Eternal Life

Chapter 37

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 37

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Cultivate How You Want

Fang Qing Xue let out a cold sound, the temperature around her dropping, the air beginning to freeze. Although it wasn’t the kind of freeze created by Hua Tian Dou’s ‘Profound Dark Sky Freezing Energy’, it still gave people’s spirit the feeling as if they were in a great snow storm.

Under the glare of this first lady, a true disciple, an expert of the Divine Realm, Fang Han felt like he was in a trance, as if he were standing outside in the frozen earth completely nude. The profound cold qi pierced into his bones, his spirit, and the depths of his mind, affecting even his thoughts.

“‘Primary Spiritual Technique’!”

Under these conditions, Fang Han had hurriedly used the Yu’hua School’s spiritual repression method. Within his mind’s ‘Heavenly Gate’, an old, simple, grainy Divine Gate vaguely appeared.

Immediately, his entire body’s qi and blood circulation rushed towards the mind’s ‘Heavenly Gate’, and the illusion was dispersed. The world around him returned to reality.

“Wah? You have cultivated the ‘Primary Spiritual Technique’, and can use your qi and blood to stimulate your mind, overwhelm an illusion, and repress your spirit. Only inner court disciples can learn this skill, Crane Fairy must have taught you, right. You can actually disperse my slight spiritual illusion, you must only be one step away from the ‘Spiritual Expert’ level. Such as fast cultivation speed, forget the Fang Clan, not even a few of the Yu’hua School outer court disciples can compare with you,” said Fang Qing Xue calmly.

In her statements just now, she had infused a wisp of spiritual oppression technique. She truly never would have thought that Fang Han would be able to recover so quickly and not be oppressed. This showcased the fact that Fang Han’s cultivation was very quickly about to reach the ninth level of the Mortal Realm, ‘Spiritual Expert’.

This made her even more surprised, because this cultivation speed, although it couldn’t be considered unprecedented, it was still outstanding.

“I still have to continue cultivating. I came to the Han’hai Desert to behead some desert bandit chieftains and enter the quota for the next inner court disciple selection tournament,” replied Fang Han, licking his lips.

Just now, he had boldly called her senior sister to change topics and diverge her attention. Otherwise, if Fang Qing Xue asked him about other things, his secret would easily be revealed.

While others didn’t know about the treasure he had on his body, Fang Qing Xue would definitely be able to easily guess it because she was the one who had killed Bai Hai Chen. Although Fang Qing Xue punished him for calling her senior sister, it was much better than her killing him after finding out that he had the ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ on his body.

“Go to the Blue Moon City. There are a lot of outer court disciples there,” said Fang Qing Xue to Hong Yi, not acknowledging Fang Han.

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“Yes, senior sister.”

Hong Yi looked at Fang Han, but didn’t dare go against Fang Qing Xue’s orders. Body flashing, she used the ‘Vertical Surging Land Technique’, and as fast as a horse, surged into the distance.

After she left, Fang Qing Xue stared at Fang Han for a while, completely silent, wisps of purple lightning flashing in her eyes. There was no clue what was going through her mind.

Fang Han, looking into her eyes, was rather scared. He had no idea how Fang Qing Xue was feeling right now, and couldn’t predict what she was about to do.

The ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’s dragon gave off no wisps of qi, and seemed to be completely hidden, nonexistent.

This dragon spoke so impressively, bragging so much about himself and how immortals all fought him, yet right now, we have met a Divine Realm expert and he has hidden himself away. Just how far has he fallen? secretly thought Fang Han.

“Senior sister, what kind of senior sister,” Fang Qing Xue stared at Fang Han for quite a while, pacing back and forth across the sand, and then suddenly opened her mouth, causing Fang Han to jump in shock, cold sweat appearing on his body, “It seems your cultivation has risen sharply, and your confidence with it. A small, powerless servant was able to, in such short time, break through the shackles of his heart. It is too rare for my Fang Clan to produce such a genius whose future has no limit. What I was most afraid of was for such a talent to still have the shackles of servility in his heart. This kind of person has no way succeed. You calling me senior sister has shown me that you have broken the shackles in your heart, and that you have great courage. Your future accomplishments will definitely not be minor. I will definitely remember you.”

