For Chairman Lee, it was like killing two birds with one stone. Destroying an organization that was slowly becoming a threat without any rumors spreading.

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If, by any possibility, Woo-hyun would step up to become Chairman Lee’s person, from his point of view, he needed Woo-hyun, who was more useful than Executive Director Kim. In any case, Chairman Lee had nothing to lose.

“That sly bastard.”

The chairman’s fists, which were closed tightly, trembled. A suppressed voice came out of his slightly open mouth. There was a threatening look in the chairman’s glaring eyes.

“So what do you want from me to be telling me this? Tell you that it’s okay to go to Chairman Lee?”

The chairman’s sharp gaze fell on Woo-hyun’s face. Woo-hyun naturally lowered his glance. But there was no fear or concern on his face. It was just a reflexive act.

“I don’t want to go to a place where there is only internal conflict left and die like a dog.”

“… Chairman Lee’s future is not bright?”

“That’s why he does this annoying work himself.”

Woo-hyun’s expression as he spoke of the rise and fall of an organization was emotionless.

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“And if I go to Chairman Lee’s side, Executive Director Kim will inevitably become the chairman-elect of this organization.”

The chairman sighed and looked at Woo-hyun.

Woo-hyun could have killed Executive Director Kim without anyone knowing. He also knew Woo-hyun had quite a lot of people secretly hiding around the executive director. Even if Woo-hyun decided to kill him, he, as the chairman, had no choice but to accept Woo-hyun’s hand. In a two-horse carriage, if one of the horses dies and you kill the remaining one, the carriage is bound to stop.

However, Woo-hyun chose to make Executive Director Kim self-destruct from the beginning as if he wasn’t satisfied with that. After confusing him, filling him with hope, and making him sink into despair, he took advantage of his nervousness to take away what he had.

The first thing was to take his position in the organization, but in the end, the main focus would be to make Executive Director Kim live while being unable to die. And while looking down at him from above, he would watch him for the rest of his life. His misfortunes and his failures.

“Do you really have to go that far?”

“The choice was made by Executive Director Kim. The choice to keep me in check, the choice to make my sister die, and the choice to grab Chairman Lee’s hand.”


“I learned to give back the consequences of one’s choices. From you.”

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It meant not to go back on one’s words.

“… Aah.”

The chairman let out a long sigh. From the beginning until now, Woo-hyun never vowed to be loyal to this organization, even if they were empty words.

Woo-hyun had always been like this. He was objective in everything and only gave rational answers. He was someone who helped the organization progress, as it was the place he worked at, and someone who worked for him.

He didn’t expect there would come a moment when that would feel stronger than a bloody loyalty to be prepared to die.

“So what do you want me to do?”

“From now on, slowly retrieve Executive Director Kim’s cash flow.”

The chairman’s brows frowned in response.

“You must know better than me that Executive Director Kim won’t stand still?”

“You can easily raise a problem and then say you’ll manage it yourself using that as an excuse. And retrieve my business along with that. You can say that you can’t trust both me and Executive Director Kim. If you do so, not even Executive Director Kim will be able to react.”

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“What if those words are true? I could have become suspicious of both you and Executive Director Kim today.”

The chairman tilted his head. He stared at Woo-hyun with bright eyes.

“I think you can do that.”


“Feel free to look into it.”


“As you always do.”

As he looked at him, the corners of Woo-hyun’s mouth went up lightly. His eyes folded softly, but his pupils had no emotion. As if he was telling him to investigate as much as he wanted. He seemed to have nothing to hide.

“Chairman, don’t you know how loyal I am better than anyone else? I’ve been with you since the beginning of this organization. I’ve been by your side for a long time, until that container box became a building like this! So how can you doubt me!”

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He was the opposite of Executive Director Kim, who emphasized his loyalty whenever there was a problem, as if showing him his heart.

The truth is, Kim’s loyalty was high. Even though he sometimes caused him personal problems such as stealing funds, he was turning a blind eye to it because it was difficult to find someone who had a high success rate who also worked aggressively like Executive Director Kim.

There were actually many times when tried to protect the organization by being ready to die, and he also pretended to dedicate his life to him. The reason why Executive Director Kim, who did all that, ran to Chairman Lee while thinking about betraying him was obvious.

The chairman’s gaze turned to Woo-hyun, who was quietly giving off a sense of intimidation.

A guy who never bows his head to Executive Director Kim. A calm and brilliant head, an expression that does not reveal his thoughts, and prudence when speaking. A tendency to be the opposite of Executive Director Kim. They were the best elements to provoke him.

If it was Executive Director Kim, who had a victim mentality and a sense of defeat towards Woo-hyun since some time ago, it was clear that he wouldn’t stand to see Woo-hyun go to Chairman Lee.

Because he would have thought he was going to a place higher than him.


The chairman let out a long sigh.

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