Ethereal Paradigm

Chapter 24

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"Only in the Darkness, can you see the stars."

-Martin Luther

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"Now. Back to the main plot. I am exploited to explain to you the quota right?" The goddess, while sitting comfortably with legs crossed suggested.

"'Exploited' is such a strong term, but I must insist to ask you any queries."

"Well, I'm prepared"

"A Herrscher. If my assumptions are correct. Is it someone who signed a contract with a deity?"

"Obviously, Yes"

"And there are many out there who bare that title?"

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"Yes, the majority is enrolled in this facility right now"

"And another question..."

"Just please hurry up. I already spent like a percent of my power here"

"Wait, just a percentage?"
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"What would you expect? Truth is I was bothered by the way how Deus Ex portrayed me like I'm some sort of weakling. Great depression? Hmm. it may not be a good time to tell you this, but that was only like a quarter of my power."

Oh, so she was not bothered by having her story told. She was bothered by how it was portrayed that most of her power came from that event that killed countless flesh, when in fact it's not.

"So you are powerful," I said.

"Yes of course. As you have speculated it, I draw my power from people's sadness. The more the sadness, the more the power. But I'm also not limited to that of course. I could also convert depression to my arsenal of power."

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Oh, I see, I kinda see now why she would choose me. someone who died along with his emotions. There is no one sadder than that.

Glad I can be of merit"

"You have a sharp mind there, but what is this "other" question? You have some guts driving me to waste my time explaining details when it's your fault for skipping over the terms and conditions. "

"Whether I'm here or not, I'm always kind of convinced that you would still waste your time regardless. So, what is this game that they have been talking about? I assume Deus called it the "Warfare of Fates"."

"What a nice question. Now, It's rather a pain to explain every single thing, but I'll extrapolate however the brief version of the terms and conditions. As you signed your contract, I granted your request to nullifying your emotions. In that, you officially became my Herrscher. Someone who bears my will as a deity. And these herrschers who have formed contracts with their respective goddess have also become a part, a player of a very important game."

"So what's in the game?"

"Oh, It's more like a gamble. But, here, you won't be using money or tokens as collateral, it's your fate that is in stake, along with the fate of the entire humankind."

"What do you mean by fate?"

"Exactly as it is. "

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"So you mean?"

"Yes. Now allow me to explain to you a bit further. The gamble is named "Warfare of Fates" and it has been ongoing for a millionth plus eons already, starting when your very first ancestors transgressed the commandment of God. This year, however, the Magistrates took a different course to advance the unmoved progress if the game."The goddess explained.

Is it just me? Or somewhat I feel that this "different course" a very troublesome one.

"So what is the purpose of the game you ask? Simple and obvious. To decide if whether humanity deserved mercy from the omnipotent. In other words, the heavenly realms have been in the endeavor to decide whether to destroy or save you. In the game, a deity must choose whom to side with. In your beautiful classmate's case, both she and her deity sided with the faction who is in favor of humanity's obliteration from the face of the earth "

"So that's how it is. And... How is Victor decided? And what will the winner get besides playing a cameo in deciding humanity's ultimatum? Don't tell me that we're gonna be exploited in the whole game without a due reward? "

"The answer is quite simple actually and you're right, there's more than one reward. The last participant to be left will be deemed the official winner and, as a reward, he can make ANY wish under the highest authority there is."

"What kind of wish?"

"Not much, but it could be anything. Whether it be Immortality, a right to bear the title of a deity, infinite power, and heck, it could even be a Harem situation!"

"Hmmm. The last one was quite dubious. Well, I don't have any other choice, don't I? So, here's one last question to seal of the deal...Well, it's not a question really but more like clarification as you did not give me any specifics. What did you choose? "

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"Choose what?"

"I mean, in what team have you sided? I believe you would also side with those in favor of damnation right?"

"Oh no. I did not choose anything"

"Say what?"

"If I were to name myself, I'm just a spectator maybe?"


"It's troublesome actually. Fighting that bunch of eccentrics. And also, it's not injected in the rules that we are required to choose in haste. The others, however, except me and three other deities, became so enthusiastic about the idea of going against each other to see who's argument is fit decided to take part in the battle the moment the agenda was presented. You see Deus outside? That in consequent deity have been in the war for almost as long as I can remember, serving as the deity of the Reingnsworths for almost seven generations now."

"What? And is it true or is it just me, that you already served as a deity for someone before? If he has been serving for that long of a time, then I think that you could have also served another family before me?"

"Nope. That is impossible, I was just a spirit when the game started. As you are already informed I was late in joining the ranks of the deities, hereby making me partly a novice in this warfare. That goes on without saying that you are my first Herrscher. The first to ever."

"I- I still don't get it."

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