Chapter 13 - Scram

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Translator: Mr Voltaire

Editor: Master Shadow

"I'll see who dares to harm my grandson!" Just this simple sentence caused Xiao Yun's heart to be incredibly moved, and his lonely soul received great comfort.

In this world, there's still someone who cares about me and will protect me, no matter what!

That's what a relative was!

"Old patriarch Xiao!"

The Fang family's people were shocked and their faces fell, as they looked towards the entrance of the hall.

Outside the hall, an elderly man who was wearing an embroidered rode strode towards them. The aura he gave off was akin to that of a mountain's and each step he took shook everyone's hearts. His very gravity sucked the air out from the hall.

The old man wasn't very tall, and was slightly chubby. However, he walked like a giant, and looked as steady as a mountain; his aura weighing down on everyone's souls.

This old man was the Xiao family's old patriarch, Xiao Yuan Shan.

Behind Xiao Yuan Shan was a middle-aged man and a young girl.

The middle-aged man was Xiao Hai, who had left to bring the old patriarch. The young girl was Xiao Ling'Er.

There were also many people from the Xiao family gathered outside of the guest hall, looking excited to see the old patriarch come out.

As soon as the Xiao family's old patriarch walked into the guest hall, Xiao Hong immediately stood up to let him take the main seat.

The atmosphere within the hall became tense, to the point where you could hear a pin drop.

"Who wanted to sever my grandson's meridians?" Xiao Yuan Shan sat straight in the main seat as his ruthless eyes swept around like a ferocious tiger.

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The Xiao family's elders shuddered, not daring to say anything.

This old man was one of the very few True Essence realm experts in the Violet Cloud County!

Being stared at by Old Patriarch Xiao, even the Fang family's people didn't dare to continue to act arrogantly.

"Goddamit, wasn't this old freak in closed door training for 2 years? Why did he come out for this trash?" The Fang family's elders frowned. No matter how powerful their Fang family was, they didn't dare to act too extravagantly when facing a True Essence realm expert.

"Xiao Yun used poison to injure my little brother, who is yet to awaken. He must be given an appropriate punishment for using such a vicious method," Fang Hao said without a trace of fear in his voice. He remained incredibly calm, despite facing a True Essence realm expert.

"Yun'Er, tell me what happened. Grandpa will give you justice!" The Xiao family's old patriarch didn't care at all about Fang Wei's injuries. Instead, he looked towards the youth beside him kindly.

After all, this youth carried all of his hope in him.

When heard his grandpa speak, the despair in Xiao Yun's heart died down, and he calmly recalled the incident with the Fang family's youths.

"Yun'Er, did you really break through?" Hearing that Xiao Yun had defeated a few youths in the Seventh Layer of Body Tempering, the old man's eyes lit up, and were filled with hope. This was the best news he had received in years.

"Is breaking through after 8 years really worth celebrating over?" Seeing how delighted the Xiao family's old patriarch looked, the others all inwardly grumbled. However, after feeling the aura he gave off, they didn't dare to say anything out loud.

"Mmm." Xiao Yun nodded, "I broke through a few days ago."

"Yun'Er, use your internal force to attack me!" The Xiao family's old patriarch became incredibly excited as he hurriedly grabbed Xiao Yun's wrist to check his strength.

"Okay." Xiao Yun nodded his head as he sent his internal force sweeping towards the hand that held his wrist.

As he felt the youth's internal force, the Xiao family's old patriarch's grin became even wider.

"Haha, he broke through! My grandson broke through! The heavens are truly helping my grandson!" The Xiao family's old patriarch couldn't help but start laughing loudly in joy as he faced the sky. The ripples his laughter gave off shook the people's bodies around him.

"This old guy's gone mad."

"He's just a piece of trash who only broke through after 8 years. Why's he so happy?" The Fang family's people were extremely unimpressed.

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Fang Hao frowned. They had come to punish Xiao Yun, and yet, the situation had turned out like this.

"Old Patriarch Xiao, my little brother's poisoning is very severe. Hurry up and tell Xiao Yun to hand over the antidote," Fang Hao said as his expression darkened.

Only this youth had the right to speak for the Fang family's people.

"It's not up to you to tell this old man what to do." The Xiao family's old patriarch's gaze became cold as he looked at Fang Hao and the youth beside him. Xiao Yun had only told half of the story before he had started laughing in joy.

Xiao Yun continued speaking and told him about how Fang Wei had tried to launch a sneak attack on him.

"Hmph, you dared to bully my grandson? You were seeking your own death!" The Xiao family's old patriarch coldly harrumphed as his eyes let out murderous intent. Everyone heart's leapt as they shivered. It seemed that this old man was set on protecting Xiao Yun!

Xiao Yun continued speaking, telling Xiao Yuan Shan about the attitude of the rest of the family.

"Insolence! Who gave you all the power to hand over my grandson to be punished by others? Your heads must have leaked in water." The Xiao family's old patriarch furiously glared at the elders and continued, "Do you believe this old man won't goddamn destroy you all?"

The Xiao family's old patriarch, who was usually mild-mannered, had actually cursed. This caused all of the Xiao family's elders to shudder.

The Fang family's people also frowned.

"This old man's quite domineering."

"Our old patriarch's just as mighty as he was in his prime!" Outside the hall, the Xiao family's people were all quite excited as they peered in. The Fang family's provocation and Fang Hao's arrogance were things that they could not accept.

And now, their old patriarch had come out, helping them take out their anger on these people.

