Vol. 1 Chapter 26

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[1-25]: Rescue...

Translated by Syxphis
Edited by Syxphis


I quickly collect the second corpse…

I got the same demon flesh, armor set, underwear and an iron sword. There wasn’t anything new, so I didn’t get any bonuses.

I hate to say it, but I feel like killing this guy was a bit useless…No, it’s not useless! It wasn’t for nothing! This guy was keeping me from getting to the basement! It’s not a waste even if he didn’t have any rare items!

Well, dark humor aside, it’s not like I got nothing out of killing the second guard.


“[Demon Race Lv.2]

Category: Trait

Rarity: E”


The “Demon” trait has gone up a level.

I’m not sure what that means since I haven’t checked the details…I guess there isn’t anything wrong with gaining levels, so I’ll just be satisfied with that for now.

Once again, I’m headed to the basement.

I close the door and go down the stairs—but as I thought yesterday when I broke into that restaurant basement, stairs are hard on a little kitten’s body…! They just aren’t the right size, so I have to hop onto each step as I go down. I can’t believe how much trouble it is for a cat to move down stairs after seeing them do it so much in web videos

I managed to make it down the stairs in about a minute.

The dark corridor continues, leading to a heavy looking door.

…It’s like a prison…Maybe it’s supposed to be more like a warehouse or something.

I open the door with my virtual body.

There’s a dark circle in the hallway…

There are bare stone walls and tools lying all over the place. I dread to wonder how they are used.

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The room is filled with the smell of blood and something rotten. It’s not the type of environment that a decent person would spend their time in. This is definitely the domain of rats and roaches.

…However, there is a girl chained up at the back of the room.

I can tell she is a girl…because her clothes are stripped from her, exposing her body. If she had been clothed, I probably wouldn’t have been able to determine her gender, to be honest.

This is because—her face is so swollen that it’s unrecognizable from its original form, and even the smallest glance reveals how much violence she’s suffered here.

It’s not just her face either.

There are bruises, punctures from fangs and claw marks scattered painfully throughout her exposed flesh…bleeding profusely. Blood and white fluid flows from her crotch…it makes me want to turn my head, honestly.

This girl is Yuri…




I touch her with my paw and she is soaked with a mixture of blood and various body fluids.

She’s still warm, she isn’t dead!

Her consciousness is completely lost and her body is flaccid, though.

The demons were doing as much damage as they could without killing her…

Just saying she’s “not dead” is still far from being healthy. In this kind of situation, what can I use…Oh, the recovery potion!?

I can’t do it with my body, so I don the set of Orichalcum armor on the virtual body and give it the green potion after taking it out of the Collection Box.

I can’t make her drink…wouldn’t that be impossible?

Maybe sprinkling it on her body will work. Well, it will probably have some effect at least. I hope so. I’ll just believe it will. Yeah, good.

I open the lid and sprinkle the green liquid around her deepest wounds and face.




The blood that had been flowing constantly from her wounds stops, clots and covers them.

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Yes, that seems to have worked.

It’s not a full recovery like in a game, but I guess she’s a little better.

Her breathing seems to have become a little softer.

Now, let’s get her out of here before she wakes up. I don’t want anyone to see the empty armor in action. In fact, it would probably be really troublesome if someone saw me operating it.

The chains that are holding Yuri are restraining both of her arms and the other end of them are embedded into the wall.

No matter how sturdy their bind on her is, if I touch them and send them into the Collection Box, it will instantly be destroyed.

While I’m at it, I get to collect these chains too—so I’ll be killing two birds with one stone.

I hop into the hand of the gauntlet on the virtual body and I reach out for the chains, but—I stop midway.

I suddenly remember the conversation that I overheard on the third floor.


—There’s no need to worry about that much. If the chain is removed from the woman’s body, it will immediately activate the magic spell and alert the entire mansion. 


…Does that mean that there is some kind of alarm magic…? If that’s the case, it would be a bad idea to remove the chains right now…If there is magic on the chain, it may not be activated if I throw it in the Collection Box, but if the magic is cast on Yuri, there is no way to avoid it.

I pull back my paw and hop out of the virtual body’s hand, landing on the cold ground.

No, but wait. If the chains are not allowed to leave Yuri’s body, then…why don’t I just take the chains with her? I can remove the chains once we are outside.

The problem is, how would I take the chains that are connected to the wall with her…?

I know how I can do it. Yeah! Power is Justice!![1]

I use the fully armored virtual body to grab the chain near the wall and pull with all my might, propping its feet against the wall.

