Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 992: 992

Boom, boom, boom

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A series of roars resounded through the city of falling demons. The three bodies fell back like broken kites, and the fight ended. The three one winged top cultivation demons were defeated in an all-round way. Then, he saw the three strong two winged demons standing in the same place coldly, glancing at all the powerful demons in the field. Then, dozens of powerful demons from the three major families rushed up, and all at once resisted the three one winged demons who were seriously injured and couldn't stand on the ground.

"Ha ha, since you sincerely take refuge in the temple, you are against the Lord demon! As the family power led by the demon lord, we naturally want to kill all of you traitors... "Yu Changying, the head of the Yu family, sneered coldly. The three wings of the demon feather behind him trembled at the same time, and an inexplicable evil spirit immediately enveloped the Statue Square of the demon God. At the same time, One of them was seriously injured and fell to the ground. The strong one of them suddenly soared into the air, as if out of control, and flew straight to the body position of Yu Changying, the head of the Yu family.

"Ah A shrill scream resounded through the sky. In the void full of blood and cruelty, countless black wings and feathers flashed in vain. These feathers all contained the meaning of the law of cruelty and cruelty. They flashed by like an invincible steel knife, All of them penetrated the body of the strong one of the demons in the field, whose body was not controlled.

Poop, poop, poop, poop

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Black light streamed through the body of the one winged demon man. It was as easy as cutting tofu with a knife. After hovering over the void, the feathers of those magic wings flying in the semi suspended air turned into black awns again and flew back to one of the three pairs of dark wings after Yu Changying, the head of the Yu family.

"Suddenly Half hanging in the air, the dark blood was scattered wantonly, and a violent and bloody evil spirit was vaporized into a black light. As soon as it flew out, it flew directly into the body of Yu Changying, the head of the Yu family. Yu Changying, the head of the Yu family, had a wicked smile on his face, as if he had eaten some delicious food, and his bleeding red tongue licked his lips strangely.

Gulu, Gulu

With a single blow, the magic wing turns into a magic feather. Ten thousand feathers pierce the heart. A strong man of one wing's peak cultivation realm dies on the spot, and is deprived of the power of magic by Yu Changying, the leader of the Yu family. All the strong men of heaven on the statue square of the magic God around them tremble, and their faces are extremely ugly, There was a chill of fear in all of us.

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"Hey, brother Yu, you are good at means. In that case, this one belongs to me!" To see the master of the Yu family succeed, the master of the Luo family, the land tiger, flashed a brilliant light in his eyes. At the same time, with the master's voice coming out, a virtual shadow of the beast, which was transformed by the black evil spirit, flew out of the master's body without any sign.

"Don't, don't kill me, I, I would like to submit to your three families..." the one winged demon man who was targeted was full of fear in his eyes. He began to cry for mercy.

"Roar!" A roar like a tiger burst out in the square of the statue of the demon God. The virtual shadow of the demon beast, which was transformed by the evil spirit, broke the defense of the evil spirit protected by the one winged demon man. Like a ghost, he threw his head on his body. Then he saw a blur of blood and flesh, The black blood splashed around like money.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

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There was a rapid sound of footsteps, and all the demons on the scene were retreating. All the demons, including the three families, had a strange look on their faces. The muscles on each face seemed to twitch and spasm. Looking at the scene of the peak cultivation realm of Yi Yi, which was full of flesh and blood and had no fighting power, all of them could not help but take a cold breath and swallow their saliva.

"Roar!" There was another roar, and the sound of roaring came from all over the world. The evil beast's shadow flashed back. The owner of the family, Luo Dihu, enjoyed it very much and turned his mouth. The continuous evil spirit of killing and abusing flew into his body. The dark and shining wings of the three winged devil behind him were a little more dark and bright than before.

"Damn, this demon family is too overbearing. It's just reckless!" No trace looked at the two one wing peak cultivation realm demons in front of him. Both of them died on the spot. His calm mood was also shocked. Obviously, compared with the human martial arts world's etiquette, face, reputation, and a series of enlightenment constraints, even if someone is so cruel, its performance and practice will not be so simple and rough, while the performance of the demon clan is more simple and direct, the obedient will prosper, the rebellious will perish, and the weak will eat by force. Whoever has a big fist can easily control the life and death of others, This is the real cruel and most appropriate aspect of the martial arts world."Ha ha, heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are the cud dogs..." the rough voice of demon zunhuoxiao resounded again, making the traceless and gloomy face even more ugly. Looking at the panic stricken demons all around, Wuchen had an illusion for the first time. Perhaps, the three family owners didn't care about the death of their offspring, and they didn't really want to find out the real culprit. Instead, they provided a reasonable excuse for them to enhance their magic power, I'll take care of the little one left! " Feng Tianba, the master of Feng's family, gave a cold smile, and the evil spirit on his body immediately ran to the only remaining one wing peak cultivation realm in the field. The devil's body was shrouded and locked away.

"Cough, I, I know the clue, the clue about the murder of the children of your three families, don't kill me, I'll tell you..." I felt the spirit of killing and abusing demons, and the strong one of Yiyi's highest cultivation realm was at a loss on the spot, and his panic face was full of panic and confusion, In a hurry, he asked Feng Tianba for mercy.

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"Give you a chance to say..." Feng Tianba, the head of the Feng family, suddenly sank and raised his right hand. On the opposite ground, the figure of the one who was strong in the realm of cultivating a demon at the top of his wing soared into the air. The whole person is like being held in the palm of one's hand. No matter how hard he struggles and wriggles, he can't get rid of the shackles and imprisonment of the evil spirit around him.

"Keke, Qinyin, it's Qinyin. I passed by due north of the city before, and I heard the strange magical Qinyin. In addition to the time and place where your family children were killed, I guess their death must have something to do with the magical Qinyin. Maybe the other party is Qinyin demon Xiu who is good at long melody, Or maybe some of their demons are musical demons... "In the middle of panic, the powerful one of Yiyi's highest cultivation realm quickly opened his mouth to analyze and tell, while the three heads of the three opposite families all frowned slightly, and the three quickly looked at each other. They didn't know what they were secretly talking about.

"Hoo At the same time, it is said that the big stone hanging on the heart of all the powerful demons is slowly relaxed and put down. It seems that the focus of the next search has little to do with myself.

After all, the demon soul of Qin music is a rare existence in the land of demons. Most of the demons on the scene have never even seen it. Since the fierce beast can be a demon master of Qin music, it's probably related to the demon cutting hall< br>

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