Eternal Life

Chapter 44

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 44

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The ‘Demon God Statue’ atop the ‘Demon God’s Altar’ suddenly underwent a drastic change, emitting a heaven shaking, earth covering Demon qi.

The ‘Shura’ that was originally intent on capturing Fang Han seemingly gave up on that idea, and suddenly aimed for the kill, its entire body turning into a blur due to its absolutely matchless speed. Sharp winds came at Fang Han from all sides, shrouding him and creating a fierce whirlwind, one almost as suffocating as a tornado.

Fang Han was completely surrounded by the powerful winds and their furious gusts. During this moment, his eyes were still closed, and his ears were ringing. Facing the ‘Shura’s attack, Fang Han was completely blind and deaf.

This was the true strength of the ‘Shura’. Compared with earlier, it was twice was fast.

In the previous exchanges, the ‘Shura’ had still been toying with Fang Han.

At this moment, Fang Han finally understood the power of thirteen horses condensed into one body, and just how powerful, just how heaven-shocking earth-shaking it was. The air pressure constantly tremored and exploded, stinging his body. Fang Han had no idea where he could dodge.

This is a technique of the Devil Path, ‘Sharp Killing Strikes, The Wind Devil Kills’!

At this time, Yan let out a shrill cry directed at Fang Han’s mind. ‘Shua’! In his mind, Fang Han felt Yan’s shadow appear. Yan opened its mouth and spit, suddenly letting out a ball of light. This ball of light seemed to be an eternal aurora, illuminating the entirety of the darkness covering his mind

His spirit extremely penetrating, his mind illuminated, Fang Han opened his eyes, and it seemed as if the ‘Shura’s actions slowed by a lot. Its claws moved inch by inch, striking at his face.

‘Seven Star Step’!

‘Big Dipper Kick’!

Fang Han didn’t hesitate, his body flashing. His hands, feet, back, waist, hip, arm, shoulder, and neck all moved together, like seven unbroken stars, flashing to the ‘Shura’s right side. Exerting force in his feet, a continuous series of shadow kicks powerfully hit the immense ‘Shura’.

Surprisingly, the ‘Shura’s body, after being kicked, convulsed, emitting a powerful energy which caused Fang Han to fall to the ground.

When Fang Han hit the ground, his back bent, and a single palm and both feet slapped the ground. ‘Peng peng peng’! Borrowing the force of the slaps, Fang Han, like a centipede climbing a tree, shot back up, the sword in his hand pointing at the ‘Shura’s eyes.

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[TL: Interesting comparison to a centipede there]

“You were actually able to react! Considering your spirit, there is no way you should have been able to react!” Surprise flashed on the ‘Shura’s face as it used both hands to grab the incoming magic sword.

‘Yellow Spring Strength’!

Yan’s sound once again resonated through Fang Han’s mind.

At this time, three yellow streams of qi suddenly appeared on the outer layer of the magic sword. These three yellow streams of qi were like winding dragons, vigorous and powerful. They coiled together, forming a knot, and providing the magic sword with external support. Thus, when the ‘Shura’s grabbed the sword, it was surprisingly shocked off.

Is this the dragon’s mana?

Fang Han’s sword burst free of the ‘Shura’s claws, and immediately upon his skin, he too felt the pulsing current of yellow qi, as if a dragon was winding around his body and intertwining with his muscles, giving him inexhaustible strength.

If Fang Han had the power of five horses before, then currently, with the support of the streams of yellow qi, he had more than three times that power. Furthermore, his mind was illuminated by Yan’s mana, causing his reaction speed and sensitivity to double as well.

The ‘Blood Cotton Devil Clothes’, Fang Han knew, could be penetrated by the power of seven horses. Compare to those clothes, these streams of yellow qi were much more powerful.

“Mana! This is mana!”

After its claws were shocked off, the ‘Shura’ was immediately able to see that it was mana. It completely couldn’t understand why Fang Han was able to use mana, as only cultivators who broke through the ‘Divine Realm’ could use it.

Flesh had its limits, mana was limitless! The ‘Divine Realm’ was limitless!


