The castle was cluttered by the commotion that took place early in the morning. Quillie whispered to the doctor who had finished the treatment, saying, “My master seems to be sick, both mentally and physically” the servants wandered around the castle at the sudden commotion.

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‘I heard the lord is crazy? Did he turn into the Devil?’

‘Wasn’t he like a devil from the beginning, did he get punished for being a devil? The dead souls must have cursed him.’

‘What if they kill us at this rate?’

Seyad sat down on his bed, ignoring the whispers he heard across the hallway. For Seyad, whose five senses were particularly developed among Titer’s, whispers about him were meaningless, the whispering across the hallway was no different than speaking right in front of him.

However, the harsh words he heard didn’t hurt him. I’ve heard enough curse words about me. The last words I heard at the end of my life was also hateful contempt.

‘There will never be another person as terrible as you.’

Suddenly, cold purple eyes came to mind. The young man, who was always gentle and kind to others, was only cold to Seyad. Seyad was a person whom everyone hated, to the point where the gentle prince, who had never hated anyone, trembled.

How did it come to this?

The Prosius family, who guarded the northern land of Axid, where winter comes first, were famous for protecting the entire northern region and possessing the strongest Titer than anyone else. The family, once respected throughout the whole kingdom, became notorious for the incident that happened in the year Seyad came of age.

Serena, Seyad’s mother and the head of Prosius, had killed innocent people due to a rampage.

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Every time Titer’s use their ability, the inner wavelength that is the source of their power is shaken. If they continue to use the ability without the help of a guide who calms down the rising power, they will eventually lose themselves and become aggressive, which is called a ‘rampage’. It was also the only thing that all Titer’s feared and regarded as a sin.

My mother, who participated in the annual Spring Thanksgiving festival held by the Queen of Solias, killed those who were present in an untimely rampage. Twenty knights from the Shieldras family, the most influential family of the southern territory that produced the second strongest Titer after the North, were killed, and the Queen who was present, was also threatened with her life. My mother’s attempt to kill the queen was regarded as treason and she was sentenced to death. The Shieldras family overturned the North, representing the Queen, whose blood flowed faintly from the Shieldras family.

Since then, the Prosius have become a family of traitors. There was a crisis in which the whole family almost disappeared, but they survived. It was not possible to recklessly kill a Titer, who protects the North. and it was because of the request of the Crown Prince, who was the son of the former Queen.

After the incident, Seyad lived his whole life to restore the honor of his family. He did everything under the command of the crown prince who saved his family. He was involved in numerous sabotage efforts to keep the current prince from gaining power, and did not care who was sacrificed in the process of exterminating Nirah, a monster that had a lifelong confrontation with mankind. This was because he believed that his family would regain their past honor if he was recognized for killing more Nirahs than anyone else. Seyad’s hand was cruel in the process, that even his people were afraid of him.

However, Seyad had a reason to do so. Before he reached the execution table, the ghost of his mother, who was vomiting blood and begging, always whispered next to him.

‘I’ve never tried to harm your highness, Eid. I didn’t go on a rampage. I saw it with my own eyes. The gigantic Nirah, who tried to attack us even though the sun was up…’

The only people who could prove my mother’s testimony were those of the Shieldras family and the Queen, who were there at the scene of the incident. And they all said in unison, “your mother suddenly rampaged and saw a ghost.” for Nirah was a monster that appeared only on winter nights. There was no way to prove my mother’s innocence.

Therefore, Seyad followed the crown prince, who promised he would return everything if he became king. Only the crown prince said he would investigate his mother’s case in detail, and that his mother, whom everyone calls a traitor, was a great Titer.

Even the people from the same family turned their backs on my mother, but only the crown prince, who had not a drop of blood mixed, sided with him. It was perhaps only natural for Seyad to follow him.

However, the crown prince he had been loyal to all his life, did not join Seyad’s end. His mother’s dishonor was eventually not erased, and her son, Seyad, also went mad with a rampage and committed a terrible slaughter.

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The strong remorse Seyad felt before he died shook him. My heart, which was always hardened and numb, cracked. It felt like what I had believed to be right all my life was being destroyed.

“Are you feeling well, your excellency?”

A greeting was given to him, who was silent in vain as if his whole body had been emptied. As he turned away, the head butler, Callan, greeted him. Quillie’s father and longtime subordinate, his attitude changed toward Seyad after Quillie’s death. His politeness remained the same, but he avoided being in one place with Seyad, and said he would leave here by the time Seyad died.

