Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 935: 935

Tengtengteng, tengtengteng

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The endless hot and fiery rising flames will be burned for several times. In the blink of an eye, the battlefield of the eight battle platforms will be completely evolved into a burning battlefield. In the void of the battlefield of the eight battle platforms, there are dozens of strange white smoke rising and burning in succession.

"Suddenly With the rise of the white smoke, the direction of the whole battle field is constantly changing, and the red flames burning on the battlefield of the eight battle platforms are all inexplicably excited and restless. At the same time, a virtual shadow that can be seen more and more clearly with the naked eye is completely exposed in the sky above the battlefield of Bazhen platform.

"Clang, clang!" The loud and resounding voice of Fengming, like a heart shaking sound, resounded in the ears of the powerful people of all parties present. All the red flames in the battlefield of the eight array platform all burst out, rolling and rushing towards the direction of light and shadow in the void.

Boom, boom, boom

All of a sudden, the extremely hot red flame craziness swept and spread, and the light and shadow of the flying array in the void were encircled on the spot. The fiery fire continuously invades the surrounding space and completely imprisons the power of the mysterious Qi of heaven and earth contained in the surrounding space.

"Suddenly A strange wind blows, and the heat wave in the battlefield of Bazhen platform spreads quickly. The light shield of the precarious confinement force around quickly cracked, and the dense cracks of fine lines instantly covered the light shield of the confinement guard of the array.

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"Clang, clang!" The fiery fire rose and rolled up, which turned into a huge shadow of the fire phoenix soul. The shadow of the fire phoenix soul, which was half suspended in the air, was twinkling with the power of the array. On the spot, it was trapped and surrounded in a place in the void.

Tear, tear, tear

The red and hot rising flames are sweeping all over the sky, turning them into flames. The red awns constantly impact on the light and shadow of the array image transformed by the spirit of the array, and the light and shadow of the array image of the array soul continuously exudes the power of the array, It can resist the continuous attack and attack of the power of burning red flame released by the virtual shadow of Huofeng's soul.

"Spirit of the battle, move!" A low voice, which seemed to be struggling, came out quietly from the battle group where the fire was constantly attacking the generals. After hearing it, all the strong people in the area where the forces were watching the position of the battle group were inexplicably surprised. Their eyes were full of amazement and shock, and they gathered on the shining light and shadow of the soul array in the battlefield of the eight array battle group.

Tengteng, Tengteng, Tengteng

The light and shadow of the soul and soul of the array are flashing, and the power of the array is continuously spreading to the four directions. However, the body shape of the virtual shadow of the soul of Huofeng, which has been confined and shrouded in the surrounding area, suddenly occupies the place where the soul and soul of the array belong to.

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In the void, the Qi fluctuation breath of Xuanli of all attributes is blocked by the fire of bath. Even the power fluctuation of the array sent out by the light and shadow of the soul array is blocked by the hot and terrible fire of bath.

"Brush!" The light and shadow on the body of the soul of the array are shining. The power of the array is constantly impacting the surrounding fire. After repeated attempts, it still fails. The power released by the soul of the array is still unable to break through the fire and the surrounding space.

"Damn, what kind of flame power can block the void space?"

"Well, even the power of the array can't break the confinement. Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, is going to be in danger now!"

"Hum, although Mo Qiyu, the leader of the array treasure house, was trapped by the strange flame, the array soul map would not be broken so easily. If it goes on like this, it will be a protracted battle equivalent to consuming Xuanli. It depends on which of them has more pure, heavy and lasting Xuanli in their body! "

"My dear, I was able to push Mo Qiyu, the leader of the zhenbaozhai clan, to such a desperate situation. Doesn't it mean that Feng Feifei, the second disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, has the fighting level of the leader of the clan, the top force in the six states?"

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"Wow, Hua Buyu, the eldest disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, has long been known as the top powerful person who can compare with the leader of all kinds of forces! Now, Feng Feifei's demon fighting power is comparable to that of the leader of the same clan. In addition, Shui merciless, the three disciples of the upper emperor's cultivation realm, doesn't it mean that there are at least three powerful masters of the clan's fighting power in the holy land of the Sutra Pavilion of the academy? ""Ha ha, not only the three of them, but also the four disciples xifengxie, the five disciples shifuhua, and the two are all at the top of the cultivation level of the middle emperor, but they all have the combat power of leaping challenge! In addition, don't forget, they also have a demon genius Liu Wuchen who killed the vice patriarch Wan Lao of Jiansha Road on the spot. Such a terrible demon strongman, how can he all gather together? Such a huge terrorist line-up, how can other sects survive in the six states in the future. "

"Wow With the sound of hot discussion, all the elders in the ceremony platform could not sit up. Even among the eight sects, except for zhugeshan people, the leader of Tianyun sect, and Mo Qiyu, the leader of zhenbaozhai sect, who was fighting in the field, the other six sects' faces were all extremely blue, and their eyes kept touching and scanning each other. Even, there were all the sects' voices on the spot, and they didn't know what they were discussing.

"Well, is this the ancient Phoenix totem?"

"Wow, how powerful the blood pressure is. It's as oppressive as the five clawed golden dragon

"The golden dragon appears, the vision appears, the Spirit Lord, is this woman also the chosen son in the prophecy?"

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter whether it's the chosen one or not. It's a group of people who make the prophecy come true! Let's just give them a helping hand when they are in danger, and then send some people to follow them. Then, why don't we have a revival in the future? "

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"Haha, what the ape king said is reasonable, reasonable!"

"Spirit Lord, what do you think?"

At the moment, the masters of the monster kings could not restrain their agitation, and they began to discuss with each other eagerly. However, in the end, everyone's eyes were still on the body of the master of the spirit clan, who seemed to be waiting for the final judgment and decision of the Spirit Lord.

"Ha ha, since you have already made a decision in your heart, why wait for me to do more!" The Spirit Lord's deep eyes shot out two excited lights in vain. He laughed and waved to the masters of the surrounding monsters.

Seeing this, the Lords of the royal families of all the demon and beast groups immediately understood and quickly returned to their own ranks. They whispered to the powerful ones of the demon and beast royal families in their own power. They didn't know what they were quietly arranging< br>

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