Chapter 87 - Obtaining A Magic Item

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Translator: Mr Voltaire

Editor: Phoobiee

Looking at Poison Master Feng on the ground and the howling elders, the Qi family's cultivators stood on the spot, their faces filled with shock and fear. Now that these experts couldn't fight anymore, what could they do?

"Haha, Qi family, this is the end for you all." Tie family's Second Patriarch, who had been cleansing his body of the poison, got up and walked over. "Not a single one of you will leave today. The Qi family will disappear from the North Mist City forever - Tie family's men, kill them all!"

The Tie family's people all felt incredibly excited. They had all begun to despair, but this youth had unexpectedly turned the situation around by destroying the Qi family's main force. Now, what was there for them to be afraid of? With the Tie family's current strength, it would be incredibly easy to obliterate them.

Tie Zhen Lan put aside cleansing his body from the poison for now, and led the rest of the Tie family's cultivators to kill the rest of the Qi family's cultivators.

Since the Tie family's people were doing the clean-up, Xiao Yun did not act anymore. After using the Spirit-Destroying Spear, he had used up much of his spirit energy, so he didn't want to waste the rest of his strength.

"Let's see if this fellow has anything good on him." Xiao Yun slightly narrowed his eyes as he looked at Poison Master Feng's corpse. He sent his senses towards the corpse, and soon, he felt a familiar rippling that caused him to feel delighted.

"So he really did have more." Soon, Xiao Yun took out a rhombus-shaped item from Poison Master Feng's body.

This object was about the size of a fist, and the layers of metal shards around it made it a rhombus-shaped concealed weapon. At a glance, it looked like a flower bud, and each petal had mysterious inscriptions that gave off cryptic ripples.

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"So this is a magic item." Xiao Yun held the item in his hand, feeling quite curious. The inscriptions were evidently what controlled this item, and were the reason it was so powerful that even True Essence realm cultivators could not defend against it.

"Magic items are things that surpass even Black grade weapons," the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow said. "Some magic items have inscriptions and are made from extraordinary materials. They have special powers, which makes them spiritual armaments. Those sorts of things will greatly increase one's strength, allowing them to fight with people with higher cultivations."

"Oh." Xiao Yun felt quite curious towards spiritual armaments. His Heaven-Devouring Tower's Spirit-Destroying Spear was very powerful, but it was difficult to fully wield it, nor could he use it for long periods of time. If he had a spiritual armament, it would be able to cover the weaknesses of the Spirit-Destroying Spear.

"Those large sects all have these sorts of magic items," the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow said. "So you'll have opportunities to obtain more in future."

"I wonder if he has any other treasures." Xiao Yun nodded as he continued to search Poison Master Feng's body.

However, after looking over it, he was disappointed. That magic item was the last one that Poison Master Feng had, and he had barely anything else. However, there was a book on poisons and many medicinal powders that could neutralise poisons. This person was evidently also a Pill Refiner, but could only refine medicinal powders.

"With this concealed weapon, I have another killing move." Xiao Yun shook his head and took the concealed weapon and book on poison. He flipped his palm as a violet light flashed, burning Poison Master Feng's body into nothing. By now, the battle between the Tie family's cultivators and Qi family's cultivators had ended.

Without any True Essence realm cultivators on the Qi family's side, and with the Tie family's Second Patriarch and other experts attacking, the Qi family's people had no chance at all. A river of blood formed in front of the Tie family's residence, causing the night to seem quite devilish.

As the evening breeze blew, it brought with it the smell of blood and gore, causing the other cultivators watching on to shiver. After seeing the conclusion of this battle, everyone all thought the same thing: the Tie family could not be offended! That youth also struck fear into everyone's hearts - he was like a god who had descended, and gave off an inviolable air. No one dared to have any thoughts of attacking anymore.

The Tie family's people were incredibly grateful to Xiao Yun, and were filled with respect towards him. After all, this youth had defeated the Qi family's main forces! Without him, the Tie family would have perished here.

Xiao Yun only calmly smiled - in this battle, he had also taken a great risk. His Spirit-Destroying Spear was very powerful, but he could only use it at full strength once. Once his spirit energy ran dry, it would be difficult for him to deal with True Essence realm cultivators. Xiao Yun knew that he had only survived because his Martial Spirit had become stronger. After his Martial Spirit became stronger, he could easily control that jade-green light, which allowed him to flick the poisonous liquid onto the Qi family's True Essence realm experts.

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After the battle, the Tie family's people returned to the residence to start tending to their wounds. The Tie family's casualties were quite great: they had lost tens of Innate realm cultivators, and they essentially only had Body Tempering realm cultivators left. Even their True Essence realm cultivators were severely injured, with some who had received wounds that would never fully heal.

After thanking Xiao Yun, Tie Zhen Lan and the others went to recover. The Tie family had been greatly weakened, and if they didn't quickly regain their strength, it was likely that other families would attack them while they were still weak.

Xiao Yun also went back to recover his spirit energy. Without enough spirit energy, he would still be powerless in front of True Essence realm cultivators.

Luckily, nothing happened during the night. After seeing Xiao Yun's shocking display of strength, none of the other large families' cultivators dared to attack. After recuperating for a night, Xiao Yun finally recovered his spirit energy.

"Are you going to leave now?" Tie Rong'Er walked over. She had a tall and full figure, with misty eyes and had a hurt expression on her face. Now that the Tie family's crisis had been resolved, she knew that the youth would be leaving soon.