"Also, Xiao Hong, are you this old man's seed or not? Xiao Yun's your own nephew, and yet you wanted to hand him over to outsiders to be punished?" After chiding the elders, Xiao Yuan Shan's beard bristled as he turned to furiously stare at his son. "I'm ashamed to have a son like you. Luckily, old two over here told me. Otherwise, if I had found out about this afterwards, I would've crippled you."

The people outside were incredibly amused.

"The patriarch does as he wants! He even cursed at his own son like that!"

"Haha, Eldest Uncle was in the wrong before - he didn't even dare to breathe loudly in front of the Fang family."

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Xiao Hong's face became red, "Father, you don't know, this Fang Hao…"

Xiao Hong had a bitter expression on his face. He didn't want to hand over Xiao Yun either, but with Fang Hao's extraordinary talent, he was destined to be a powerful expert. If they offended him now, they might end up dragging down the entire Xiao family in future. As such, he had decided to make this sacrifice, thinking about the consequences in the grand scheme of things. And yet, he had been rebuked by his father like this.

"Fang Hao?" The Xiao family's old patriarch looked at the youth as he asked, "Are you that boy from the Fang family who awakened a Martial Spirit?"

"That's right," Fang Hao calmly replied.

As someone with a Martial Spirit, Fang Hao was quite arrogant, despite facing a True Essence realm expert.

"Scram. Otherwise, this old man's going to cripple you. You think you're a genius? Even 10 Fang Hao's aren't worth as much as my grandson." The Xiao family's old patriarch's murderous intent billowed out as his True Essence diffused from his body, shattering his chair into dust.

"You!" Fang Hao frowned as his eyelids jumped. He never thought that the old man would be so domineering.

"A brat still smelling of breast milk wants to act all mighty at our Xiao family's residence because he has a bit of talent? Don't you know that talent that hasn't matured yet is useless?" Although Fang Hao hadn't said a complete sentence, the Xiao family's old patriarch naturally knew what he was thinking and looked enraged, as if he was going to destroy Fang Hao.

This caused the Fang family's elders to become quite worried.

"Goddamit, if we knew that this old freak would come out, we would've asked the old patriarch to come with us."

"Old Patriarch Xiao, are you sure you want to burn your bridges with the Fang family?" Fang Hao remained calm as he coldly replied.

"So what about your Fang family? Even if that old freak Fang Tian Hun came, this old man would only have a single word for him: SCRAM!"

The 'scram' sounded like a peal of thunder which caused the entire hall to shake, as if it was going to fall down.

Fang Hao's eyes flashed with a cold light as he replied, "Alright, we'll let this matter go for now. However, we still ask that Old Patriarch Xiao give us the antidote for my little brother's poisoning."

"Antidote?" The Xiao family's old patriarch coldly laughed.

"Apologies, but the poison is from a Violet Underworld Cloud Beast. I don't have an antidote," Xiao Yun said with his arms crossed as he gave a cold smile.

"What?! A Violet Underworld Cloud Beast's poison?!" Fang Xun's heart sank as he continued, "I heard that you could help the Yan family's big miss to extract that poison. Please extract it for my son as well. My Fang family will no longer pursue this matter in exchange. How does that sound?"

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Xiao Yun raised his eyebrows and looked towards his grandpa.

"What a joke. The poisoning can only be blamed on that boy's own actions and you want my grandson to extract it? What do you think our Xiao family is? Speaking of which, this old man hasn't even asked your Fang family's boys to take responsibility for attacking my grandson."


Incredibly overbearing!

Hearing the Xiao family's old patriarch's words, Xiao Yun could help but feel his heart tremble.

He had thought that his grandpa would ask him to extract the poison. Who would have thought that he would say such a thing?

"No less than expected from the leader of our family!" The people outside were completely stunned as well.

He was completely unfazed by his enemies - a true man.

"Alright, my Fang family will remember this," Fang Hao said as he stood up. "Let's go."

After speaking, he turned around and left.

Fang Xun and the others followed behind him.

"Right, I also want to remind you that Violet Cloud County's Martial Competition will be in 3 months. When that time comes, I'll take first place and join a large sect, while you'll all be ants. When that time comes, I'll be able to destroy your Xiao family with a single thought," Fang Hao said before leaving.

"If you send Xiao Yun to my Fang family's residence, I'll leave a way out for your Xiao family. Otherwise, the day I, Fang Hao, enter into a large sect, will be the day of your Xiao family's annihilation." Fang Hao spoke calmly and coldly and laid a bare threat for the Xiao family.

"You brat. This old man's going to destroy you right now." The Xiao family's old patriarch's eyes flashed as he leapt towards him like a ferocious tiger.

"You can destroy me, but I've been looked favourably upon by an elder from the Heaven Origin Sect. If anything happens to me, the Xiao family will definitely be doomed." Fang Hao was not afraid at all, even when facing the Xiao family's old patriarch, who was at the True Essence realm. Anyone seeing how calm he was would be greatly amazed.

The Xiao family's old patriarch, who had leapt out, suddenly stopped. His feet landed heavily on the stone floor, causing it to crack.

"Heaven Origin Sect!" The Xiao family's old patriarch muttered to himself, as a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

"Haha, old man, I'll be going now," Fang Hao said as he arrogantly laughed.

 "Remember, send Xiao Yun over within 3 days. Otherwise, your Xiao family will have to bear the consequences." After laughing some more, Fang Hao swaggered out with the rest of the Fang family's people following after him.

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