As soon as Executive Director Kim’s hands, which were hardening little by little, touched the last guy, he stiffened visibly. Most of the ten people were his inferiors so he didn’t care, but the last one was someone who went around with Executive Director Kim to various places and was introduced as one of his people.

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“There is a misunderstanding…”

When Executive Director Kim, whose lips were dry, was stuttering and trying to speak,

“No way there is. If you need proof that they’re selling you out, I’ll give it to you at any time.”

Woo-hyun cut off his words.

“Didn’t you get it through torture?”

Executive Director Kim asked sarcastically.

“I never tortured them, but wouldn’t it be worse if all of them mentioned Executive Director Kim when being tortured? That would mean someone was determined to put this on you.”

“Is there any proof that it’s not you?”

“I don’t have a reason for that, and I wouldn’t have done anything dangerous such as embezzling funds, disturbing the business, or leaking information to embarrass Executive Director Kim. Because if I do something wrong, I’ll be in danger.”

“Then you’re saying I screwed you up? Are you suspecting me now? So you’re going to backstab in front of everyone? Fuck, my juniors and seniors are really working well.”

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“How could I do that?”

Woo-hyun shook his head with an innocent expression.

“Then what are you going to do!”

Executive Director Kim, who had persevered with all his patience, screamed at last, revealing his original character. His yell rang inside the empty mall. The faint sound of ‘what are you going to do’ came back from somewhere like an echo.

And then it became calm, as if a storm had passed. People’s gazes were moving quickly. Woo-hyun took one step closer to Executive Director Kim and stood in front of him.

“I never suspected the Executive Director, not even once. However, the people who sold you out can’t be left alone. So please set an example yourself.”

Woo-hyun, who was holding a knife between his fingers, held out the handle towards Executive Director Kim.

“… What?”

“I’m asking you, who usually strives to establish discipline, to punish these people yourself.”

Executive Director Kim’s gaze turned to the ten people sitting in line. Their chapped and torn lips trembled.

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“How the hell is this a gift to the Chairman? Huh?”

“Of course, I have a different present. Please think of it as something like a show before giving it. You can think of it as an occasion to consolidate the opinion of the Chairman, who usually considers both juniors and seniors important, and the will of the Executive Director, who strives to establish discipline.”


“This is an important occasion. Please don’t waste time.”

“I’ll handle them separately…”

“You should set an example in front of everyone.”

“This is indeed a good occasion. If there’s blood…”

“The worse the job, the quicker you have to do it.”

“… You, you son of a bitch.”

Executive Director Kim gritted his teeth low and spoke in a voice that Woo-hyun could hear. The profanity that flowed out of his mouth was fierce. The corners of Woo-hyun’s mouth went up slightly as he heard it. As he gave a relaxed gaze mixed with a smile, Executive Director Kim finally reached out his hands to grab Woo-hyun by the collar, but Woo-hyun quickly avoided his fists.

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“You have to think about your honor in a place like this. Is there any need for me and the Executive Director to do this in front of everyone?”

“You motherfucker…”

The sound of teeth grinding leaked out dangerously.

“Are you going to stall for time?”

Meanwhile, Woo-hyun lowered his head and whispered in a low voice that only Kim could hear.


“It’s no use trying to use your head to buy some time. What you said about being loyal just a moment ago, you must keep it.”

Executive Director Kim gritted his teeth. As Woo-hyun said, he emphasized in the speech he gave just now about how people should be loyal to their superiors. He reiterated that otherwise, unfortunate accidents could occur.

But now, if he roughly dealt with the men who sold him out to live, his speech would lose its persuasive power. Right now, people were excitedly waiting for what Kim would do.

However, if he did something to those ten people in front of everyone, he would lose the respect of his men. If there was anything those ten men were guilty of, was of carrying out Executive Director Kim’s orders very faithfully. Unfortunately, Woo-hyun, who was quick-witted and a quick thinker, caught on to the whole situation.

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You son of a bitch…!

Executive Director Kim’s chin flared up and then waned, repeatedly. Meanwhile, Woo-hyun held the knife again, raising it to the height of Executive Director Kim’s face.

“So, why don’t you get started?”


“Before there is a misunderstanding.”

Woo-hyun whispered once again, in a voice that only the Executive Director could hear, and smiled.


The white floor was covered with red blood. One of the ten men begged, saying, ‘P-please spare me, Executive Director.’ Hearing him call him, Executive Director Kim took the knife Woo-hyun was handing him with a rough expression.

“How dare these assholes stab me in the back! Don’t they know who I am!”

Executive Director Kim turned into a crazy person. It was a slaughter. With one cut of the knife, blood splashed all over the place like a fountain. Some of them had their fingers cut and their mouths ripped.

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