Chapter 43 - The Arrival Of Someone From The Heaven Origin Sect

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Translator: Mr Voltaire

Editor: Master Shadow

"As long as I practice more, I'll definitely be able to become a Pill Refiner." Xiao Yun sniffed the aroma coming from the jade box and gave a satisfied smile. Now that he had the Violet Flame Martial Spirit, as well as the knowledge from the Violet Flame King in the way of pill refining, it was simply a matter of time before he could refine pills. Now, all he needed to do was practice more so he could increase his experience and comprehension.

"You didn't control the fire perfectly this time, which caused the medicinal powder to lose much of its effect. Moreover, some of the medicinal ingredients still have some impurities which you did not extract, so you're still lacking," the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow said. "Although, it's quite rare to be able to succeed on your first try."

"You know that it's my first time refining medicine!" Xiao Yun rolled his eyes.

"I'm just giving you pointers so you don't get too full of yourself," the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow replied.

"I know that," Xiao Yun calmly responded. "If one wants to become a Pill Refiner, they need to practice hundreds, if not thousands of times to improve."

The Violet Flame Pill Principles had in-depth explanations, so Xiao Yun naturally knew that becoming a Pill Refiner would not be easy.

"That's good. Lil Yun, you need to work hard so you can become a Pill Refiner and refine a Nine Revolving God Pill for me," the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow said as its eyes flashed. "Haha, if I can regain my fleshly body, we'll be able to dominate all the land under the heavens together."

"Nine Revolving God Pill?" Xiao Yun rolled his eyes. "You think making that is like planting a cabbage? Even a master of pill refining would not necessarily be able to refine such a godly pill. If you want to regain your fleshly body, then pray that I'll live long enough to become a master of pill refining."

Hearing Xiao Yun's words, Heaven-Devouring Sparrow couldn't help but look sorrowful. How could this sort of godly pill be made so easily? Even the Pill Refiners in the Heavenly Capital Domain who could refine such a pill could be counted on a single hand.

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"Don't worry, with this lord here, you won't die early. Plus, you don't seem like the type who's destined to live a short life." The Heaven-Devouring Sparrow's eyes flashed with determination as it resolved itself to protect this youth until he became a master of pill refining.

"You're the one destined to have a short life," Xiao Yun mocked. "Talking about refining a Nine Revolving God Pill now is still much too early."

"That's true," the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow nodded.

Following this, Xiao Yun continued to refine medicinal powders. Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and Xiao Yun had refined countless medicinal ingredients during that period of time. The table beside the cauldron was filled with medicinal powders - not only were there Blood Congealing Powders, but also Muscle Developing Powders. Both of these were used to heal injuries, and were important to cultivators.

However, over the course of those three days, Xiao Yun had quickly used up all of his medicinal ingredients.

"Time to ask second uncle for more medicinal ingredients." After refining all of the medicinal ingredients into medicinal powder, Xiao Yun went to find his second uncle.

"You've finished refining all of those medicinal ingredients?" Hearing this, Xiao Hai frowned.

"Mm." Xiao Yun spread out his hands helplessly as he said, "Second uncle, have you gathered the ingredients for the Innate Pill?"

"The medicinal ingredients for the Innate Pill and Pure Essence Pill are too rare, and the Mysterious Congealing Pill's ingredients are incredibly difficult to find within the Violet Cloud County," Xiao Hai said as he sighed. "Moreover, after making some inquiries, I found out that even a single portion of ingredients for the Mysterious Congealing Pill cost an astronomical amount!"

"Is it because we don't have enough money?" Xiao Yun asked. "Second uncle, how about this - gather the ingredients for the Innate Pill and Pure Essence Pill first, and sell the pills after I've finished refining them. That way, we'll have enough money to buy other ingredients."

"That works too," Xiao Hai said, "But do you have the confidence to refine pills? If you can't do it, you can focus on refining medicinal powders first.  Even by just refining medicinal powders, you can enter the Heaven Origin Sect."

"Medicinal powder?" Xiao Yun smiled as he flipped his palm, causing a jade box to appear.

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"What is this?" Xiao Hai stared, wondering why Xiao Yun had brought out this jade box.

"Second uncle, open it and have a look," Xiao Yun said as his eyes narrowed into a smile.

Seeing mysterious look on the youth's face, Xiao Hai opened the jade box with some curiosity. The jade box was about 30 centimetres long and was beautifully made. As soon as Xiao Hai opened it, he caught a strong whiff of a medicinal aroma.

Following this, he saw jade bottles within the jade box. There were about 50 jade bottles, all of them with small notes stuck onto them. Seeing this, an expression of shock appeared on Xiao Hai's face.

He took out a jade bottle and read the characters written on the note, as a look of delight appeared within his eyes. "Yun'Er, did you refine this Blood Congealing Powder?"

"Second uncle, can you have a look of this medicinal powder is good enough?" Xiao Yun asked as he nodded.

After receiving confirmation from the youth, Xiao Hai hurriedly opened the medicine bottle. After checking the colour of the medicinal powder, he sniffed it, then said in a serious tone, "The colour and aroma of this Blood Congealing Powder is only slightly inferior to that of Master Yuan's. Yun'Er, did you really refine this yourself?"

"Mmhmm," Xiao Yun nodded.

