Chapter 83 - The Qi Family Attacks

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Translator: Mr Voltaire

Editor: Phoobiee

"I'll take a look at your father and the others' poison tomorrow," Xiao Yun said after putting away the Skyfire Medallion.

"Mm," Tie Rong'Er nodded, as a look of shyness appeared in her eyes. "I'll have to trouble this young master then."

"It's fine," Xiao Yun replied. "But you don't have to do this in future. You really should treasure yourself."

"Mm." Tie Rong'Er felt quite moved, and elegantly walked out.

Xiao Yun sat down cross-legged and continued to neutralise the poison. The evil poison that Tie Rong'Er had used wasn't very strong, so his Martial Spirit was enough to take care of it.

The next day, Xiao Yun went to find the Tie family's Eldest Patriarch and the others. He had heard a piece of news; early in the morning, the Qi family had sent people to declare that if the Tie family did not hand over the Skyfire Medallion within 2 days, they would pay the price for their actions.

If it was before, the Tie family's elders would have been incredibly worried. However, with Xiao Yun, they had nothing to worry about.

"Everyone, please don't worry. As long as those medicinal ingredients are gathered, you won't have to worry about your poison anymore," Xiao Yun said to the Tie family's people.

"I'll start extracting poison for everyone, so as to slow down the poison within your bodies and temporarily keep your lives." Xiao Yun started to extract poison for the Tie family's Eldest Patriarch.

Xiao Yun had already extracted more than half of his poison the previous day, and extracted about half of the remaining amount. However, completing curing him would require an Antidote Pill. Despite this, the Tie family's Eldest Patriarch would still be able to fight.

Xiao Yun continuously helped a few people extract their poison, but did not feel any weariness. Now that his Martial Spirit had become even stronger and had that halo of light, it could immediately neutralise the poison that he absorbed and turn it into a type of Heaven and Earth Vital Essence.

This sort of change made Xiao Yun feel ecstatic - just as he had expected, once the Martial Spirit grew, it became much more powerful as well.

However, because there were simply too many people in the Tie family who had been poisoned, Xiao Yun could only help them temporarily slow down the poison.

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"Haha, now that our poisons have been suppressed, we don't need to fear that Qi family anymore." The Tie family's elders were all delirious with joy. Now that the Eldest Patriarch and a few other True Essence realm cultivators were able to suppress their poison, they would be able to fight against other True Essence realm cultivators again. Thus, even if the Qi family attacked, they would be able to fight back.

This sort of change caused everyone to be able to straighten their backs and have smiles appear on their faces.

"You all still need to be careful. Send the medicinal ingredients to my place when they're here." Xiao Yun left after stabilising everyone's poison, with Tie Rong'Er following behind him the entire time. She was reluctant to part with him, but she knew that after this matter was over, this youth would leave.

The Tie family's Second Patriarch was very diligent and immediately went to the Cloudsea Merchant Alliance and brought some medicinal ingredients back.

There was a great variety of medicinal ingredients - some were for Innate Pills, Congealing Qi Pills, and Pure Essence Pills, while others were for things like the Soul Heaven Pill. It was a pity that there was only 1 Nine Elegance Moon Zoysia, and none of the Violet Orchid Marrow that he needed.

Xiao Yun did not dally, and took these medicinal ingredients into a martial training room.

"What are you doing with these medicinal ingredients?" Tie Rong'Er had been by Xiao Yun's side the entire time, and felt quite confused upon seeing these medicinal ingredients.

"Refining pills," Xiao Yun replied.

"What?! Refining pills?" Tie Rong'Er exclaimed, staring at the youth beside her in disbelief.

Beside them, Xiao Yun had already meticulously organised the medicinal ingredients.

"You know how to refine pills?" Tie Rong'Er asked.

"Mm." Xiao Yun nodded. A glow of light appeared between his eyebrows as a vortex appeared. A violet cauldron then came out from his sea of consciousness and landed on a table in front of them.

Xiao Yun smiled as he said, "You haven't watched anyone refine pills before, right? You stay by the side and watch."

