Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 94: 94

Da Zhou Dynasty, Wang Du Chao Ge, Lingbao business.

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The next morning, the streets and alleys of Chaoge city were all decorated and beaming. And this time the protagonist Lingbao business, is more noisy gongs and drums, a sea of people.

Today, there are eight doors in all directions around Lingbao business, which means to meet all the guests and friends in all directions.

In Lingbao business, envoys sent by the major dynasties, as well as alchemist trade union, major families, clan forces, and even some killer organizations, all openly sent people to come. At this time, on the second floor of Lingbao commercial bank, all forces gathered together and sat in the private rooms belonging to their respective departments.

On the first floor of Lingbao business, besides the auction table in front of it. Looking around, it was already crowded with people. Today, all those who can enter Lingbao business are the leading figures in mainland China. Of course, it also contains some special existence which has some connection with Lingbao business.

The first floor hall of Lingbao business is full of people. He was dressed in green clothes, handsome and extraordinary. He was alone in the crowd at this time.

Today, Dazhou college issued an urgent ban, and students from both internal and external colleges were not allowed to go out without permission. The 72 hospitals of the outer hospital and the 36 hospitals of the inner hospital are all within their limits. Therefore, all the tutors of other colleges have repeatedly forbidden the students in their own colleges. However, of the 108 hospitals inside and outside, there are still two other hospitals. That is the outer courtyard, the inner courtyard and the Jiangnan courtyard

"Hehe, it seems that the token given to me by Shangguan yundun is really useful!" Traceless in the crowd secretly laughed, hands unconsciously toward the arms gently touched.

"Ha ha, this time, the Six Dynasties gathered together and all forces gathered together. Don't make any trouble again, or I can't protect you! " Demon respect fire Xiao voice rough loud, in the mind to no trace of the heart of the way.

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"Fart! Nice to say. When did something happen, old demon? Didn't you hide in my body for the first time Traceless mercilessly rolled a white eye, matchless disdain of respect fire Xiao to return a way to the demon.

"Ha ha, you know a fart!" Demon zunhuoxiao's tone is profound and unpredictable. It comes from Wu trace's mind with a smile. For quarreling with demon Zun, no trace is also happy. No trace ignore demon zunhuoxiao boast, again close eyes toward the surrounding left and right.

At this time, the hall on the first floor was also divided into six regions according to the dynasty region. At this time, all the clans and families in the major dynasties came to their own regions.

The eastern position, Dongzhou Dayan Dynasty came to the warrior, all the beautiful men and women, tall and straight, and each warrior was wearing a variety of different kinds of weapons.

"The Dayan Dynasty in Dongzhou has always been good at magic weapons and bold in killing. If you meet me in the future, you'd better be careful!" No trace glanced at the warrior crowd of the Dayan Dynasty, silently remembering the way of thinking in mind.

On the west side, the Daliang Dynasty in Xizhou belongs to the sphere of influence. The warriors who come here are smaller in stature and according to other dynasties. However, the Xuanqi induction that flows around each warrior has the fluctuating Qi of the array's magic power.

"Eh, it seems that the martial arts of the Daliang Dynasty of the Western Zhou Dynasty all took the path of attack and kill." Traceless looking at the west direction, more interested secretly nodded.

On the south side, those who belonged to the tianque Dynasty in Nanzhou were all daughters. The heroism of young and beautiful women is natural.

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"Well, I've always heard that the women of the tianque Dynasty in Nanzhou were the masters of the country. Today I see that it really deserves its reputation." While sighing about the local conditions and customs of the tianque Dynasty, Wuhen couldn't help secretly looking at the women in the crowd.

On the north side of Penglai Dynasty, there were a lot of warriors in different clothes, and everyone naturally showed an invisible murderous spirit. As if the intention of killing was innate, the warriors of Penglai Dynasty were covered with a layer of fierce hegemony.

"Ha ha, how can the breath of these guys be similar to nameless?" The corners of his mouth rose slightly. Looking at the warriors of Penglai Dynasty, his mind unconsciously flashed a nameless figure in white, cold, and always refused to be seen thousands of miles away.