"I'll stay for 2 days," Xiao Yun said. "I'll leave you all some medicinal pills to help your family recover its strength."

"Mm." Tie Rong'Er nodded and did not say anything, and just silently stayed by the youth's side. After experiencing that battle the previous night, she knew that the gap between her and this youth was simply too wide, and it would be difficult for her to follow him. If she adamantly decided to follow him, she would only be a burden to him.

Xiao Yun later received word that one of the managers of the Cloudsea Merchant Alliance at the North Mist City had personally brought medicinal ingredients here, and wanted to meet him. Evidently, he had heard about the events of the previous night, and wanted to see that godly youth for himself.

Xiao Yun immediately refused, but sent someone to notify the Cloudsea Merchant Alliance that he would send some medicinal pills to the Cloudsea Merchant Alliance. After all, what he had done was simply too eye-catching, and he didn't want the Cloudsea Merchant Alliance to realise who he was. This was because he still had not settled the hatred between him and the Qiu family. Without sufficient strength, he couldn't let others know about him. Otherwise, it could invite trouble on himself, and it was always better to remain low-profile and avoid all unnecessary troubles. As such, that person from the Cloudsea Merchant Alliance could only leave disappointed.

After this, Xiao Yun started to refine pills.

2 days later, Xiao Yun handed bottle after bottle of medicinal pills to Tie Rong'Er.

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"With these medicinal pills, your Tie family will definitely become more powerful, and will be able to stand steadily within the North Mist City," Xiao Yun said.

"Are you leaving now?" Tie Rong'Er asked reluctantly as she received the bottles of medicinal pills.

Xiao Yun helplessly replied, "I've stayed here long enough, and should be leaving now."

All loose ends had been tied, and the medicinal pills would allow the Tie family's experts to recover their strength.

"Then can you leave tomorrow?" Tie Rong'Er asked as she blinked with her beautiful eyes. "I want to spend one more day with you."

"Alright." Xiao Yun deeply breathed in, also looking quite reluctant to leave. However, he knew that he had to leave - not only so that he could join the Heaven Origin Sect, but also to become stronger and protect those around him. If he did not become a powerful expert, how could he stand firmly? In this world, strength reigned supreme. Only with enough strength would his friends and family not be bullied.

Early the next morning after making some preparations, Xiao Yun said farewell to Tie Rong'Er.

"I'll always wait for you in the North Mist City," Tie Rong'Er muttered as she watched Xiao Yun leave.

After leaving the North Mist City, Xiao Yun decided to go to that Skyfire Palace. From what he knew, it was an inheritance palace left behind by an expert, and was a rare opportunity for him.

Even the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow was incredibly excited. From the name of the place, it seemed that the expert was someone who possessed a Fire Martial Spirit, meaning that there should be a Fire Vein within the inheritance palace. After obtaining some Fire Essence Qi, both it and Xiao Yun could become stronger. After all, Xiao Yun's Violet Flame Martial Spirit was too weak right now, and he needed more Fire Essence Qi to make it stronger.

Xiao Yun was in a mountain range with dense vegetation. The ancient trees seemed to reach the sky, and their leaves completely blocked out the sky, while demonic beasts roared throughout the mountain range.

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Looking out, there was a region in this endless mountain range that was not covered by anything. There was barely anything growing in that region, and all of the rocks and stones were a charred-black colour, as if they had been burned by something. Heatwaves also rolled from the distance, causing this region to feel exceptionally hot, and all of the plants that grew there contained Fire Essence Qi.

On a cliff face, a youth was clambering around like a monkey, plucking a spiritual grass off the cliff face.

"This is quite a good place." Xiao Yun leapt down from the cliff face, and looking at the gemstone-like spiritual grass in his hands, he couldn't help but smile. His luck was quite good, to be able to obtain such a thing not too long after entering here.

"Haha, give it to me, Lil Yun, give it to me. This Fire Spirit Grass is at least 200 years old; let me have it." This voice suddenly sounded out in Xiao Yun's mind - it was evidently the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow.

After leaving the North Mist City, he had travelled straight to this mountain range that contained the Skyfire Inheritor Palace.

"Give it to you?" Xiao Yun narrowed his eyes, looking hesitant. This Fire Spirit Grass contained Fire Essence Qi, and could help Xiao Yun's Violet Flame Martial Spirit become stronger.

"Boy, surely you're not thinking of keeping it to yourself?" When it saw Xiao Yun hesitate, the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow rolled its eyes and said, "This Lord sacrificed so much energy for you, and you should repay me for it. Otherwise, I won't help you deal with enemies in future."

"What are you so anxious for; I never said I wouldn't give it to you," Xiao Yun said helplessly.

"Eh, that boy has a Fire Spirit Grass in his hands."

"That's a rare spirit grass that can only be birthed in extremely hot places from absorbing Fire Essence Qi." Just as Xiao Yun was preparing to give the Fire Spirit Grass to the Heaven-Devouring Sparrow, a sharp cry sounded out. He turned around and saw a few youths walking out towards him, with burning gazes in their eyes.

Xiao Yun frowned, knowing that he had run into trouble. However, he was not worried - there were only 4 of them, and they were only Innate realm cultivators. In comparison to Xiao Yun, there were hardly enough of them to do anything to him. If they wanted to steal something from him, it would be like stealing food from a tiger, and playing with their own lives.

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