Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 967: 967

After several days in a row, the six states once again swept up a powerful news. Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Academy who was trapped in the forbidden area of Penglai Fairy Island that day, got out of the difficulty a few days ago.

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At the same time, the eight monster kings openly happened together and declared Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, as the son of their demon beasts. If anyone dares to fight against the son, he will be the enemy of his monsters.

In addition, there are strong people from all sides who claim to have seen the legendary enchanting soul refining realm that Emperor Wu was able to cross the clouds of robbery. It is said that Hua Buyu, the eldest disciple of the Academy, caused the resonance between heaven and earth when he released the emperor's realm.

It is unknown whether huabuyu, the eldest disciple of the Academy, succeeded in the robbery. However, huabuyu's success caused the emperor's will, but it was passed on by various forces in the six states.

For a moment, Hua Buyu, the eldest disciple of the Sutra collection Pavilion of the Academy, went over the topic of the robbery of the soul refining Empire, and suddenly overtook the news that Wu Chen had become the son of all the demons and beasts. Now the attitude of all the powerful people in all fields is a wait-and-see attitude, and they all send people to inquire about it. They want to know whether Hua Buyu, the elder brother of the Sutra Pavilion master in the Academy, has really broken through the shackles of the soul melting realm and become the legendary soul melting realm of Emperor Wu. Today, the most frightening forces are the sword Pavilion, the array treasure house, the stiff evil way and the three major forces. Originally, it was thought that killing Liu Wuchen, the sixth disciple of the Academy, would deter the Sutra Pavilion of the academy and set an example to others. But who would have thought that it would never die.

Moreover, if Hua Buyu, the first disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, succeeds in the robbery, the three major schools will surely be slaughtered. If Hua Buyu, the first disciple of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy, fails in the robbery, the three major schools may have a chance to fight back against the encirclement.

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As a result, the leaders of the three major sects have all quickly mobilized all the powerful members under their command in recent years. Moreover, the leaders of the three major sects have gone out in person and lobbied with the other major sects one after another.


Tianyunzong, one of the eight sects in Wanshan group, ascended the sky ladder, and the empty shadows glittering with gilded light flew by in a flash. On the ladder, which symbolizes the front of Tianyun sect, there are countless strong figures in a moment. All these strong figures rise up in unison, turning into terrible streamers and flying shadows, running to the direction where dozens of shadows have disappeared.

Boom, boom, boom

The terrible roar of earth shaking and mountain shaking resounded deafening on Tianyun zongneimen square. The powerful men of the inner gate of the ninth hall rushed out, and the great power of Tianyun sect's mountain protection spread quickly, enveloping the golden light and shadow of dozens of huge bodies, completely exposing the eyes of the powerful men of Tianyun sect.

"Who dares to intrude into tianyunzong so rudely?" With an angry rebuke, the main hall masters of the inner gate all stepped out, and the strong ones of the inner gate all came close to each other. In the distance, the leaders of the outer gate all flew in with the elders of the outer gate, and looked at the ten golden shadows in the mountain protection array.

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"Suddenly A white mist rose, and the light shield of the mountain protection array, which had just been laid down, quickly began to flicker again. Then he saw that the mountain protection array, which was the most proud of tianyunzong, turned into nothingness and laxity on the spot, which shocked the masters of the great saints' halls and the strong members of tianyunzong.

Brush, brush, brush

Dozens of golden rays came up, and the terrible smell of monsters filled the air. The white green fog slowly disappeared, and the shadowy figure immediately fell in the eyes of the strong men of tianyunzong.

"Ah, big monster, it's big monster

"No, isn't that Lord?"

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"Eh, there's also the master of the Zhen temple!"

"Damn, isn't that elder martial brother no trace?"

"Wow, that old man is the master of the Sutra collection Pavilion in the Academy, brother Hua Buyu?"

A voice of rapid exclamation, Qi Shushu in Tianyun zongneimen Temple Square resounded. As the dozens of golden winged Dapeng regained their human form, the figures of Wuchen and zhugeshan people, the leader of Tianyun sect, also appeared in the eyes of the public.

"Whoosh!" A remnant shadow disappeared like a ghost. The elder master Hua Buyu, who had no trace and once again turned into an old man, disappeared in the same place and rushed to the location of the Sutra Pavilion of the Academy.

"Eh, what's the matter with Wu Chen? How can he run so fast without saying hello to my teacher?" Li Qiufeng, the leader of the outer door danmen hall, was full of unhappiness on his face. He looked at the shadow that dissipated the nothingness and spoke with complacency.

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"Hey, I know you have a baby apprentice, but you don't have to remind us all the time." Hua Ti Tang, the leader of the outer medicine refining hall, has a smile in his eyes. He speaks to Li Qiufeng, who is elated beside him. He chokes back with disdain."Cough, it's all gone. This is a noble guest of the king of golden winged Mirs. Don't lose your courtesy when you wait!" Zhen Shengcai, the old master of the astrology hall, waved his hand gently and motioned to a group of tianyunzong strongmen around him.

As you can see, the nine temples in the inner gate and the 18 strong elders in the outer gate all gave a deep salute to Zhuge mountain people, the leader of Tianyun sect, and then Qi Shushu returned to their respective temples and Tangkou forces.

"Everyone, I've been working hard all the way. Please follow me to the temple for a talk..." the leader of Tianyun sect, Zhuge mountain people, looked at the leader of the golden winged Dapeng royal family and the old ape king of the golden giant ape royal family, and invited each other with great hospitality.

"Ha ha, master Zhuge, you're welcome. It's our duty to protect Shengzi. Now that the son has returned safely, we have to go back to our respective territory to order the strong in the clan, in case someone raids against the son! " The old ape king of the golden giant ape clan laughed and waved his hand to zhugeshan people, the leader of Tianyun clan, to block the way.

"If you have a chance, it's not too late to talk about it again." An extremely rebellious and arrogant remark came out of the mouth of the king of the golden winged Mirs. Immediately, his body quickly rose up into the sky. Unexpectedly, he took dozens of the strong men of the king of the golden winged Mirs under his command and turned them into the real body state. Flying towards the Lord of the void in the distance, Linchong disappeared.

"Damn, you old bastard, you take me with you!" A roar of indignation came from the mouth of the old ape king of the golden giant ape family. Then, the old ape king of the golden giant ape king family bows his hands to zhugeshan people, the leader of Tianyun sect, and then flies away from the influence of Tianyun sect< br>

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