In addition to the four directions of southeast and northwest, Zhongzhou Dazhou Dynasty and Qingzhou Jiuli Dynasty are on both sides of the center of the hall on the first floor from left to right.

The Jiuli Dynasty in Qingzhou was a place where barbarians and wild animals were exiled. Here, the folk customs are fierce and savage. Therefore, the Jiuli Dynasty is also the only alternative dynasty that is most excluded and not welcomed by the other five dynasties.

"Brush!" Traceless eyes gently continue to swim, the heart secretly tongue. Carefully looking at the direction of the side, a fierce ugly face, wearing all kinds of animal skin skirt of Jiuli Wu."Hum, what are you looking at? Look again and dig out your eyes!"

"Ha ha, looking at your grandfather, he will dig out your heart and eat it!"

"What's more, a group of small white faces. If it were placed in the Jiuli Dynasty, you guys would have been sold as slaves long ago! "

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It is obvious that those who came from the Jiuli Dynasty already have a certain status in the Jiuli area. However, the nature of his barbarism still makes him say what he wants no matter where he is. Feeling the different vision of the major dynasties around, the people of the Jiuli Dynasty began to scold the indignant people around them.

Hearing the speech, all the other five kings laughed and said nothing at the same time. One after another, they looked away, and no one paid any attention to the warlords of the Jiuli Dynasty.

Seeing this, the warriors of the king of Jiuli were even more angry. Obviously, the neglect of them by other dynasties is a great insult to them. As a result, the shouts of the warriors of the Jiuli dynasty became louder, covering the whole hall on the first floor in an instant. The original noisy hall suddenly became silent, and only the warriors of the Jiuli Dynasty could be heard shouting like shaking the sky.

"Silence A very sharp and loud cry echoed among Turks in the hall on the first floor. All the warriors in the hall on the first floor were shocked at the same time, and the warriors in the area of the Jiuli Dynasty also closed their mouths one after another. In the hall, the warriors gathered in the Six Dynasties area were all extremely surprised, looking for the source of the sound.

I saw a rough figure on the auction table of the first floor hall. He is eight feet tall, with round arms and waist, strong body, thick hair, and wearing a set of red robes. The principal of Dazhou branch of Lingbao company, Shangguan Yunque, appeared in the public eye.

"Keke, Lingbao's auction is officially on! During the auction, no one is allowed to make a loud noise, and all violators are allowed to shout out. If the circumstances are serious and abominable, they must be killed! " A red robe wrapped around the body of Shangguan Yunque, five big three thick body gently twist, the sharp voice of men and women instantly spread to every corner of the hall.

All the warriors in the areas of Dayan, Daliang, tianque, Penglai, Dazhou, Jiuli and the Six Dynasties swallowed their mouths. Deep down in his heart, he almost vomited out, staring at the coy Shangguan Yunque on the stage.

However, all parties are well aware of Lingbao's rules. Although there is exclusion in my heart, no one dares to stand up in public and question.

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One side of the hall on the first floor was silent. Looking at the dark crowd below, Shangguan Yunque's bearded face showed a smile, nodded his head with satisfaction and waved to one side.

Dada, dada, dada

The sound of gentle and brisk footsteps rang out, and there were several more beautiful shadows at the back of the auction table. Six beautiful women in colorful cheongsam, holding trays covered with red cloth in their hands and smiling like autumn water, stand behind Shangguan Yunque in line.

"Ha ha, the first item on sale in this auction of Lingbao is the liuxuan thunderbolt, thunder and fire bullet coming out of zhenbaozhai!"

Boom, just as the voice of Shangguan Yunque falls, the atmosphere of the whole auction hall is ignited instantly.

Brush, six beautiful young women, the hands of the red cloth tray removed at the same time. On the tray, six rosary beads of different colors, round and smooth, shining brilliantly appeared in the eyes of the public.

For a moment, in the hall, wind, thunder, electricity, fire, cloud, gas, six kinds of mysterious breath of heaven and earth quietly rose up, and six beads with six colors of luster, just like a peerless beauty, firmly attracted everyone's eyes in the hall< br>

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