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In a dark alley, As the wind blew, a strong stench of decaying and rotten smell permitted the air.

And in the alley, a slender and tall figure is swaying and staggering while walking as that figure cannot walk properly, and his back was slightly bent forwards as his right hand was press in his chest, attempting to stop the blood that's been pouring from his left wounded chest!

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The man fell down in the ground facing the sky. The man eyes is full of tiredness but it cannot conceal the craziness and the hatred in that beautiful mesmerizing silver eyes.

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Suddenly, the man laugh in a mocking tone as his voice drifted to the silent surrounding.

"Who would have thought that Benwang would die here? Even though Benwang is going to die, Benwang will still curse you to death, you Ingrate! Benwang Curse you to be eaten by the zombies that you raised!"
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As the man finish his sentence, he cough of blood again and he can already feel that his time in leaving in this rotting and smelly world is approaching.

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"Imperial Father, Imperial Mother, I'm sorry... As i did not fulfil my promise. I... Yu... Er..."

Before the young man can even finish his words, his breathe already leave his mortal body...


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