Chapter 8 - The Pure Eyes

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It was prohibited to interfere with someone who already had a significant other. It was the country’s customary culture and most noble families followed it and took it seriously. It was directly related to their honor and honor was deeply related to their finance.

That’s why Nevira Bedelium was upset whenever Venio was close to someone. She was controlling the situation so there wouldn’t even be a chance for Venio to meet another person.

But if he suddenly met someone else, Nevira would be troubled while Venio would be at peace. Venio was able to come up with that simple plan as well and it seemed like a good offer, but…

Venio’s expression softened as he stared at Laila’s face.Laila opened her mouth again after reading his facial expression that was neither good nor bad.

“Your Excellency, you could just think of it as taking a break for a month. If you want, I wouldn’t even see you often and the only thing you have to do is act like you love me.”

“What do you mean by acting? How much is pretending?” Venio asked with a slight frown, his expression still uncertain.


All of a sudden, Laila couldn’t say anything as Venio watched her face carefully. She had been passionately explaining things to him so far, but he noticed her face losing color and becoming pale now. Soon, she let out a weak voice, trying to think of what to tell him while her lips were shaking.

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“So, that’s…” 


Venio squinted his eyes as she struggled to figure out what to say.

“Even if it’s just a comfortable, light relationship, that’s fine as well.” 

It seemed she couldn’t decide and Venio responded with a slight frown on his face.

“I see.” 

From the beginning and until now, she was a mysterious woman. 

After quickly observing her, he concluded that she was hiding something else and decided that it was hard to accept her proposal lightly. Venio just watched her silently then parted his lips with an unsatisfied look.

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“I could give you a response, but first, Lady, I don’t know what situation you are in, but you should never give any other man the same offer as you are giving me. It would cause harm in your future and that would be absolutely unfair for you.”

Suddenly, Laila gazed at him with an interested look. While noticing every change in her expressions, he continued calmly.

“I admit your offer itself was not a bad offer since it took my situation into consideration, but…”

Laila slowly blinked her eyes with a weird look. 


‘What kind of reaction is that?’ he asked himself. 

He had a strange feeling after seeing her, who was a stranger to him, and her weird reactions, but continued his response.

“I believe I need to have some kind of interest in order for me to even pretend. I don’t like a woman like you who lowers herself like that.” 

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Laila didn’t seem offended by his direct words—she was just tilting her head. It made him wonder why she was reacting like that when he didn’t say anything that she didn’t understand.

‘And on top of that, instead of feeling offended, she seemed more interested.’ 

He felt as if he was facing something really difficult. He was calming himself down when he felt a weird competitive spirit forming inside of him, then continued speaking as if he was just spitting out words.

“And before any of that, you wouldn’t even be able to deal with the crazy woman anyway. She is a profound woman in many ways. You would probably feel like dying if you had to put up with her. Also, having a lady as a shield doesn’t seem like a thing a gentleman would do.”

“It’s okay.” 


Her face bore a crestfallen expression, but when she responded, he asked her again. This time, he was a bit startled. Her soft gray colored eyes were staring directly at his face. Without a doubt, they were so pure.

“I can do it, Your Excellency.” 

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Laila thought the Grand Duke was strange. It was hard to describe the feeling, but it seemed like she became possessed. No one had ever talked with her for this long. She had never heard anyone giving her advice or worrying about her.

Right now, he didn’t seem like he was the Evil Duke and Laila was no longer scared of him.

“I could endure anything.” 

His words of advice were new to her, but he was right. However, the last thing he was concerned about was something that wouldn’t be a problem as she was confident that she could endure anything.

Laila had a strange feeling. She felt weird when she was confident. Duke Venio, who was looking at her with a cold expression, laughed slightly as if he was letting out a sigh.

“I am not quite sure.” 

After those final words, he took his leave after politely nodding at her. Laila stood still as she stared at his back that disappeared into the night.

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