Tie Rong'Er nodded, feeling incredibly shocked. She had thought that this youth was able to take out a bottle of medicinal pills because his family was extraordinary rich, but now it seemed that it was because he could refine pills. As her beautiful eyes gazed at this youth, her expression became even more adoring.

After all, it was incredibly rare to meet such a perfect genius. As she thought about their experiences together, a blissful smile appeared on Tie Rong'Er's face.

Xiao Yun opened the cauldron cover and a violet fire flashed in his hand before entering the cauldron.

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After this, he started to throw medicinal ingredients into the cauldron and refine them. Beside him, Tie Rong'Er watched in great curiosity.

The youth in front of her looked cool and calm, completely absorbed in his pill refining; he gave off the airs of a master. Looking at him from the side, there was an extra charm to him. As she watched, Tie Rong'Er gradually spaced out.

Soon, a medicinal fragrance floated out from within the pill cauldron. Only now did Tie Rong'Er's eyes fall onto the pill cauldron in curiosity as she thought to herself, "Is the pill about to be formed?" Even though she knew nothing about pill refining, she felt a mysterious feeling.

Xiao Yun waved his hand, opened the cauldron cover, and took out a medicinal pill.

"This is an Innate Pill and can help people step into the Innate realm," Xiao Yun said as he smiled. "But since you've already stepped into the Innate realm, this pill isn't much use to you. I'll refine some Congealing Qi Pills for you, as well as a Pure Essence Pill. That way, you'll be able to enter the True Essence realm."

"What? Pure Essence Pill?" Tie Rong'Er was completely dumbfounded. She asked in disbelief, "You can even refine Pure Essence Pills?"

"What, do you doubt my abilities?" Xiao Yun smirked as he looked at the young woman beside him.

"No, of course not." Tie Rong'Er's face became slightly red, looking embarrassed as Xiao Yun stared at her.

"It's a pity that there aren't any medicinal ingredients for Mysterious Congealing Pills," Xiao Yun said as he sighed and continued to refine pills.

In just 4 hours, Xiao Yun had refined 5 Congealing Qi Pills and a Pure Essence Pill.

"These pills are for you," Xiao Yun said as he handed the medicinal pills to Tie Rong'Er.

"You're really giving them to me?" Tie Rong'Er felt quite shocked - these pills were quite rare, especially that Pure Essence Pill. It would be rare to find a single one within the North Mist City; they would cause massive waves and make almost every cultivator go mad for it.

"You're such a loyal and kind person, as well as so lovable; how could you not deserve this medicinal pill?" Xiao Yun smiled and couldn't help but tap the young woman's nose as he said, "It's a pity that we don't have the right medicinal ingredients. Otherwise, I would be able to help you refine a Mysterious Congealing Pill to help you step into the Essence Core realm."

"This Pure Essence Pill is already enough," Tie Rong'Er said with a sweet smile, and couldn't help but kiss the youth on his cheek.

Soon, all of the medicinal ingredients were refined by Xiao Yun. Tie Rong'Er took all of the medicinal ingredients, feeling ecstatic. With these medicinal pills, the Tie family's strength would greatly increase, and would be able to recover from their losses from the Qi family ambushing them.

"When we're able to obtain some medicinal ingredients for Antidote Pills, your father and little brother's poison will be able to be completely cured," Xiao Yun said.

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"Mm." Tie Rong'Er blinked with her beautiful eyes, a grateful expression on her face as she said, "Thank you."

"Is there really such need to be so courteous between us?" Xiao Yun asked as he smiled.

"Mm." Tie Rong'Er lightly nodded and she felt incredibly moved. As she blinked, teardrops could be seen falling from her eyes.

The Tie family could now rise again - she had not done all that she had done in vain. At the very least, this youth was affectionate and loyal, and treated her sincerely.

Nothing much happened that day. The Tie family was quite peaceful, and Tie Rong'Er stayed by Xiao Yun's side the entire time.

The next day as evening fell, the Tie family's Second Patriarch once again brought medicinal ingredients. This time, it was 4 batches of medicinal ingredients for Antidote Pills, which Xiao Yun immediately took to refine.