Fang Han, as he watched Fang Qing Xue, never thought that this merciless first lady would not only not punish him, but praise him instead. This was something he never had anticipated.

In his heart, a strand of confidence appeared.

Fang Qing Xue’s acceptance to remember someone was very hard to receive. It showed that Fang Han had now shown that he had the qualification to be remembered.

“What senior sister says is correct,” at this time, Fang Han understood the thoughts of Fang Qing Xue, and immediately began speaking what was on his mind, “That’s right, senior sister, the person you tried to kill just now, it seemed as if that was ‘Sky Wolf Little Master’ Wang Mo Lin? Crane Fairy and I encountered him once in the outskirts of Yu’hua Mountain.”

During the conversation, he brought up his encounter with the ‘Sky Wolf Seven Evil Spirits’, omitting the part where the ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ sealed a part of the poisonous smoke. He changed that part lying that the smoke retreated once he reentered the Yu’hua Mountain.

He brought this up to change the subject once again, just in case Fang Qing Xue was to ask him again about how he cultivated so quickly.

“Eh? Wang Mo Lin dared to show up on the outskirts of Yu’hua Mountain?” Sure enough, Fang Qing Xue’s attention was diverted by this story. Lost in thought, she said, “Just now when I tried to kill Wang Mo Lin, he was able to flee into the underground river. Someone helped him, leaving me with many questions.”

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After thinking for a while and seemingly coming up with a resolution, Fang Qing Xue stated again, “Your cultivation is progressing so quickly, and you are about to become an inner court disciples. Within the Fang Clan, your status should not be servant. However, you are still at the ‘Godly Bravery’ level, which is not that rare. I have some slivers of curiosity towards you though. I want to find out what the reason is for why you cultivate so quickly, by leaps and bounds. Luckily, I need to do something, so you should come along. Upon arriving, I’ll let you cultivate in peace. If within this short period of time you are able to cultivate to the ‘Godly Transformation’ level, I will return to the clan and convince father to make you a child of the clan. From then on, you will be a true member of the Fang Clan.”

Hearing this, Fang Han’s heart trembled with fear. He knew that Fang Qing Xue still held some doubts towards him. By having him cultivate under her eyes, he knew that with Fang Qing Xue’s Divine Power and eyesight, the opportunities for her to discover his secrets would increase greatly. However this offer was something he couldn’t refuse.

If he rejected the offer, he would probably be killed on the spot.

“I wonder what senior sister is doing. Where will I cultivate?” quietly asked Fang Han, showing a hint of calmness.

“I need to travel to the ‘Underground Abyss’ and kill some people. Originally I would have gone alone, but since you are a member of my Fang Clan and cultivate so quickly, I will bring you along and let you fight against underground Demons and Devils. You will help me take care of the minor problems.”

During her reply, two ‘Yin Yang Purple Lightning Snakes’ appeared by her side. Fang Qing Xue sat cross-legged on the head of one. “You will sit on the head of the other one.”

Fang Han heard, and quickly sat on the other one. He immediately felt very steady. The purple lightning snake’s head had a faint suction power, and had suctioned him in place. No matter what, he couldn’t fall off. His surroundings also had the current of purple lightning, blocking the flow of the wind and keeping him comfortable.

“Senior sister, what kind of power is this?” asked Fang Han, deliberately exploring.

“This is a ‘Yin Yang Purple Lightning Snake’, a spirit created by molding my power. It has infinite power,” said Fang Qing Xue, quite emotionless, “You do not need to ask so many questions right now, this is something you only need to worry about upon entering the Divine Realm.”

“The Divine Realm… the Divine Realm,” murmured Fang Han.

[TL: The … isn’t there in the raw, in fact there is no punctuation at all, which is weird, so I added it.]

