Vol. 1 Chapter 3

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Welcome to Another World!

Translated by Syxphis
Edited by Syxphis


“What’s happened to me!?”


. . .?


My body is heavy. My head is spinning… What the hell is this?


I know I’m lying down somewhere, but this place is cold and hard. It’s definitely not a bed that’s for sure. I mean, is this the ground? Isn’t this a floor?


“I don’t even know what’s going on! I’m not sure if this is another hero.”


“. . .”


“. . .”


“No, it’s not.”


“Yeah, I don’t think so either.”


Someone just spoke a while ago…Be quiet.


…Should I check their face just in case? If it’s an old man with a depressing face, I’ll complain. If it’s a short-tempered gangster, I’ll just go back to sleep…….No, I’m not a wuss. I‘m not going to get involved with the gangsters, so I’m just going to ignore them.


I open my eyes.


Something black obscures my field of vision.


What is this big black thing?


“What is this?”


“That’s a failed summon, isn’t it?”


“…This is bad.”


“…Ummm, that’s not good.”


The voice came down from above again.


For now, let’s leave the black thing in front of us. Is the voice coming from that?


I looked up to where the voice came from and saw…

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—It was a giant.


I quickly closed my eyes.


Y…es, wait a minute. Let’s take a moment to calm down?


I just saw a huge person…..That thing…..It’s a, yes, that’s it! A Gunda…no! No, it’s not that thing!…You’re hallucinating? Yes, it’s just a hallucination!


There’s no way a human can be the size of a giant robot like that.


You must have mistaken a house for a person. See? I’m just overreacting.

The cat makes a tehepero face.[1]


Just keep calm and open your eyes and you’ll see regular people there…


“Hmm? He’s awake.”


“What do we do with this now?”


—There was a giant.


You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!!


There it is!


That’s a Titan!


What? What are these people? It’s not a human, is it? They’re not people, are they?! What town are these monsters raiding?


I suddenly remembered the dream from earlier.


Well, I don’t know if I could spend the rest of my life in a different world, but I guess I have no choice…


Hmm…This is a different world where giants exist, in other words…?


What the fuck!?


Why did he fly me to such a crazy world with no-future mode, that bastard!?


You know what would make it a different world? If I became meaninglessly strong, surrounded by girls squealing and the enemies would be squashed one by one like bugs.


So why am I like this all of the sudden?


Oh I see, the black things in front of me are titan shoes!? Seriously!? How many centimeters are these shoes, you bastard? They’re huge! They’re about the same size as my body!

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“Shouldn’t we just throw them out?”




A giant’s hand is reaching out to grab me—and it’s terrifying, eeeeee!?


Shiiit, I have to get out of here…I can’t stand up!?


While I was scrambling to move, I was easily caught by one of the Titans.


It’s over…My life in another world ended in only five minutes….


Hey! Don’t hold someone in such a strange way…! Don’t grab me by the neck like a cat!


My limbs came into view for the first time as I flailed madly trying to resist.






I move what seems to be my hand…and touch my head. Next I touched my face. Body. Tail.




It’s a very cute tail.


The cat beams with pride.


Wait no, it’s not! Are you stupid? What is that? What the hell is that?


Why is it so hairy? Why are there so many paw pads? Why are my ears in the wrong position? Are the parts of my face not arranged in a strange way!?!


It’s like…


“Then, can this cat be thrown outside?”




—Don’t say “cat” first!


I was trying to accept it slowly, but you suddenly threw that right in my face like a fastball!


…I mean, am I really a cat…?


I’m…going to try to move my paws. In front of me is a small, round paw covered in fluffy brown and white fur..

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Wow…are you serious?


Are you telling me that these people aren’t giants, but I’m just small because I’m a cat?


Thank God there are no giants though…


. . .


. . .


No, no, no, no, no, aiya!? This is not the time to be feeling relieved! Even if there aren’t any giant’s, my size as a cat isn’t going to change. Even though I’m a cat, I’m a child aren’t I? I’m a kitten!? If I’m an adult or kitten, there isn’t much difference.


While I was making a fuss and losing my temper, the normal human who isn’t a giant walked silently through the dimly lit passage.


What is this place? It’s made of brick? It’s dark and chilly!


There’s no light from the outside. Underground? Is this underground? Is this underground confinement? Is this the case? Are policemen on the case?


Soon, a door appeared and opened with a bang…then I was thrown to the ground with a flick.


I couldn’t move my body and couldn’t catch myself, so I rolled across the dirt…It hurts!?




Huh? That cute little sound that was just made…is that me, by any chance? It’s me, right? That sound came out of my mouth.


“See you later.”


That’s all the man said, then closed the door.


Whoa!? If I’m thrown out like this in a fragile cat body…That’s unreasonable. The fact that those men were right in front of me in this state…they could at least try to understand my situation a little! They can’t just leave me in this unclear situation and state…


Then the door was gone.






Huh? What? Why!? There was a door there, wasn’t there? That’s where I came from!


Why did it disappear…?


Was it a dokod●mo door?



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No, this is no time for jokes! What am I going to do!? Now that I, with my feline body, have been thrown into such an unknown place…


 …I can’t just yell and scream about it. It’s a good idea to keep my cool. Take a deep breath…




My current body…a kitten.




Speed…extremely subtle.






Good! It’s a dead end! Dismissed!




As soon as I declared it, I felt depressed.


What…am I supposed to do then?


The reason why this is happening is because of the conversation in the dream, isn’t it? What was that voice anyway? Was it God? Is it the person who arranges your reincarnation? For the time being, I don’t know what to call him, so I’ll call him the reincarnation official (if I call him God and he’s not, the real one might get angry…).


If everything the reincarnation official said is true, I’m dead. Since the death wasn’t supposed to happen, I couldn’t go through the proper procedures, so I was forced to be reincarnated as this cat…is that right?




Eh? What is happening?


Wouldn’t it make sense if I were able to understand it in little bits at a time?


I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out. What kind of world is this? Is it sword and sorcery? Is it fantasy? Medieval? Science fiction? Is it set in the near future?


Well, it’s true that I was surprised to see that teleporting door just now…I’m not going to convince you that it’s a world that doesn’t make sense like that, but…I understand.




What should I do now?


I’m in the form of a cat, in a world that makes no sense.


Woooow, I really want to cry right now. Oooooh!!!

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