“You’re welcome. This is my job after all.”

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It was his job to visit whenever his superiors, including Woo-hyun, were injured. He also went through all kinds of things that are difficult to talk about. And his quick-wittedness prevented him from asking who this injured woman was and how she was related to him. He knew that knowing more meant being more prone to getting hurt.

However, Woo-hyun’s condition today was too different from usual, so the doctor turned his gaze to him.

“Thank you for coming here despite being busy.”

Jun-kyung pointed to the door leading out, blocking the doctor’s view. Interpreting Jun-kyung’s words as him telling him to stop being interested in Woo-hyun, the doctor quickly smiled and opened the door.

“I’ll take him and come back.”

After bowing politely to Woo-hyun, who did not make the slightest move to his words, Jun-kyung closed the door and left. As the sound of words heard beyond the door disappeared completely, a heavy silence flowed inside the house. Woo-hyun carefully sat on the bed and looked down at her.

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Yoo-hwa’s white face looked even paler in the light that came in through the white curtain. It had already been three hours since she had fallen asleep.

Except for when he waited for his parents to return home from work when he was a child, it was the first time he was waiting for someone for three full hours. As time passed, he became impatient and started getting anxious. He knew she would wake up at some point, but he wanted it to be now.

Letting out a low sigh, Woo-hyun pressed the palms of his hands firmly against his eyes. As it had been since one day, when it became dark before his eyes, a reddish light appeared.

One step away from the only warm-looking light in the cold, windy alley, someone stood still waiting for him. She smiled lightly when she looked at his nose and ears, red from the cold wind. She approached him, who was looking at her quietly without doing anything, and carefully held out the hot pack.

In reality, she, who was trying to relieve his cold as soon as possible, had been facing a deeper cold than him.

Waiting for her to wake up while in a warm place, not knowing when it would happen, was already difficult, but she stood in that cold place and waited for him without knowing when he would come.

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Even though she knew he wasn’t being sincere… She was.

The mind that he had barely maintained collapsed.


As if rising by buoyancy after being submerged in the deep sea, she regained consciousness. She could feel the light pouring over her closed eyes, and from there, her senses returned. At that moment, she remembered the last thing that seemed to hit her.


As soon as she got up, her body collapsed on the bed. She had pain all over her body from suddenly trying to get up. It seemed to have been caused by her struggling with all her might before passing out. Raising her body while wrapping her hand around her neck, which was what hurt the most, Yoo-hwa held back the groan that was about to come out and looked around.

The tall ceiling, white as snow, was the first thing that caught her attention. As she slowly turned her head, she saw a large window with a white window frame, followed by a marble floor.

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Fortunately, it didn’t feel like a basement or a place where dangerous work was done, but it felt dangerous.

Like it belonged to some kind of crazy guy.

Then, she saw the IV on her hand. Yoo-hwa recalled the final situation, in which she was kidnapped. Obviously, she was caught by someone and dragged inside the warehouse, thanks to the mart owner’s scheme. She lost consciousness after struggling and didn’t know what happened afterwards. She wondered if someone had saved her and brought her to a hotel, but she wasn’t even sure.

Yoo-hwa, who quietly raised her body, pulled out the IV from her hand. She felt dizzy for a moment, but she managed to stand upright. She slowly walked towards the window, squeezing the back of her bleeding hand with the other.

The view under the window was dizzying. Realizing that she couldn’t escape through the window because it was a skyscraper, the look on Yoo-hwa’s face darkened.

There was only one way she could go out.

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Her gaze headed to the door, which was the only entrance. There was only a bed and bedside table in the room, so there was nothing to use as a weapon.

Before Yoo-hwa could put her hand on the doorknob, the door opened first with a screech. The startled Yoo-hwa hurriedly hid behind the door. She was thinking of running away when the person who opened the door came inside the room.

But the person who opened the door grabbed the doorknob and didn’t come inside any further. He stood blocking the door and looked around. As if he was used to this kind of thing.

Yoo-hwa belatedly realized that she looked down on her opponent too much. They were clever enough to coax the mart people and drag her out.

Finally, the man’s eyes turned to the doorway as he searched for something, and their gazes naturally met.

Black eyes as if they could even absorb the light. A sharp nose bridge underneath them.

She only saw a part of his face, but she knew who he was at once. It was a face she wanted to see just before she thought she was going to die, but when she actually saw it, she felt emotional rather than happy. The relief of surviving, the question of not knowing why he was here, and the chest pain caused by unknown reasons.

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