Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 958: 958

Brush, brush, brush

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All eyes gathered like fire, and looked at the green robe figure that was shrouded in the evil cloud. The cultivation level of emperor Wuhuang in huahun realm is able to resist the aftereffects of thunder and robbery released by the emperor Jieyun in lianhun realm. If you look at all the sectarian forces in the six states of mainland China, I'm afraid you can't find a second candidate for such evil.

"Suddenly On the void, the giant hand of terror, which has been transformed from the lacquer black cloud, smashes gently towards the place where no trace is located. There are many dark lightning flashes. Leimang keeps wandering in the upper reaches of the dark and terrible hand. Just a sneak glance from a distance is enough to make the upper emperor feel a shiver in his heart.

"Bah, old demon, don't you mean you won't be lowered by thunder again?" Traceless mercilessly wiped the bloodstain overflowing from the corner of his mouth and spit a mouthful of bloodstain toward one side. His whole body was filled with the burning pain of pain, and his mind was full of pain.

Just now, although Wuhen destroyed most of the thunder robbery power by using the position of Moqin, there was still a small part of the thunder robbery power that would split on Wuhen's body. This thunder robbery not only caused a certain degree of damage to the traceless body, but also to its spiritual power.

However, fortunately, the thunder robber disappeared completely, no trace, which barely supported the body standing in the air. The eternal Heaven and earth in his body is running wildly again. Hongmeng's chaotic purple Qi is surging to repair the scar and the loss and consumption of Xuanli.

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"Cough, traceless boy, I didn't deceive you! You see, the thunder disaster will not come down. As long as you stick to it a little bit and hold on to the last blow of the giant hand, we can escape the disaster. From then on, there will be many wives and concubines, and there will be plenty of wealth to enjoy! " A burst of awkward coughing voice quietly appeared in Wu trace's mind. A purple golden streamer and evil spirit quickly rose out, which completely covered Wu trace's whole body.

Click, click, click

At the moment when the purple and gold evil spirit rushed out of the sky, the dark hand slowly fell from the void and trembled in vain. Then, the terrible black light and lightning power moved wildly on the dark hand, and the falling speed of the dark hand It should also be several times faster than before.

"Damn, old demon, you are playing with me! Go to your wives and concubines, go to your glory and wealth, I don't have time to play. No, I want to go home now... "I felt the destructive power of the terrible hand above my head, and on the spot, I was full of indignation and tears. An invisible terror momentum is always locked on the body shape of no trace, which makes no trace clearly feel that it is futile to want to avoid the power attack of open giant palm.

"Hey, no trace boy, don't worry. I'll stand with you forever!" Demon zunhuoxiao's rough laughter came out again, and the words were full of passion and heroism, as if they were ready to die generously at the moment, and the expression on Wu trace's face was a slight twitch.

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"Ha ha, you old demon, you are really standing with me. We are just standing here, waiting to be struck by thunder!" No trace turned his eyes hard, and the injury in his body has recovered in a twinkling of an eye. No trace once again urges the eternal Heaven and earth decisive skill, and releases the power of all the attributes of Xuanli rule that it is good at without reservation.

"Brush!" For a moment, the whole body of Wuchen burst out the terrible Xuanli Qi, momentum and power. Light and dark, two extremely rare Xuanli Qi, are being transformed into life and death, and the two Xuanli Qi are full of every blood in the body.

The power of the sun, the moon, the star and the three lights appear and float above the head of traceless, and the power of the stars and the body looms in traceless.

The dark and surging power of the law of magic will be released continuously, completely covering the whole human body.

The power of the five elements of Xuanli, namely, gold, wood, water, fire, earth and the five elements, is integrated with the power of the sword. The power of the five variable Xuanli attributes, namely, wind, rain, thunder, electricity, fog and the power of the stars, is integrated with the power of the stars, and all of them become the power of the guard law, the light shield and the star screen barrier to block the void, Breaking it completely from the sky's dark hand will separate it from the light and shadow "Keke, all attributes of Xuanli talent..."

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"No wonder, no wonder this little guy is so rebellious!"

"Damn it, this guy is definitely a powerful person in the soul refining realm. If he doesn't die this time, he will become the leader of Emperor Wu in the six states in the future!"

"Hey, hey, if he can survive this disaster, I'm afraid that the three major departments will have a hard time in the future!"

On both sides, seeing the power of Xuanli law released by Wuchen, the masters of all the major forces around the scene and the masters of all the monster kings all swallowed their saliva. All the people's eyes looking at the traceless figure were full of admiration and shock, without the condescending manner of looking down on the younger generation in the past."Ouch!" A dragon's chant resounds between heaven and earth, and the five claws with different colors under the belly of the little earth dragon perched on the body shape of traceless release the Qi and power of Xuanli of various attributes. Its body shape and posture are rapidly enlarged, and the whole person of traceless is completely protected in its body shape.

Boom, boom, boom

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With the sound of earth shaking thunder and dark thunder, a hand of dark and terrible hand, from the bottom to the top, speeds up and falls down from the sky, facing down to be ready for the fight. The body of no trace who is ready for the fight will be killed.


Dozens of black waves carrying lightning, leimang first came down, heavy bombardment in the most peripheral screen above. The hand of the dark giant hand, with the momentum of destruction, followed, and with a single blow, it accurately oppressed and bombarded the shaky screen of stars.

Boom, boom, boom

With a deafening roar of terror, the void within the confinement space suddenly vibrated and swayed. However, the star screen, which could resist the powerful of the upper level of emperor Wuhuang in the soul realm, turned into stars and light spots at the moment when it was knocked down by the palm of the dark hand. It was engulfed and drowned by the power and shadow of the dark thunder and lightning around, and disappeared into nothingness in the court< br>

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