Eternal Log

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 : Made a Little Progress

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“…ah, no, that … if Haru-kun didn’t save me there was nothing I could do…” (Girl)

She said while making a face that said ‘crap!’ as her face slowly dyed itself red.

“I-is that so? But I think it’s best not to be too close to me…” (Haru)

I’m not even interacting with her….
Aah, why can I only say these kinds of things?

“That’s not the case at all! The villagers don’t think well of Haru-kun but, Haru-kun is a kind person!” (Girl)

As I thought the villagers really don’t think well of me, huh?
Well, I knew that already.

“As I thought they don’t think well of me.” (Haru)

I naturally whispered.

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“Ah, no, um … I didn’t intend to … ” (Girl)

Making a face filled with embarrassment or ‘now I did it’ sort of feeling she hastily started flailing her arms.
… So cute~.
Oops, at this rate it’ll seem like I’m teasing her, I need to do something quickly.

“Sorry sorry! I didn’t mean it that way! Well, I already knew that anyway. Ah, come to think of it what’s your name?” (Haru)

At last I asked her name!
Saying those words in my excited state is huge.
As I thought reflection is important.

“Ah, yes! My name is Cherie!” (Cherie)
**TL Note: the japanese for her name is Shaarii which sounds pretty similar but if anyone has any better ideas let me know


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Even her name is cute.
While I was in a daze an awkward silence began to flow.

“Um~… If it’s alright could you teach me magic?” (Cherie)

Cherie suddenly asked with modesty.
Did I use magic in front of Cherie?

“Ah, no, it’s alright if you can’t! Then please excuse me!” (Cherie)

Since I didn’t give an answer she seemed to have thought she asked something bad.
She quickly started to leave.
This is bad!
At this rate it will be the same as last time!

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“Wait! It’s ok! I’ll teach you!” (Haru)

Cherie stopped and turned around.

“But, why do you want me to teach you magic?” (Haru)
“Um, When I was looking for Haru-kun I heard from the villagers. Things like Haru-kun once lit the mountain on fire, or using powerful magic to change the geography…” (Cherie)

Aah, that’s how they told it.
I did make a bushfire but geography….
Well I’m sure I kept the damage to a minimum.
For a little bit I look far away while returning to my past.

“Well I can teach you magic but why do you want to learn?” (Haru)

I can teach her but I don’t want her to misuse it.
Thinking about it that way was it alright to teach Roy?
I suddenly became worried.

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“To tell the truth I’m weak at magic. Ah, my specialty is healing magic but I’m bad at attack magic… I want to be able to at least protect myself!” (Cherie)

So that’s how it is.
Well, for when monsters and animals or when a man assaults her, I can teach her how to deal with those.
At least to the point where a man assaulting Cherie would disappear without a trace.
But, wasn’t having a special hair color supposed to mean you were good at magic?
Well, that doesn’t matter right now.

“If it’s that then it’s fine! I’ll teach you!” (Haru)
“Th-thank you very much!” (Cherie)

So it became me teaching Cherie magic.
… This means I’ll meet her more often right?
Without being seen by Cherie, I did a guts pose with my right hand while celebrating in my heart.

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