Eternal Life

Chapter 7

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 7

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Firm yet gentle


“Letting the decree wait, that isn’t good is it?” Seeing his daughter’s attitude towards the decree, Fang Ze Tao hesitated for a moment.


“No harm.” Fang Qing Xue’s beautiful face didn’t change, “I don’t want to worry about the daily lives of common people. By nature, I like tranquility, not clamor. The messenger who sent the decree, let the household deal with it. I will rest in the house for a few days and see who amongst the clan disciples have potential, and teach them. Father, do not be obsessed with power, and train more, perhaps you will have the chance to break into the Divine Realm.


“Yes.” Fang Ze Tao nodded his head. “Initially, when the decree arrived with news of your endowment, I had thought to bring the clan together and celebrate. However, you like tranquility and not clamor, so I got rid of the idea. Also, which servants do you want for your Yu’hua Immortal Mountain? Father will arrange some reliable and loyal servants for you.”


“Okay.” Fang Qing Xue slowly closed her eyes.


“The month has passed, yet there has been no sign of Bai Hai Chen. Could it be that after suffering severe injuries, he used the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’, and his injuries healed? Did he escape?”


This extremely beautiful lady was one of the strongest of the true disciples of the Yu’hua School, and had already entered the stage of pondering.


During her pondering, purple lightening faintly appeared over her head as her qi circulated, seemingly forming a crane, dragon, galloping horse, etc. spiritual things, this was obviously a sign of the Divine Realm, a very powerful stage.


“Just a little bit more, and I can break through from the third level of the Divine Realm, Yuan’gang level, to the fourth level, Yin’yang level, allowing me to train my qi to Yin’yang balance, spiritually rich. This level, is very hard to achieve. Only if one trains to spiritual qi can one reach the fifth level of the Divine Realm, Tian’ren level. The body becomes divine, pulsing in accordance with the world, able to set up all kinds of large arrays, truly wielding infinite power. Currently, within the school court, only a few elders are at the Tian’ren level. Originally, I would have received the ‘Map of the Hidden Yellow Dragon Spring’ and been able to refine it, borrowing its godly power to break through to the fifth level of the Divine Realm, and perhaps even further, forming a Divine seed, and allowing me to reach the highest phase of the Divine Realm. Alas, this plan has failed.”


In examining her own magic powers, Fang Qing Xue showed her thorough understanding of the path to becoming an Immortal.


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“Seven Star Step!”


It is once again night, currently, there are stars shooting in all directions. Fang Han is currently by the river observing the stars revolve in their orbits, the muscles in his body surging according to the motion of the stars. The river beside him surges as he takes a step forward, “Shua shua shua” seven steps, disappearing, and reappearing with the crack of a foot, the “Seven Star Step!”


“Big Dipper Kick!”

[TL: So these moves aren’t sounding any better, so we have two options, 1. I translate them literally and make them sound as normal as possible, 2. I leave them in pinyin.]

One rush, one kick, one burst!


His leg ripped through the air emitting a heart-piercing lung-ripping sound into the distance.




A tree trunk was severed in half!


“Ka’cha, ka’cha, ka’cha, ka’cha”


All in all, Fang Han kicked thirteen times. Suddenly, his entire body flew in the opposite direction of his shadow, and, like a knife, fiercely split all the surrounding trees, severing them all!


After continuously kicking fourteen trees, he wasn’t out of breath and his face wasn’t red. Holding a fist, his feet digging up sand and dirt, he used his left hand to draw a round circle and his right hand to draw a square. Finishing, he rooted his feet, sturdy like a thousand year old tree amidst the rocks, not moving.


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“Left hand drew a circle, right hand drew a square, firm yet gentle. I didn’t expect that after three nights, I would already be able to train this skill, entering the fourth level, firm yet gentle, of the Mortal Realm! Perhaps the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ blessed me with a solid foundation! It seems as if my breakthrough into the fifth realm, godly strength, is not far away!”


The medicinal powers of the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ in his heart flowed within his blood, circulating through his body. The pain that was there from kicking the trees, within a circulation, was already gone.


