Eternal Martial Sovereign Chapter 171

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Xiao Yun's retreat this time was full of 40 days. When he came out, the two maids in the yard immediately greeted him.

"Young Master, are you hungry?"

"Young Master, do you need to boil water for bathing?" Two maids, one at sixteen years old and one born at 18 years old, are exquisitely beautiful, beautiful eyes are full of Spiritual Qi, these people are worthy of stepping into Innate Realm, it's rare to have an ordinary person.

It's just that they are maids at Heavenly Yuan Sect at the moment.

But that's it. Their place is still won by the elders in the clan for a long time.

Because being able to serve those talented disciples in Core Palace is the most beautiful job. For these girls, not only can they learn the richest Yuan Qi in Rising Stars Peak practice, but also have the opportunity to get the favor of those talents. If both parties develop into Couple relationship, that will benefit for life, even the entire family will get great benefits.

Even if you can't, you can get rich rewards as long as you serve these disciplines.

"Well, you guys prepare food and hot water." Xiao Yun nodded, also quite satisfied with the treatment of this Core Disciple.

"Okay, come right away." After hearing Xiao Yun's words, the two maids immediately opened up.

The hot water had already been boiled, and Xiao Yun soon took a comfortable bath.

One of the maids had to serve, but he refused.

Now he is focused on practice and doesn't want to waste time on anything.

If only for a moment, he will lose more in the future.

After enjoying a good meal in a comfortable bath, Xiao Yun left and headed towards Martial Arts Palace on Rising Stars Peak.

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This Martial Arts Palace is located on the top of Rising Stars Peak. It is specially guarded. As long as the core Palace's discipline can enter the martial arts, there are almost the top level martial arts of each peak system of Heavenly Yuan Sect here. There is no need to worry about finding martial arts for own.

Guarding the Core Palace is a 50 years elder, Old Wu.

Old Wu has already stepped into Yuan Core 9-layer long ago, but he has not been able to take any further steps to take over such an errand.

There is a table in front of this Martial Arts Palace, and this Old Wu is inside the seat. It is slightly narrows the pupil, which seems a bit lazy.

Anyone who wants to enter the Martial Arts Palace must register with him.

"Hello, I'm coming to Martial Arts Palace to see the martial arts." Xiao Yun walked to the temple and looked towards the old man.

"Are you a new disciple?" Seeing Xiao Yun's strange face, this Old Wu revealed a look of lazily, saying, "The new disciple can only watch Earth Rank martial arts on the second floor for the time being, and want to watch Heaven Rank Martial Arts must have enough contribution points. "

"Can you only watch Earth Rank martial arts?" Xiao Yun brows slightly wrinkle, "contribution points?"

"Heavenly Yuan Sect's disciple, no matter how natural talent you want to get high-level martial arts, and Magic Item, you must receive tasks under Sect, rank in secret, and get corresponding rewards, such as watching high-level martial arts, Or get the Magic Item reward. "Old Wu lazily said," You have just arrived now, I don't understand many things. I believe it shouldn't be long before I get the task. Now I have to take out the token and register it. "

"Reward?" After hearing these words, Xiao Yun also understood, presumably this is Heavenly Yuan Sect's strategy in order to inspire and sharpen discipline. Only then will those talented disciplines work hard to practice and fight, otherwise they will have it at hand. high-level martial arts, Magic Item seems too easy.

Comfort can only make people decadent, and only continuous grinding can make people grow.

Xiao Yun also agreed with Heavenly Yuan Sect's strategy, so the not at all objection immediately took out the own token.

"If there are no contribution points, each disciple can only come to Martial Arts Palace once a month, and the viewing time is two hours." Old Wu took Xiao Yun's magic token, lightly saying, and when he spoke, Yuan Qi circulated and injected into it. In the magic token, the light runes flickered immediately, and some information emerged. After seeing this information, the old man's face changed immediately, "Flawless Martial Spirit!"

Seeing this slightly changed expression, Xiao Yun was slightly surprised, and his brows couldn't help bending.

"You ... you are the boy with Acquired Flawless Martial Spirit, Xiao Yun?" Old Wu's tone was a little trembling, his expression seemed a little excited, his eyelids jumped, he couldn't help but got up and stared at him in front of him. Xiao Yun.

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"Well," Xiao Yun nodded said, "What's wrong?"

He was a little surprised, was it because his own retreat had lost his chance to enter the Martial Arts Palace for too long?

"Nothing." Old Wu paused for a while before calming down the excitement in his heart, and then smiled with a little flattering smile, and said, "Palace Lord Jiang once ordered, as long as you are willing to martial arts palace's martial arts Are open to you. "

"Oh." Hearing this, Xiao Yun eyes shined, when the Palace Lord Jiang did say that he would try his best to train him.

"Hehe, Martial-Nephew Xiao, do you want to enter Earth Rank or Heaven Rank? Martial arts in Earth Rank are not as good as Heaven Rank, but they are suitable for the cultivator of True Yuan Realm. Of course, if you want to enter Heaven Rank Man's words old man can also open it for you. "Old Wu said with a smile.

"Can I all go in and see?" Xiao Yun asked.

"Of course this is possible." Old Wu the eyes showed a happy expression, the tone seemed quite mild and the apathy before was almost like two people.

