, making the atmosphere which was almost condensed in the surrounding air fly wildly towards the surrounding area.

"Ouch!" The sound of a dragon's chant suddenly resounds. The little earth dragon perched on the body of no trace opens its mouth in vain. The terrifying monster's momentum and power spread wildly. It smashes the surging flames and the aftershocks of the cold ice Dharma array around it in the middle of the body of no trace.

"Ha ha, it seems that the disciples of the Sutra Pavilion don't like to be instructed by outsiders! In that case, I don't have to waste my time! " Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, showed a faint smile on her old face. It seemed that she didn't pay attention to Feng Feifei's sarcasm. His feet retreated quietly, and it seemed that he intended to leave the battlefield of the eight battle platforms, so he left immediately.

"Cluck, wait!" The second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's eyes flashed a touch of pure light in vain, and the black long whip in her hand trembled slightly. A terrible and hot upper emperor Wuhuang realm peak momentum, cultivation and coercion of the power of crazy diffuse out, all of a sudden will be opposite to want to leave the array Baozhai patriarch moqiyu whole body is firmly locked on the spot.

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"Eh, you little girl, what else can I do for you?" Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, once again had the power of the array, which quickly interrupted the breath of the hot power locked in him. At the same time, the expression on Mo Qi Yu Lian's face becomes a little dignified in vain. From the beginning to the end, she has been staring at the black whip tightly held by the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei.

"Cluck, the elder just said that he was going to teach one or two disciples of the Sutra Pavilion in our college, but the power of the law you just exerted is deadly. We all know this kind of thing very well. I don't think you can expose it in a few words, do you? If this is the case, then among the powerful members of the major sects in the future, those who want to move the Sutra Pavilion of our academy will be as safe as their predecessors! " Second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's eyes were full of banter, and her words were much lighter than just now.

"Ha ha, everything starts because of him. When he dies, the conflicts and grudges between the major departments will be resolved naturally, and you can all face each other! I just don't want to see the war of life and death spread to six states, and lead thousands of strong people to fall into the disaster that can't be recovered! " Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, was full of positive colors in his eyes, and his appearance was even more arrogant. It seemed that every word he said was from the heart. Even his attack on Wu trace was for the sake of the lives of the thousands of powerful people in the major sects.

"Ha ha, as soon as my sixth younger martial brother dies, all the problems will be solved, and the face of the major schools will be saved. It seems that my sixth younger martial brother is really damned!" Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, has a more gloomy smile on her face. She stares at Mo Qiyu, the leader of the zhenbaozhai, who is not angry and does not change his color.

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"Ha ha, that's it!" Not affected by the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's words, Mo Qiyu, the leader of array treasure house, even nodded to the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei on the spot. His indifferent eyes are not to hide the fall will be in the side, to see no trace, as if to see the dead in general, eyes are full of cold indifference.

"Cluck, my sixth younger martial brother is dead, and my face is saved! There is some truth in what master Mo said, not to mention that he is still for the sake of the world! " Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, looks up at the sky with a long smile. Her eyes are full of fun. She stares at Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house.Opposite, Mo Qiyu's face was obviously confused, but he still nodded with a calm smile.

"It's really hard for the master to work so hard! In that case, master Mo, will you also take care of the face of the Sutra Pavilion of our college? "

"Well, what do you mean by that?" In the eyes of Mo Qiyu, the leader of array treasure house, a cold light flashed in vain. In his heart, an unknown premonition rose.

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"Cluck, as long as you die, we'll let it go as soon as you attack and kill the disciples of our college's Sutra Pavilion! In this way, the face of our college's Sutra pavilion has been saved, and master Mo has made a contribution to the world! I wonder if Lord Mo is willing to try this method of killing two birds with one stone? " Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister, has a bigger smile on her face. Her eyes stare coldly at Mo Qiyu.

"Boom!" Mo Qiyu, the leader of the treasure house, was in the middle of the cold ice Dharma array. His breath and momentum rose on the spot. His eyes glared at Feng Feifei, the second elder martial sister. The power of the array rules surged from his body quietly spread and released, and swept away towards the second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei and Wu Chen.

"Cackle, say again high sounding, once turn on oneself, then turn over a face not to recognize a person! Mo Qiyu, the leader of the zhenbaozhai clan, is really a treacherous and capricious despicable person! " Second elder martial Sister Feng Feifei's laughter will spread, and her fiery momentum will be released in an instant.

The blazes of fire reflect the half battlefield of bazhentai, which is in sharp contrast to Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai, who is full of cold breath. However, Wuchen, who is on the side of the battlefield, has already taken off, so he immediately gets away from the light shield of bazhentai which is slowly spread and shrouded< br>

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