“If you are able to cultivate to the Divine Realm, I will have Fang Wei marry you.” Fang Qing Xue closed her eyes, casually speaking, her voice still devoid of any emotions. Afterwards, she patted the snake’s head, “Let’s go.”

Two loud, dragon-like hisses were heard in response.

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These two ‘Yin Yang Purple Lightning Snakes’ flew into the sky, straight into the clouds. Immediately, the wind began to gust, the clouds billowing. The cold air was oppressive, the wind like a knife. Fang Han had never been above the clouds before. Looking down towards the earth, he couldn’t see anything, it was as if he had reached the heavens.

The ‘Yin Yang Purple Lightning Snakes’ flew through the skies like two purple dragons, piercing through the clouds, able to see the head but not the tail.

This lady is too formidable. She has a Devil’s Path Divine Power of the Xian’tian Devil Sect as well as an Immortal Path’s Power of the Yu’hua School. These two Yin Yang snakes are the product of the combination of the two, Immortal and Devil become one. When cultivating in front of her, you must be extremely careful, any misstep, and she will find out, thought Fang Han. Suddenly, from depths of his heart, a sound came out, it was the dragon spirit which had awoken once again.

How are you going to be cautious?

Truthfully, Fang Han had no control over whether or not Fang Qing Xue would find out.

When the time comes, I will teach you. Now then, don’t talk for a while. When sitting on the ‘Yin Yang Purple Lightning Snake’, it is very easy for her to detect, said the dragon, quieting down.

That’s right, what should I call you? asked Fang Han. He still didn’t know its name.

I am called Yan. Just that one character.

Yan, Fang Han let the character sink in. Afterwards, Yan did truly quiet down, the ‘Picture of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ seemingly melding into Fang Han’s flesh and skin.

“Ok, we have arrived, let us get off.”

Fang Qing Xue’s voice once again emanated over. Fang Han hurriedly looked over and saw that Fang Qing Xue had stood up and begun looking downwards as the two snakes dropped out of the sky towards the ground like two arrows shooting out of the clouds.

Fang Han only amid the boundless yellow sand there suddenly appeared a huge crevice which seemingly split the earth apart from the center. The inside of the crevice was pitch black and devoid of any shadows, minus the occasional group of bats flying around. It seemed that this deep crevice was a bat nest.

“Shua shua shua!”
The purple lightning snakes, carrying Fang Han and Fang Qing Xue, rushed into this crevice. Indeed! Countless bats flew out from the crevice, covering the sky like locusts.

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“These bats…”

At this time, Fang Han realized that each of these bats were about as large as a fan, their teeth sharp as knives, and their eyes bloody – they were in fact vampire bats!

[TL: The fan is specifically a 蒲扇,]

However, these vampire bats, upon arriving within three zhang of the purple lightning snakes, would suddenly fall as if they had been shocked, screaming, their entire bodies charred.

The snakes continued rushing downwards, the bats which were shocked dead falling like rain with them. Who knows how many died.

“Hu hu!”

Suddenly, the snakes landed on the ground. Fang Han saw himself land within a hillside.

Looking into the distance, the hillside seemed boundless like a plain. This was the Underground World.

“This is the world of the Underground Abyss. Numerous numbers of Demons and Devils live here, Yasha, ferocious beasts, etc. We shall walk from here to the Altar of the Demon God. If we fly, the flashing of purple lightning will easily arouse his suspicions,” said Fang Qing Xue.

“The Altar of the Demon God?” asked Fang Han uncertainly.

“Wang Mo Lin was severely injured by me. He must have returned to the Altar of the Demon God to recover. Naturally, I want to kill him. At the same time, the Altar of the Demon God is the campsite of other Underground Devil leaders. Among them, there is a Shura Great General. Once he falls, the Devil army will collapse.”

As Fang Qing Xue spoke, the purple lightning snakes dispersed into strands of purple lightning and entered her body as she walked forward.

Fang Han could only follow behind her, entering into the depths of the Underground, the land of darkness.

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