“The messenger arrived earlier. It was reported that the march of his highness had just crossed Lake Axid. Judging from the location, they should arrive around noon. The dinner will be ready in time and the celebration banquet has been examined. You only need to confirm the place where the distinguished guest will be staying.”

Callan continued his report as if there had been no previous uproar. This was also like the past in Seyad’s memory. After staring at him, Seyad asked after receiving the documents from the butler.

“Tell me what year it is.”

“It’s the 357th year since the founding of the country. It’s also the beginning of the fifth prayer ceremony that the Lord is welcoming.”

Callan replied calmly, but perhaps he overheard the words. He added a word casually to Seyad, who was lost in thought.

“You must have had a terrible nightmare. It’s understandable since you’ve been working nonstop for months.”

It’s a nightmare.

Many of the things I faced were too long and vivid to be just a nightmare. But there was no other way to explain it. I see everyone I meet say the same things together.

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There is no immediate way to know why this happened, so it was right to solve the problem in front of us.

If this was a dream, I would wake up one day, but if I really went back in time… I…

Seyad looked down at the papers. The list of distinguished guests who will be staying according to the space of the castle divided into the main building and the separate building was listed, and there were many familiar names. Only Titer’s from other families, including the royal family, could stay in the main building, and all the other nobles would stay in the separate buildings. In the first place, the number of nobles who could participate in the prayer ceremony was limited to the closeness of each Titer family, so there were not that many.

The place where the gray eyes that were looking through the names stopped was at the end of the list of people who would stayed in the separate building. It included the current Queen’s eldest son and the second prince, Lesas Raman Solias. As Seyad wondered why he was here, he soon remembered that this was his decision.

– A Royal family member, who is not a guide, is no different than a nobleman, so treat them accordingly

The Crown Prince, Aster, ordered him first in the letter. The reason why Seyad followed the order, despite it not fitting the etiquette and discipline, was because of the crown prince’s strong power, but also because of Prince Lesas’ miserable position.

In the beginning, Titer’s were born, and at the same time, there were guides that existed on this land. A great force always brought about a crack in the mind, and there was nothing but a guide to extinguish such a crack. The royal family of Solias has been the only one who has the power to guide to help Titer’s for generations.

It is said that Raman the 1st, the most powerful ruler, purified the waves of many Titer’s regardless of gender, but usually one royal family had the capacity to handle one or two Titer’s. The current royal family could not purify as indiscriminately as their ancestors, but since the number’s of existing Titer was always constant, just having that much power could prove their value as royalty.

But Prince Lesas had nothing to represent the royal family. Instead of the blonde and white hair that the Solias’ royal family was born with from generation to generation, he was born with black hair, and there was no translucent pattern on his back, which is said to be the mark of a guide. There was no guide’s unique self-healing power that was said to appear around the time of learning to write, so it was already a fate conclusion that he had no power.

‘Everything will change after this prayer ceremony.’

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If the reality and future of Seyad remains the same, Prince Lesas will soon awaken his power starting with this prayer ceremony.

Unfortunately for those who ignored and laughed at him, the prince’s power was also a powerful ability that resembled that of King Raman the 1st, who was said to be a legend. He was a never-before-seen guide with a perfect compatibility with any Titer. His purification ability itself was so strong that it was natural that Prince Lesas, who stabilized Titer with only a light touch, quickly became a candidate for the throne.

In his past life, Seyad confronted him countless times. It was what the crown prince he served wanted, but it was also because Seyad himself hated him. He loathed the blood of the current Queen flowing inside Prince Lesas, and hated those around him.

My mind became complicated. The paper crumpled as his hand gripped the document. As he had done so far, he had to obey the orders of the crown prince.


I had an intuition that if I went the same way as I did in the past, I would reach the same death. The crown prince was his benefactor, but he abandoned him at the same time. Everything he did to seek the honor of his family made him be called the Devil of Solias.

It was a reality he didn’t want to admit, but the path Seyad took was wrong. If he made the same choices as the past, the future he would see was obvious. Standing on the crown prince’s side and repeat what he had done before, and then ending up in a rampage.

There is no way of knowing the cause of the rampage, but if I repeat the past, the results will be the same.

There is only one way to avoid it and change the future. Restoring the relationship with Prince Lesas, whom he turned into an enemy.

IDK… the crown prince seems suspicious…..

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