Within a month of this Mo’dao style trained, Fang Han had surpassed his solid foundation! Currently after three days of training styles, he had trained them to mastery. The “Seven Star Fists” “Seven Star Step” and “Big Dipper Kick” had been trained to complete mastery, and their powers were great.


The Qun’xing School’s “Seven Star Fist” didn’t have many skills, but they were all based off the movements of the stars, and very mysterious. The mysterious footwork of “Seven Star Step” and the tyrannical killing power of the “Big Dipper Kick.”


Upon Fang Han’s mastery of the two skills, he had reached the fourth level!


Those Fang Clan core disciples, in order to reach the fourth level, needed at least three to five years of hard work, and that was considered to be talented. However, Fang Han had reached the fourth level in a mere three months.


Feeling his strength growing greater day by day, Fang Han slowly walked back to his house to rest.


After sleeping about one shi’chen, during the third geng, suddenly Fang Han felt something stirring outside, then heard the knocks on his door. He quickly climbed out of bed and opened the door to find the head of the ranch.

[TL: One shi’chen is approx. two hours. During ancient china, night was divided into five gengs based off of the zodiac, here, he is woken during the third geng, which is from 11-1]


“Head, what is it? Why have you come to call me during the third geng?”


“Hurry, hurry!” The head of the ranch anxiously said. “This morning, the second lady wants to go out. You need to get Thousand Li Snow ready so she can go out whenever.”

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“She wants to go out to where?” Fang Han asked.


“Why are you asking about the business of the master? We are servants who just do what we are told. Do you want to taste the second lady’s whip again?” the head scolded as he urgently walked into the distance.


Fang Han afraid to procrastinate any longer, and quickly left.


Although he had his encounter, his training was still shallow, and had no reason to stop being a servant for now. Not to mention, he had to rely on the Fang Clan to enter the Yu’hua School.


He had heard passed down legends about the Ten Immortal Schools, and in his heart, was very curious.


Amidst running down to the stable to get Thousand Li Snow, Fang Han ran to the Fang Clan’s inner courtyard.


The Fang Clan was the top clan of Long’yuan, and had built the courtyard in front of their house to be imposing and awe-inspiring, counting ten rows of stone lions, tigers, mythical animals, and qi’lin placed there for show, towering and seemingly guarding the front door.

[TL: Qi’lin is a scaled four-legged creature in Chinese folklore]


People were standing in the courtyard, seemingly insignificant, their emotions welling inside them.


Currently, in the courtyard were many servants, maidservants, and escorts covered in full armor, and many gold and silver covered carriages.


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These people were all clustering around the important members of the Fang Clan as they exited from the house.


Immediately, Fang Han’s eyes located a lady wearing white clothes, very pure, very beautiful, unlike the others in the crowd. She eclipsed all other people, her surroundings seemingly becoming divine, and emanating a scent in all directions.
All the other people disappeared, leaving only this lady, her looks deeply imprinting within each person’s heart.


“Is she a fairy from the moon, or a dragon princess?” Fang Han’s heart was shocked, as he knew that this was the Fang Clan’s first lady, Fang Qing Xue, who was also a true disciple of the Yu’hua School, and had trained to the Divine Realm and killed Bai Hai Chen.


Originally, he had thought that the first lady had to be tyrannical, temperamental, with an aura of an evil spirit, and unable to look at. He truly didn’t think that she would be so beautiful, light, and ethereal.


From the aura emanating from her, Fang Qing Xue truly didn’t seem to be an expert, but rather a peerless beauty floating through the air, like a fairy from the poems.


“Those who train to the Divine Realm all have a kind of aura. Bai Hai Chen teacher was indeed right.”


Fang Han watched for a moment, thought of Bai Hai Chen’s words, and then quickly ducked.

However, Fang Qing Xue seemingly had felt something, a pair of fairy-like eyes slowly scanning, coldly sweeping over Fang Han.


“Qing Wei, that servant who raised Thousand Li Snow, what is his name?” After Fang Qing Xue swept over Fang Han, she stopped scanning, faintly asking second lady Fang Qing Wei who was beside her.


With only a glance, Fang Han had aroused Fang Qing Xue’s attention.


Is it a blessing or a curse?

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