Eternal Demon Sovereign

Chapter 994: 994

On the restless Statue Square, the atmosphere becomes strange and peaceful. In the following process of prying, there are still a small number of demons with different identities. However, the attitude of many powerful demons was more peaceful than before, and there was no such large-scale riot and turmoil.

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Soon, all the demons on the magic square have accepted the interrogation and training one by one. Moreover, the three families have tried their best not to investigate and deal with the murderers who murdered their three families' children. Even the people who claimed to be traitors attacking the demon palace were not investigated.

The most puzzling and puzzling thing for Wu trace is that in the process of peeping and checking through the magic mirror, the two people, Jialuo and Jialou, are as easy to deal with as if nothing had happened. Both of them have also peeped into the magic mirror, but they still have a brand-new air and momentum of a powerful demon man. However, they have reached the true cultivation level of the two winged demon man, but they have not exposed and leaked at all.

"Eh, old demon, I've experienced the power of the peeping glass myself. I'm afraid I would have been exposed at this moment if it hadn't been suppressed by the eternal Heaven and earth decisive skill! But you said that how could they have nothing to do with each other? It seems that they are very strange! "

"Hey, hey, I just paid special attention to these two demons. There are some other demons in the field. When they peep through the magic mirror to see their true cultivation, they seem to have some kind of spiritual power on them. Perhaps it was the strange fluctuation of the treasure breath that helped them escape the disaster Demon zunhuoxiao ponders for a moment, and then tells Wu trace what he just noticed.

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"Ha ha, so it's not only the two of them who have urged some kind of treasure, but also some people who use treasure to resist the peep of the peep mirror like them With a faint smile, Wu trace secretly takes his eyes and sweeps them into the distance. He just evades the investigation and inquiry. If he is released again, Jia Lou and Jia Luo take a look. Then he pretended to look away as if nothing had happened, and continued to wait patiently for the end of the next examination and questioning.

At the same time, the inquiry continued in an orderly way. It took half an hour for the three major family forces to make a thorough inquiry of all the powerful demons in the Statue Square. Similarly, in addition to those who had some differences in identity and realm before, most of the remaining strong demons escaped the interrogation and interrogation.

"Master, there is nothing suspicious about other people except these demons!" In the field, the three two winged demons who led the investigation quickly came back one after another and told the three family heads in unison.

In the field, the previous several strong demons with dubious identities all look pale, and the evil spirit in their bodies fluctuates faintly. It is obvious that they also know that their life and death at this time are all in the words of the three family owners.

On both sides, all the powerful demons who had evaded the interrogation were relieved. Looking at the three family heads who were deeply in thought, they were all silent. No one dared to speak casually and easily upset the situation which had not been easy to calm down.

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"Ha ha, have the identities and realms of other demons been compared?" A soft voice came out, and the strong one of the three big two winged demons trembled violently. Then, the two wings demon men, who belong to the Fengjia family, quickly stepped forward, whispered and then replied: "if you return to the family leader, your identity and realm are basically true. Most of them are the children of some surrounding city families and accompanying guards. They all come here to experience the cultivation of the demon gods in our fallen demon city, In addition, there are some well-known sanxiu demons, but there are no other suspicious signs that they are related to the murder of the young master! "

"Hum!" A cold hum came from the mouth of Feng Tianba. All the powerful demons in Fengjia's family were shocked, and a dignified atmosphere came to all the powerful demons in Fengjia's family.

"Well, let's get to the point!" Another extremely impatient cold hum came out from the fengjiazhu's mouth. Feng Tianba, the master of the Feng family, was full of murderous and abusive spirit. He was so scared that the two winged demon strongman, who was telling the truth, was even more shocked.

"Report back to the master, except for a few people who are the legitimate children of other city families, other people in the demon world are not afraid!"

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"Ha ha, in that case, please come out of those families Feng's master Feng Tianba's face was covered with a cruel smile, and he said quietly to the two winged devil who was frightened in front of him.

"Yes, sir Another secret message came out, and the two winged devil turned quickly back to the ranks of the three family forces to check the devil. Then, the other two families led the two two winged devil strongmen to return one after another. The three three two winged devil strongmen looked at each other one after another and saw a strange color from each other's eyes."You, you, you, and you, all of you, come to me!" As the three big two wing demons spoke together, dozens of demons in the field were quickly stepped out from the ranks of the demons who had been inquired about clearly. All of these demons' faces were full of displeasure, which obviously suppressed their anger.

However, soon, under the leadership of several powerful demons from one side of the three major family forces, they separated from the surrounding blockaded crowd, strode towards the far-off fall demon city and left.

"Hey, why can they leave and leave us here?"

"Ha ha, why can they leave at the first time. Is it because they are the children of the demons' families in other cities? You three families in the fallen demons' city don't pay attention to the rest of us

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"Ha ha, are you three masters, you are here for tea?"

Through the examination and inquiry just now, many of the strong demons on the scene noticed the identity and realm of the people around them. The strong demons who were released were obviously the legitimate children of the big families in other cities. Therefore, their departure directly led to the collective dissatisfaction of the strong demons who had been suppressed for a long time.

All the indignation in the hearts of the people is vented at this moment. As the saying goes, the law does not blame the public. Whenever a demon man asks questions, all the demons in the hearts of these outlaws and unrestrained demons burst out in an instant. And Jialuo and Jialou are also mixed up at this time, occasionally inserting a sentence or two to fish in troubled waters.

On both sides, no trace hid in the ranks of a group of demon servants, silently observing the movements and behaviors of the demons around. Meanwhile, those Tianmo clansmen in the rear who had no accomplishments were all pale with fright. They were all rolled up together and did not dare to breathe. They were afraid that one of them might disturb the powerful demons in the presence and lead to the disaster of destroying the top< br>

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