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Chapter 19: Nangong Yuan Zhi (2)

Nangong Yuan Zhi eyes became sharp when he heard the last sentence as he gaze at Wei Zhi Yin's back.

When he said the Left Prime Minister tittle, it can be said that his only addressing his father in his status but just now, he mention his father in name only and he even added the word old. And the tone, it even has contempt.

"Don't look at me with a sharp gaze. Do you really think that Wei Jing Guan can control me? If i am not his only son left, and an outstanding at that, he would not pay attention to me. I know his thoughts and i am not willing to be his chess piece. So you don't have to worry as this matter of me gathering materials are not going to be a threat in royal family."

Nangong Yuan Zhi did not comment as he said instead, "Where i am going to store it?"

Zhi Yin smiled lightly as he turn and faced Nangong Yuan Zhi.

"In D City, i have a private villa. I will give you the address and the password to enter, so you can just have your men store it to my underground storage."

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Nangong Yuan Zhi just answered 'En' as he stood up and he only walk three steps when he heard Wei Zhi Yin called him.

"Nangong Yuan Zhi." He did not turn around as he only wait for what the young man going to say.

"Join me in dinner tonight."

Nangong Yuan Zhi turn as he face the young man who's standing straight now and looking at him with a slight genuine smile. The Young man who usually had a smile and calm aura yet in truth, his eyes are full of coldness and any person with a strength can see that his only faking a smile.

Having this kind of facade is not new, a person pretending to be gentle yet deep inside he is not.

"What are you planning?" - Nangong Yuan Zhi coldly asked

Wei Zhi Yin got stiffend and a sadness flash in his eyes but Nangong Yuan Zhi did not see it.

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Wei Zhi Yin wanted to laugh. Of course, the person standing in front of him is the closest person to him in his past life. But right now, they are nothing but a stranger who don't trusts each other.

Wei Zhi Yin did not get angry as he said with a slight chuckle. "I just got arrive here and i did not yet eat dinner, so i am asking if you want to have a dinner with me but if you don't want to, it's fine. after all, I know that you are still wary with me."

Nangong did not immediately answer as he gaze deeply at the young man in front of him. The young man only stood in front of him while his entire self did not radiate his usual too perfect gentle and calm self. Instead, he can tell that the handsome young man in front him is a genuine seventeen years old boy who radiate a genuine gentleness.

"Then, Where are we going to eat?" Nangong Yuan Zhi finally agreed but he got stiffen when he saw the flash of joy that appeared in the Young Man's eyes.

"I want to eat seafood dishes, Let's go." Wei Zhi Yin said as he walk out, so Nangong Yuan Zhi can only follow him. Because he also heard the word seafood. His favorite food are also seafood dishes.


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Wei Zhi Yin and Nangong Yuan Zhi sat in a private room of the seafood restaurant that they choose. as the waiter gave them menu, they both order what they want and Nangong Yuan Zhi narrowed his eyes as he noticed that Wei Zhi Yin's order was the same as him. Wei Zhi Yin did not copy his order as he was the one who told first his order to the waiter. But Nangong Yuan Zhi did not bother to change his order as he continue to order his food.

When the waiter left, Zhi Yin sip in his wine as he smiled lightly and said, "I did not expect you to have the same taste as me when it comes to seafoods dishes."

Nangong Yuan Zhi look at him as he said coldly, "You hide it to well. It never stated that you like to eat seafoods."

Bai Zhi Yin is not surprise as he heard what Nangong Yuan Zhi said. 'It never stated' what he means in that, is that when he investigated me, there's no such as thing as he like eating seafood dishes and the public also know that he is not fond in eating this kind of foods.

And that was correct, but the moment when he met him in his past life, and the time that they spent with each other is longe; they almost cannot be separated in the past and he was the one who made me eat seafoods as he said that i should try it as it is delicious.

At first it was revolting but Nangong Yuan Zhi made him eat it until he got use to it, and in the end, it became one of his favorites. But there's only a few certain sea food dishes that he can eat and all of them are Nangong Yuan Zhi's favorites.

"It's not that i hide it too well, it just that i don't like to eat seafood dishes but a person close to me force me to eat it until i got used to it. Until today, there's only a few certain dishes that i can eat and the one i ordered are one of them." - Zhi Yin softly said

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Nangong Yuan Zhi doesn't know why but he felt displeased when he heard what the young man said but he hide it and just coldly stated, "That person is extraordinary as that person can influence someone like you."

Zhi Yin eyes soften and did not comment as he continue to sip his wine but there's a tenderness in his eyes that makes Nangong Yuan Zhi displeased.
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No one spoke again as they wait silently for their order and when their foods arrived, they ate silently. They ate their food for an hour and when they finished, Wei Zhi Yin was the one who payed for it, at first Nangong Yuan Zhi did not agree but Wei Zhi Yin reasoned out, I was the one who invited you so it's only understandable that i am the one who would pay for it, so Nangong Yuan Zhi can only shut up and let the young mab pay for their dinner.

As they walk in the parking lot, they saw their own subordinates standing in the side of two cars who has been park side by side.

Before Nangong Yuan Zhi can even walk in his own car, Wei Zhi Yin stopped him as he hand a silver card.

Nangong Yuan Zhi took it so Zhi Yin continue to walk but when he pass by the older man side, he said in a quite voice, enough for just the two of them to be heard, "It's my personal number. You can contact me with it when it's comes to the deal that we made."

After that, he did not wait for Nangong Yuan Zhi reactions as he strode to his own car and entered.

A/N: Please do not forget to vote power stone and comment if you have something to say. Xiexie

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