As night fell, the entire Tie family was quiet, but there was a sense of pressure within that quietness. When the moon finally hung high in the sky, the quietness was finally broken.

"I've finally refined them." Xiao Yun took out 4 Antidote Pills, his mind finally relaxing.

"Are these the Antidote Pills?" Beside him, Tie Rong'Er took the medicinal pills, looking incredibly happy.

"Mm," Xiao Yun nodded as he smiled. "With these medicinal pills, your little brother, father and 2 other people's poisons can be fully cured."

"It's all thanks to you," Tie Rong'Er looked at Xiao Yun gratefully. Her taut heart could finally be at ease.

Suddenly, Xiao Yun's eyes glinted as he said, "Crap, someone's attacking."

"What? Someone's attacking?" Beside him, Tie Rong'Er deeply frowned as he looked out the window.

"Stay here, I'll go and take a look," Xiao Yun said.

"No, I want to go with you," Tie Rong'Er said earnestly. She knew that it was definitely the Qi family, and in such a crisis, how could she be away from her family? Or from this youth? Rather than staying here and feeling scared, it would be better to fight together.

"Very well," Xiao Yun said. "Come with me then." He ran outside with Tie Rong'Er.

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By now, the Tie family had lights everywhere, and yells filled the air as all of the family members streamed towards the outer courtyard.

"Tie Zhen Lan, get out here." Outside the Tie family's residence, the Qi family's people stood in ranks, completely surrounding the Tie family's residence. The elder at the front had white hair and a beard, as well as sinister-looking eyes that coldly stared ahead like a viper.

This person was called Qi Mu, and was the Qi family's old patriarch.

Beside the Qi family's old patriarch was a slightly chubby man. There was an evil and demonic air about him, which caused those who looked at him to tremble. Even the Qi family's other 2 True Essence realm cultivators stayed away from him.

This person was Feng Wen, the Poison Master who the Qi family had enlisted to help.

The Qi family's people stared ahead, looking like they wanted the Tie family's people to just surrender.

"Tie Zhen Lan, if you don't come out, we'll force our way through," another of the Qi family's elders yelled out.

Now that most of the Tie family's people were poisoned, none of the Qi family's people put them in their eyes.

"Don't be too arrogant, Qi family's old thieves." Outside the Tie family's residence, a group of guards stoutly guarded the entrance.

"Hmph, you're all seeking death." One of the Qi family's elder's eyes gleamed as he savagely laughed, "If you don't all surrender, none of you will survive today. Heheh, that Tie Zhen Lan's poison must have broken out and can't even move.

"Don't you worry, our family's leader will be out soon." The guards also felt quite nervous, and started to lose confidence when they saw the airs that the Qi family's people gave off. They couldn't help but shrink towards the door, as if they were afraid of the Qi family's people.

"Hahaha, your Tie family will never rise again," the Qi family's elders all laughed.

However, the Qi family's old patriarch's expression was quite serious. He narrowed his eyes, staring ahead of him. He had heard yesterday that the Tie family's Second Patriarch had been frequently going to the Cloudsea Merchant Alliance, which made him feel quite uneasy.

What's more, the 2 True Essence realm cultivators that they had sent out had disappeared without a trace - perhaps the Tie family had allied with another power from the North Mist City.

"Don't worry, Venerable Qi, how could the poison I've refined be cured by normal medicinal powders?" Beside him, Poison Master Feng smirked as he said with an insidious look in his eyes, "Without high quality Antidote Pills, the Tie family's cultivators can only wait for death or for me to give them the antidote. Heheh, otherwise, they'll be dead beyond a doubt." Feng Wen was evidently very confident in the poison that he had refined.

"Very good." The Qi family's old patriarch gave a slight nod and looked ahead of him.

The outside of the Tie family's residence was completely lit up by torches from the Qi family which cast a fiery glow on the surroundings. Outsiders who saw these torches from afar were given a big fright.

"Is the Qi family acting against the Tie family again?" Some people exclaimed, straining to take a better look.

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