"Okay, I'll go into the Earth Rank Pavilion first," Xiao Yun said.

"Okay, come with me." Old Wu smirked and led Xiao Yun toward the second floor of Martial Arts Palace.

This second floor is very wide, looking out, it is a long corridor, there is a room next to it, with various signs, such as Water Element Cultivation Technique, Wood Element Cultivation Technique, etc. Restriction, there is no special way to open it.

"I don't know where Martial-Nephew Xiao is going to enter?" Old Wu said with a smile.

"Go inside the Fire Element first." Xiao Yun glanced at these houses with martial arts, then said.

Xiao Yun has a Purple Flame Martial Spirit. Purple Flame has the destructive power of out of the ordinary. As long as it plays well, it is stronger than the normal True Yuan Realm cultivator, but he lacks a powerful martial arts. Although Raging Flames Wild Lion Seal is good, it is more aggressive than a few clever.

These martial arts are often overwhelmed when they meet the enemy.

"Okay." Grandpa Old Wu didn't talk nonsense, even when the Fire Element room was opened.

The house is very wide, and there are various martial arts on the four sides. There are mental methods and martial skills.

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Xiao Yun glanced towards the Quartet, and began to look for the martial arts that his favorite.

For the Fire Element mentality, he does not at all need, because Swallowing the Heavens Extinguishing Soul Arts can help him to devour Fire Essence Energy continuously, and even devour variation fire into the Purple Flame Martial Spirit, so Xiao Yun will not need to Worried about the promotion of Martial Spirit.

Fire Yuan Cultivation!

Fire Yuan Slash!

Raging Flames Collapse!

Xiao Yun swept over those martial skills, looking at the dazzling array of martial arts, his brows could not help but tightening slightly.

"What kind of martial arts should I learn?" Xiao Yun slightly narrows the pupil, revealing the color of groaning.

Martial arts are in fine, not many. If you can integrate a martial arts to reach the point of perfect to the point of perfection, you can also break Myriad Laws. You can send a powerful formidable power with your hands, but the level of martial arts It will also limit the development of cultivator.

"Hehe, Martial-Nephew Xiao, what kind of martial skill do you need?" Old Wu trailed behind Xiao Yun and saw the latter brows tightly frowns, with a hesitant look, he smiled and said politely, "If it is If you have any needs, maybe old man can mention one or two. "

"Alright." Xiao Yun glanced at Old Wu, his eyes narrowed, "I want a set of Earth Rank martial skills with strong formidable power."

"Formidable power is strong?" Old Wu slightly narrows the pupil, "But what more needs?"

This old man seemed quite patient and looked like Xiao Yun was satisfied.

This Old Wu is not too young. It has been a long time since I stepped into the Yuan Core 9-layer, but now it ’s hard for Core Palace to have a Flawless Martial Spirit. Naturally, I will try my best to get close. If this boy grows up Almost everyone who mentions him indirectly can be rewarded.

How can he miss this opportunity?

Since ancient times, the person who can possess the Flawless Martial Spirit has unlimited potential. If he can get in touch with this Xiao Yun after he reads what spiritual objects he gave, let him take a step further into Yuan Soul or Yuan Soul Realm. Great chance!

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There are many examples at Heavenly Yuan Sect.

Some genius disciples have gained something in Profound Essence Battlefield, stepped into Heavenly Capital Domain, remembering the old feelings will also reward some spiritual objects of Sect, and so on, and Sect's elders will also be gracious to these talented descendants. And clansman.

This is mutually beneficial, so as long as you make the right bets, you are not afraid of no gain.

The fear is that the discipline is not strong enough to stand out in Profound Essence Battlefield.

The same is true. The elders at Heavenly Yuan Sect Core Palace are generally very passionate about potential disciples.

To Xiao Wu's attitude change, Xiao Yun not at all too many mood swings, this world is like this, if you do n’t have enough ability, who will give you a high look? Only when own is strong enough and shows a certain potential can he win dignity.

"Old Wu, is there any martial arts here that can improve with the strength of the cultivator itself, and martial arts continue to improve?" Xiao Yun suddenly frowned, and asked, there are also restrictions on martial arts, and some martial arts are refined to big accomplishment, even if The cultivator's strength has improved, and so is the formidable power. There is no potential for it to rise, so after the cultivator's strength is improved, it will have to continue to choose higher-level martial arts.

But this is too time-consuming, so Xiao Yun wants to choose a set of potential martial arts.

"That's the Heaven level martial arts." Old Wu pupil light condensed, "But, now your cultivation level is too low, and the practice Heaven level martial arts is still a bit reluctant, I'm afraid it's difficult to improve. There is one here. The set of martial arts is Earth Rank top level martial arts, which is almost comparable to Heaven Rank Martial Arts. "

"Oh." Xiao Yun eyes shined and asked, "What are martial arts?"

When the Old Wu pupil light moved, he glanced away in the dark grid where martial arts were placed.

The Martial Pavilion's martial skills are hidden in a dark grid, with a logo affixed on the outside, which can only be opened through the token of the discipline.

"That's it." Suddenly, Old Wu pupil light moved and locked in front of a dark cell.

There are a few words pasted on the dark grid.

Heavenly Flame Five Styles!

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