"How's that possible? You only just learned to refine medicinal powders; how could you achieve such a quality?" A look of disbelief appeared on Xiao Hai's face. Although he didn't know how to refine pills, he knew that most people would take at least 1 year to refine medicinal powder of this quality!

And yet, this youth had achieved it in a mere 3 days. Could it be that he was a pill refining genius?

Xiao Hai felt his blood began to boil as he became incredibly excited, to the point that he nearly raised his head to the heavens and yelled out. However, he did his best to remain calm and stared at the youth, wanting to receive confirmation from him.

"It was indeed refined by me in the past few days," Xiao Yun nodded. "Second uncle, if you think the quality is alright, you can take them and sell them. That way, you'll be able to purchase other medicinal ingredients. Of course, it's best to do this in secret."

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"Alright, I know what to do." After hearing Xiao Yun's reply, Xiao Hai nodded repeatedly and felt incredibly excited. He hurriedly opened the other medicine bottles and checked each bottle to see whether they were sellable.

Although Xiao Hai couldn't refine pills, he was familiar with medicinal powders. Large families all sent people to collect ingredients from the Violet Cloud Mountain, and it was normal for people to be injured. As such, they would always bring medicinal powders with them. Because these medicinal powders concerned the safety and lives of his clansmen, Xiao Hai possessed quite a bit of knowledge regarding them.

"The colour and lustre of the medicinal powder of this bottle are better than the previous ones, and the aroma is even richer."

 "Eh, the medicinal powder in this bottle seems to be even better than the ones refined by Master Yuan." As Xiao Hai inspected the bottles, he found that the quality of the medicinal powder became better and better, and his eyes lit up as he looked at the youth in disbelief. "Yun'Er, is this really your first time refining medicinal powder?"

"It is!"

"Is this true?" Xiao Hai was completely flabbergasted. He then raised his face to the sky and laughed, "Haha, the heavens are blessing our Xiao family. Yun'Er, you'll definitely become a Pill Refiner. Second uncle will find a way to sell these medicinal powders and buy more ingredients for you. If that doesn't work, I'll send people to buy ingredients from another county. All in all, I promise that you'll have the ingredients you want." After saying this, Xiao Hai left with a big grin on his face.

"This is just the beginning." Seeing how excited his second uncle was, Xiao Yun also smiled. Following this, Xiao Yun walked towards his own courtyard. When he arrived there, he saw a familiar figure standing there.

"Shi Yan?" Xiao Yun stared in surprise for a moment, "Could it be that big sister Shi Fei's poison has acted up again?"

Thinking to Yan Shi Fei, Xiao Yun couldn't help but frown. He had returned for a few days, but because of the pressure from the Fang family, he had forgotten to go and see her. After all, if the Xiao family couldn't become more powerful, it could be taken down by the Fang family!

"Big brother Xiao Yun!" Yan Shi Yan called out to Xiao Yun from afar.

Seeing how distressed the young girl looked, Xiao Yun hurriedly asked, "What's wrong? Has your big sister's poison acted up again?"

"Mm," Yan Shi Yan nodded, looking extremely worried. "Although, I came to find you about an even more serious matter."

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"Eh, what is it?" Seeing how serious Yan Shi Yan looked, Xiao Yun's heart rapidly thumped. What could be more serious than Yan Shi Fei's poison? From this girl's expression, it seemed to be extremely serious!

"Someone from the Heaven Origin Sect came with an antidote pill for big sis," Yan Shi Yan said.

"That's good," Xiao Yun said with an expression of confusion. "Wouldn't big sister Shi Fei's poison be completely cured then?"

"What's good about that?" Yan Shi Yan pouted as she stomped her foot, then angrily continued, "That guy wants big sis Shi Yan to marry him. Hmph, I can tell that that fellow isn't a good person at a glance, and he actually wanted to take advantage of the situation. I wish I could kill him."

"What?! He wants big sister Shi Fei to marry him?" Hearing this, Xiao Yun immediately deduced the whole story. That person was most likely using the antidote as leverage - anyone could see that he did not have good intentions. Xiao Yun couldn't help but frown.

"Big brother Xiao Yun, hurry and come to my home," Yan Shi Yan said with a tone of urgency.

"Alright, tell me everything in detail," Xiao Yun said as his eyes glinted.

Yan Shi Yan told him the course of events, as well as the identity of the man from the Heaven Origin Sect. He was a genius youth who was called Qiu Yu Chen. He had stepped into the True Essence realm before he even turned 18.

The Qiu family was large and powerful, and was quite famous within the Moonwind Kingdom. They even had Essence Core realm cultivators within their family.

"My mother greatly wishes for big sis to marry that Qiu Yu Chen. The Qiu family's extremely powerful, and Qiu Yu Chen was taken as a disciple by one of the elders of the Heaven Origin Sect. His future is limitless, and if big sis follows him, perhaps she can enter the Heaven Origin Sect too," Yan Shi Yan said.

"A disciple of an elder of the Heaven Origin Sect?" Xiao Yun frowned as he asked, "What does your big sister think?"

"Big sis of course isn't willing," Yan Shi Yan pouted. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to find you. It's just that because big sis refused to take the antidote pill, she can't hold out for very long. Please go and help her extract the poison." Yan Shi Yan's eyelashes continuously trembled as her eyes became misty, looking extremely worried.

"Alright, let's go now." Xiao Yun did not hesitate and immediately left with Yan Shi Yan towards the Yan family's residence.

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