Feeling a sharp pain, Yoo-hwa hurriedly turned her blurred gaze out of the window. She had to run away before her memory brought yet another memory and muddled her mind.

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Although she looked out of the window, she could clearly feel Woo-hyun gazing at her.

“I’ll wash up and come out. Let’s have dinner together.”


“I came back early to do that.”

He stepped into the room, answering something she hadn’t asked. It was only after hearing the door closing with a thud that Yoo-hwa’s shoulders drooped down. When she opened her tightly clenched fists, her palms were damp.

Yoo-hwa laughed. Her body acted in reverse, as if all the things she said about wanting to be calm, wanting to meet someone who didn’t hurt her, wanting to escape from her past memories, were a lie.

Perhaps because she had a lot of sentimental thoughts since seeing the fake flowers today, she reacted sensitively to each of Woo-hyun’s words and actions, unlike usual.

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Yoo-hwa turned her head towards the window, wanting to get away from her thoughts about Woo-hyun. Then, she stopped breathing as she looked at the image reflected in the window.

In the dark night view, there were the bright fake flowers and her figure, sitting powerlessly as if she would be scattered at any moment.

… Maybe this was how it was going to end. Maybe she was getting used to the life that Woo-hyun gave her, like the fake flowers in the middle of this house. If they eventually parted ways again… would she be okay?

Fear swarmed into the place where all the questions crossed.

No matter how she thought about it, she wasn’t okay at all.

With a shaky gaze, Yoo-hwa slowly turned her head and looked at the door of Woo-hyun’s bedroom. She went everywhere in this house, but the only place she didn’t go was his room.

The housekeeper didn’t even go near that room, maybe because it was locked when he was away or because he told her not to approach it. Therefore, it was the only place where her missing stuff could be.

Fortunately, Woo-hyun was inside now, so it was unlocked. She wanted to pack her shoes and her things in advance. So that she could run away if she felt like she was going to collapse unbearably.

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Yoo-hwa stood in front of the door, walking as quietly as possible. It was silent beyond the door. She could hear the sound of water running in the distance. Woo-hyun had the habit of taking a shower as soon as he got home, so it was clear that he would be washing up now.

As she quietly grabbed the doorknob, a cold feeling spread through her palm. She slowly turned the doorknob, trying not to make any noise as much as she could, but there was a noise of the door opening. It was as if it was supposed to make a sound when opened from the outside. Yoo-hwa held her breath, holding the doorknob. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to hear it, as it was quiet as a dead mouse beyond the door.

She opened the door slowly and saw a room as large as the living room. Contrary to her expectation that there would be a great secret or that it would be complicated, there was only one bed and one desk. Even the desk had only one desktop on it, without any paperwork. The strange thing was that the desktop tower was encased in an iron case. It seemed impossible to take the tower unless the iron case was pulled out.

Yoo-hwa, who had been looking at the room, looked embarrassed. There was no closet or anywhere to put clothes.

She wondered if he had really thrown away all her clothes, including her shoes and coat. Yoo-hwa stood blankly for a moment, then looked under the desk, under the bed, and then happened to see the dressing room. Seeing that the sound of water running was coming from the door on the wall of the dressing room, it seemed that Woo-hyun was taking a shower there. She was impatient because she didn’t have much time.

Yoo-hwa entered the dressing room, making as little noise as possible. It was technically a dressing room, but it was bigger than the house she lived in. Yoo-hwa didn’t turn on the lights and started searching slowly from the bottom, in the middle of darkness. Then, she slowly looked up at something unfamiliar that suddenly caught her gaze. A person was standing in the corner of the dressing room.


She could still hear water running in the shower. Woo-hyun stood still with his arms crossed, watching what he was doing. The moment she saw him, her eyes widened.

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Since when…

Her question didn’t last long. Woo-hyun was wearing pants and a shirt. That was to say, she came in before he even took off his clothes.

And Woo-hyun knew it.

“Whenever the door is closed, an alarm goes off in the shower. I can hear it from the dressing room.”

Listening to Woo-hyun’s explanation, Yoo-hwa became dizzy. The house was so complex that the dressing room was disguised as a wall. Why didn’t she think that he would have set an alarm in his room? She straightened her back, which was bending stiffly. Her gaze turned to the floor with embarrassment and confusion.

Letting out a small sigh, Woo-hyun pressed the switch. When the lights turned on, the dressing room was illuminated.

“What do you need?”

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Woo-hyun asked in a sinking voice.


“Your coat? Shoes? Or both?”


He asked, as if he could clearly see her thoughts. Yoo-hwa swallowed dry without realizing it. Hiding or denying it would only make her look ridiculous, so Yoo-hwa nodded obediently.



Yoo-hwa looked straight at Woo-hyun and replied dryly.

She thought he would ask why, ask whether she really had to, or if he didn’t, she thought he would give up and tell her to leave, but Woo-hyun didn’t say anything. He just stared at her with an expressionless face. Like someone who couldn’t ask why.

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