Fang Han didn’t hear what the ‘Shura’ had said, as his sword, like a strike of lightning, beheaded the ‘Shura’. The sword sliced so quickly that it had cut through the air and formed a transient vacuum.

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‘Yellow Springs Earth Net’, Yan’s voice changed, and the yellow mana abruptly split, turning into a great spiderweb-looking net. It immediately bound around the ‘Shura’s body, to the point where it couldn’t even roar.

“‘Yellow Springs Earth Net’! What kind of person are you? Just what kind of person are you!”

The ‘Shura’s body expanded, the handsome face expressing extreme shock, as if it had just seen a true Devil God.

However, Fang Han didn’t answer, and proceeded to just pierce his sword through the ‘Shura’s eye, as if he was crushing a solid ruby, all the way through its brain.

Afterwards, a strand of the ‘Yellow Springs Net’, as fine as gossamer, threaded its way into the ‘Shura’ through its eye, absorbing the ‘Shura’s blood and brain.

Wonderful, wonderful! The ‘Shura’s blood is pretty much pure Yang, and its spirit is very sharp! It can be refined into a greatly nourishing ‘Blood Pellet’! As Yan spoke happily, a ‘Blood Pellet’ about the size of a bowl condensed within the holy ‘Yellow Spring River’. The pellet’s bloodiness lustered like jade.

[TL: It’s a specific kind of bowl, but I don’t think there is an English version of it.

The quality of this ‘Blood Pellet’ is at least ten times greater than the ‘Blood Pellets’ that were just condensed. With just a glance one can tell it is a great nourishing medicine, able to make up blood and strengthen bones.

It finally died! The ‘Shura’ was actually killed by me! The feeling of using mana, it really is wonderful! Fang Han sheathed his sword and backed away, his mind pondering the thrilling fight just now. Through this battle, he had further understood his own techniques.

On the path of cultivation, he had once again advanced another solid step.

[TL: Just a note since the translation is awkward here since I chose to literally translate Dao as path. Here it specifically states dao path but since dao is translated as path in other places (Immortal and Devil Paths, etc.) I left it out]

This is my mana, not your own. It is unable to complement your flesh. If you are able to cultivate to the ‘Divine Realm’, then it will be even godlier when you use mana.

Yan withdrew his mana, I am currently the equivalent of a ‘Divine Realm’ second level cultivator, ‘Natural Strength’. You must give me Pure Yang treasures to consume! Look over there! Fang Qing Xue is actually trading blows with the ‘Demon God Manifestation’. This woman is too fierce! If she falls, then we are doomed as well!

Fang Han quickly shifted his eyes to look at the distant plains.

Above the underground plain, Demonic Qi diffused; dense dark Demonic Qi billowed and dispersed everywhere, sometimes condensing into a Devil knife, sometimes condensing into a Devil beast – various strange, extremely ferocious shapes.

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Fang Qing Xue’s body was completely surrounded by her two ‘Purple Electric Snakes’, which, like lightning gods, dispelled the Demonic Qi.

“Ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha! Yu’hua School disciple, so brave! You dare to destroy my statue.” Suddenly, the entire sky full of Demonic clouds began to violently condense towards the middle, condensing into a single entity.

This tall entity wore black clothes, and had a posture approaching that of a handsome man. Black and purple hair fluttered with the wind, its two eyes seemingly able to charm and suck the soul right out of someone.

This is the sovereign Demon God of the five Demon Gods of the Demon Path’s manifested body!

Once the ‘Demon God’ appeared, Fang Han felt his heart become extremely uncomfortable, almost to the point where he kneeled down and prostrated himself on the ground and stuck his head into the ground like an ostrich which cared about its head but not its tail.

“‘Demon God’! The ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’ that you planted has fallen into my hand. Can it be that you are going to move your hand and take back this magic treasure for your junior?” Facing the ‘Demon God’s avatar, Fang Qing Xue showed no sliver of fear, her voice still ice cold, as if there was nothing beneath the heavens that could cause her to be afraid.

