Eternal Reverence

Chapter 310


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The two played against each other, naturally world-shaking.

On the round table, the golden qi strength is madly intertwined, accompanied by the golden dragon phantom and the golden whip.

Jin Xudong's Martial Art talent is far less than Chi Yuye, and the Martial Art is just a set of Profound level high rank whip technique.

But Jin Xudong has half-step Heavenly Dipper Realm cultivation base, and body Refining talent is quite good, obviously put a profound level top Rank Body Refining cultivation Technique cultivation to a very high realm, the hands of the Golden Whip shake up, wūwū rattling, as if a bunch of twisted entangled rays of light in the gush, in sputtering, ordinary people don't say near Jin Xudong, I am afraid that just on the round table, will be wanton golden rays of light to sweep fly, earthquake injury.

It’s just that Chi Yuye is not easy. He is one of the people of Heavenly Dragon Sword Art cultivated to great accomplishment. One Man One Sword is invincible. The golden dragon phantom seems to be condensed by countless sword light. Every time it collides with the golden whip shadow, it will There is an endless stream of sword light and sword qi.

The battle between the two has already surpassed the level of Earth Fiend Realm. Some of the newly promoted Heavenly Dipper Realm martial artist is estimated to be so strong, perhaps not as good as two.

"too strong!"

The King Star level of combat made everyone stunned.

The strength of each of the two strikes is as big as peak, and they can be easily killed several times. I am afraid that even if a group of people go up, they will be crushed unless they can take the lead.

"Worthy is Heavenly Dragon Sword Art !"

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Li Fuchen heart secretly praised.

Eastern Lín Continent has top 10 star secret techniques, and also has the top 10 Profound level top rank Martial Art, the Heavenly Dragon Sword Art, the seventh-ranked Profound level top rank Martial Art.

In comparison, Azure Billow Sect's Profound level top rank sword technique is undoubtedly much worse.

Azure Billow Sect sword technique is roughly divided into two veins, one vein is water vein, one vein is fire vein, and the water vein has azure billow sword technique. This sword technique is very famous throughout Eastern Lín Continent, and it is estimated that it can be discharged into the top fifty. The name, and the Burning Heaven Sword Technique of Fire Pulse can also rank in the top 50, but compared with the seventh Heavenly Dragon Sword Art, the gap is not a little bit, at least one level.

"Fortunately, his Heavenly Dragon Sword Art seems to be just the boundary to perfection of the point of perfection. Otherwise, it is estimated that Golden Whip King Star Jin Xudong can't stop a few swords."

The Martial Art great accomplishment is subdivided into three realms: the three realms of brought to the point of perfection, reaching peak and perfection.

Brought to the point of perfection, on behalf of you have already cultivated this Martial Art to a very pure point.

And reaching peak, you have already thoroughly penetrated this Martial Art and began to integrate into your will.

As for perfection, this is the Sword Intent level. When you reach this level, you will understand the Sword Intent of this sword technique. From then on, you can use this sword technique as if you are breathing, there will be no blockage, and you can Let such a sword technique, more in line with Heavenly Dao nature, can exert an extremely terrible power.

In general, the Profound level high rank sword technique of the reaching peak realm can counter or even suppress the Profound level middle rank sword technique of the Sword Intent level.

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But the Profound level top rank sword technique is different.

Profound level top rank sword technique is too powerful.

Earth level sword technique Don't say that at this level of sword technique, it has interfered with the natural revolved, interfering with the secret of the Earth, Earth level Earth level, not to talk about, but has its own unique meaning.

Profound level sword technique, which contains a hint of heaven and earth, can not interfere with the natural revolved for the time being, but also on the way to interfere with natural revolved.

Profound level top rank, which stands for Top level. The distance interference is naturally revolved, only one line apart.

This level of Martial Art is very terrifying, basically bringing the mystery to the peak. In general, the Profound level top rank sword technique of the boundary to perfection is the ability to suppress the Profound level high rank sword technique of the Sword Intent level. Not to mention the Profound level top rank sword technique of the reaching peak.

If Chi Yuye cultivated Heavenly Dragon Sword Art to the reaching peak level, it is estimated that only Thunder King Star Situ Lei can compete with the Three King Star, which is because Thunder King Star Situ Lei has a Half-step Heavenly Dipper Realm cultivation base.

Li Fuchen is rising too fast. If it rises slowly, attending the next Star List Great Competition, it is estimated that there is a chance to contact Profound level top rank technique Burning Heaven Sword Technique. Now, his background is still too shallow, and there is no contact. The secret of Sect.

Great war step by step, everyone can find, with the Half-step Heavenly Dipper Realm cultivation base Golden Whip King Star Jin Xudong, has fallen a bit, and his opponent Chi Yuye, only Earth Fiend Realm peak cultivation base.

"Impossible, impossible."

Jin Xudong roared, the golden whip was dancing wildly, and the golden whip shadow was like a golden magma splashing, trying to compete against Chi Yuye's Heavenly Dragon Sword Art.

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However, Chi Yuye's Heavenly Dragon Sword Art is so mysterious, every trick is so terrifying, so deep, there is no weakness in all aspects, no flaws.

"Give me a break!"

Jin Xudong The face of the blue veins exposed, a huge golden whip shadow, like the glow of the rising sun, sweeping all directions.

“Heavenly Dragon Sword Art , Wrath of Heavenly Dragon !”

Chi Yuye also broke out with Heavenly Dragon Sword Art unique skill, a sword out, endless sword light gathering, condensed into a golden dragon with claws and claws.

The golden dragon screamed and turned into a long rainbow, madly smashing out.


The golden qi strength is already viscous like a stream of water, splashing, and a golden qi strength, can kill a heaven's chosen, in this endless golden qi strength, even Heavenly Dipper Realm low rank martial artist, have to give birth to fear.


After all, Golden Whip King Star Jin Xudong is the weakest of the Three King Stars. It can't match the Thunder King Star Situ Lei. The defense is not as good as King Star Qi Heng, and the golden sword light that has been condensed together swept over. Instantly tore his defensive circle, tore his Body Protecting True Qi, a blood spurt out, and Jin Xudong flew out.

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If it wasn't for his cultivation, the Profound level top rank Body Refining Cultivation Technique, this sword is enough to run through his chest.

A sword hit Jin Xudong, Chi Yuye stood with a sword, did not go after, the body of the aura, more and more intense, like the emperor in the sword.

“Golden Whip King Star Jin Xudong lost?”

"Unbelievable, incredible, this is the first time that King Star has lost in decades. In the past, King Star could laugh at the end, or after joining the Star List Great Competition, it was promoted to Heavenly Dipper Realm martial artist."

“This Star List Great Competition is so special, I have a hunch, maybe, and King Star will fall.”

"Impossible, Thunder King Star Situ Lei is absolutely strong, and the defense of King Star Qi Heng is also strong and outrageous. If you want to beat them, the difficulty will increase by one level."

"What else is impossible? Wait and see! ”

The defeat of Jin Xudong is not only unexpected, but also reasonable.

Chi Yuye who has mastered Heavenly Dragon Sword Art is too powerful. No one has thought that Chi Yuye can cultivate Heavenly Dragon Sword Art to great accomplishment. He knows that Heavenly Dragon Sword Sect also has other Profound level top rank sword techniques, some Profound level top. The power of the rank sword technique is similar to the power of Teng Qingyun's Purple Qi Divine Needle, not so exaggerated.

"Jin Xudong is also defeated?"

Qi Heng pupils shrank, staring at Chi Yuye.

Until now, only Chi Yuye has put a lot of pressure on him, and Jiang Ruoliu is inferior to one or two points.

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