Pull! Pull with everything you’ve got!

I’m just kinda watching from the side and not doing anything, but…

It’s not like I’m only watching. I’m shouting in my mind, “Ooooh!!!”. It doesn’t really help at all, though.

…It’s not that I’m useless like that. I’m the one controlling the virtual body, so I’m already doing my best. Mhmm, really.

While making excuses in my mind and not even knowing who I’m talking to in there, the chain starts to strain.

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Before the chain comes out of the wall, the connection to it starts to break apart.

Ooh! We’re almost there!

Once I remove this chain, I’ll—!!

…Then what…?

I huff, letting go of the chain with the virtual body.

Really…! Damnit!! I hadn’t thought about what to do next!!

Rescue her.

That’s well and good, but what will I do after that? It’s not going to be easy to escape on my own, so it will probably be impossible to escape with such a badly injured person.

What do I do…What do I do?

I don’t know if I’ll ever get another chance to break into this mansion. I’ve already killed two guards, and they’ll probably be even more vigilant from now on. It would be ideal to rescue her this time, but I don’t think the demons would be stupid enough to not notice two missing guards, and considering that, I won’t be able to stay in the house for much longer.

What the hell!! I’ll have to think about this later! I’m going to try and find a way out of here!

I leave Yuri, who hasn’t woken up, and ride in the palm of the virtual body out the door. As I close the door, I think that I hear moaning inside, but there is no time to worry about that right now, so I hurry up the stairs. 

The virtual body in its golden armor stands out, so I put it away.

I’ll have to go up again. It can’t be helped.

I don’t have time to go outside, so I go straight up the stairs, prepared to take a few risks. Luckily, I got to the third floor without being spotted.

I’m usually unlucky, but in times like this, it seems to be the opposite for me.

I wonder if I have a special ability that increases my Luck stat significantly when I’m cornered? I really shouldn’t be thinking about this right now.

There are several rooms, but which one should I go into? If possible, I’d prefer one where there isn’t anyone inside, but…I can’t use [Bird’s Eye] around here…

I rely on my five senses, searching for signs of demons in each room until I find one that seems to have no one in it.

Okay, let’s go.

Since I can’t open doors with cat paws, I have no choice but to pull out the virtual body clad in Orichalcum armor.

At the very moment I pull it out—someone appears around the corner of the corridor.

Oh, shit!!!? Before I even have a chance to think about it, my body subconsciously hides behind the armor.

The other party is coming closer…I thought, but instead did something unexpected.

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“[Burning Exceed]!!”


Something is released from his hand—a huge fireball!?

He’s just shooting magic out of nowhere!?

I leave the virtual body behind and rush out the window behind me.

—There’s an explosion a moment later!

The window on the third floor shatters, sending shattered fragments flying at me.

The impact of the blast leaves me with no time to catch myself, but—I do have time to throw out the virtual body!

I erase the virtual body inside the armor and make it appear in the direction of my fall quickly. I equip the iron gauntlets and catch myself!

Okay, okay! Be thankful for all the flashy action that doesn’t require a stuntman!

I get off the virtual body’s hand and put it away it along with the iron gauntlets.

…That’s crazy…Isn’t it stupid to shoot magic suddenly without confirming the opponent?

It’s a good thing that the Orichalcum armor served as my shield for that kind of impact, the damage I got from it wasn’t as bad as it could have been…Oh, by the way, the Orichalcum armor is still lying on the third floor.

I can’t collect it now, though. I’m pretty sure the person who cast that spell is near it, and if the armor disappears right in front of them, they’ll get suspicious.

I can’t be laid back about this!

I intended to hide behind the armor and jump out, but there’s a chance that they saw me when I flew out the window. If I don’t get out of here soon, I’ll be in some serious trouble.

What about those dead guards in the Collection Box? I thought it would be better to keep them on hand than to throw them away, but this world is full of magic and skills I don’t completely understand.

I can’t ignore the fact that if I have a corpse on hand, there is a chance they have some way to track it.

…If it was that convenient, though, they would’ve tracked the stolen cargo by now…

But still, there’s a possibility. I don’t really have a reason to carry around dead bodies, so I shouldn’t take unnecessary risks. I’ll throw it in the bushes along a wall where it will be hard to find.

Damn it…! In the end, there was nothing that I could do to help, and I had to run away without anything to show for it!

The only thing I can do now is run for the gate, feeling ashamed of my powerlessness.

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