“Although the ‘Seven Evil Spirits Gourd’ is a treasure that I spent much effort to plant, I don’t mind that much, as the ‘Seven Devil Emperors’ and ‘Three Devil Sovereigns’ have already signed an attack and defense treaty and are about to declare war on the ‘Immortal Path’. You, a small disciple, dared to come and destroy my altar and block the Demon and Devil army. That is just looking for death. If I don’t kill you here today and let you leave, what about my face?”

The ‘Demon God’ avatar’s sound was powerful enough to flatten mountains!


Fang Han only felt the earth beneath him suddenly shake before it cracked open. The tens of li around him on the underground plain had cracked everywhere and caved in.

That voice was so powerful, it was like the vicious ocean wind, violently spreading over and causing Fang Han to cover his ears and lie firmly on the ground in order to reduce the pain by at little bit.

So powerful, as high as the sun and moon, as big as the heavens and earth. There is simply no way to contend, yet Fang Qing Xue is able to speak to it face to face. Just how strong is she? thought Fang Han in his mind. Thinking about the avatar’s strength, Fang Han felt extreme dread.

This kind of strength was something that humans just weren’t able to match.

“If that is the case, then I will seize your ‘Demon God’ face till there is none left!” Fang Qing Xue’s voice was like never melting ice and snow, her white clothes fluttering, purple electricity wound around her body. The two ‘Yin Yang Purple Lightning Snakes’ singing suddenly became more intense, and suddenly, they grew deerlike horns, their lower body growing eaglelike talons. Atop their lips, a long beard appeared, adding to their old, desolate, ancient qi.

“The two snakes became dragons! Your cultivation has reached such a stage? No wonder Ying Tian Qing, that youngling, didn’t listen to Ying Xian Tian regarding you. For the sake of your bet, he, by himself, went to Devil Illusionary Realm’s Outer Sky Territory to cultivate, disregarding his own life.” The ‘Demon God’ avatar’s eyes blinked, once again laughing, “In all fairness, you are truly one of the most outstanding Immortal Path disciples of your generation. Receive my ‘Sky Demon Swallowing Sun’!”

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During his talking, the ‘Demon God’ avatar threw out its large sleeves.

Immediately, the world became pitch black, black fog permeating everything. All of the light disappeared. Extending one’s hand, one couldn’t even see their fingers. Fang Han felt the world, the entire universe, be absorbed into the sleeve during the throw.

Heaven and Earth flipped.

Ying Xian Tian should be the Devil Sect’s Xian’tian Great Emperor! His son Devil Commander Ying Tian Qing and Fang Qing Xue have exchanged Path Techniques?Although he felt the darkness, Fang Han’s heart still beat, a mysterious mood rippling through his heart and soul.

“First day second day, one clear one muddied, dragon creating land, the passage of time, heaven and earth repeat, heart of six thieves, meaning seven injuries, break for me!” Within the eternal darkness, Fang Han could suddenly hear Fang Qing Xue’s icy voice. She seemed to be reciting a long scripture.

Crackle, crackle.

Two streams of intense purple electricity suddenly tore through the darkness, shattering the universe. A human shadow appeared in front of Fang Han, it was Fang Qing Xue.

“Senior sister!” Fang Han raised his head and saw Fang Qing Xue in front of him, still surrounded by dense darkness on all sides. However, the purple electricity by her side managed to disperse a large portion of it.

The difference was that Fang Qing Xue’s face was pale, her snow white clothes stained everywhere with blood, seemingly like fallen peach buds.

However, her body stood upright. It seemed as if there was no Demonic magic that could break her will. Fang Han could feel the sharpness of the qi force exuding from Fang Qing Xue, sharp enough to pierce through the heavens, and couldn’t help but shiver.

“I have temporarily created a slit in the ‘Demon Fog’! I am taking you away! And right now!” As soon as she saw Fang Han, Fang Qing Xue immediately grabbed him, afterwards noticing the dead ‘Shura’. “You killed the ‘Shura’?” Fang Qing Xue seemed shocked, her eyes penetrating through Fang Han. “Do you have anything on your body? Let me see!”
As she spoke, her fingers sliced through the air.


Fang Han’s magic clothes, along with his underwear, all separated. His naked upper body all appeared in front of Fang Qing Xue.

Chapter 44: Exposed!

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