“You seem to be waiting for someone.”

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Having his thoughts read, Executive Director Kim quietly clenched his teeth and glared at him.

“They won’t come in until I scream.”

At his words, Executive Director Kim’s expression hardened. It meant that those outside had already been taken care of. Blood flowed down from Woo-hyun’s chest as he approached him with heavy steps. Although it was not critical, the wound was quite deep. Even so, there was no faltering in Woo-hyun’s stride.

Narrowing the distance in an instant, Woo-hyun kicked Executive Director Kim in the head. Approaching Kim, who flew far away and hit the wall, without even giving him time to stand up straight, Woo-hyun kicked his head continuously. He tried to retaliate, but Woo-hyun’s movements were faster.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

He intentionally drove him to the corner of the wall, so each impact was doubled.

“Ah… ugh, argh!”

The profanities turned into screams, and a servile voice came out of Executive Director Kim’s mouth, who thought he could die at this rate.

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“D-Director Sin…”

Executive Director Kim grabbed Woo-hyun’s pants as soon as his hands were within reach. He had to survive first. Even if he acted servile now, Executive Director Kim begged because he had to survive to think about what to do next. That’s how he always lived. Executive Director Kim, who could barely open his eyes, looked at Woo-hyun with one eye.

Woo-hyun, who was crouching down while stepping on his arm before he knew it, looked like the Grim Reaper, so he gasped.

“… The C-Chairman… The t-truth is…”

Executive Director Kim, who was stuttering, vomited blood. He couldn’t see anything when he opened his eyes, and the whole world shook as if an earthquake was happening, so he was afraid.

“The Chairman agreed to this, too.”


“He left the disposal to me. The disposal of the person who touches the family of a member of the organization is determined by the affected member.”

Calmly reciting the organization’s old tradition, Woo-hyun was suddenly holding a knife in his hand. The blade was pointing exactly at the ground. It was not an angle for cutting, but for poking.

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“D-Director Sin! No, W-Woo-hyun!”

Regardless of his will, Executive Director Kim’s body trembled like an aspen tree. His shock was momentary, and he was terrified.

If the chairman allowed it, it literally meant that his life was in Woo-hyun’s hands. Executive Director Kim struggled, but for some reason, he didn’t feel any strength in his body. To make matters worse, his other arm was pinned under a cabinet that had fallen at some point. His limbs were literally tied.

“Director Sin!”

Kim called him with anger, but Woo-hyun didn’t move the slightest as if he couldn’t hear anything. His gaze was towards somewhere, but it was empty, like a person who didn’t see anything.

Staying quiet with only a meaningless gaze, he pushed the tip of the knife into Executive Director Kim’s thumb. He screamed as he felt it digging into his flesh.

“Ah, aaargh! P-Please… I’m b-begging you. If you can spare me… I-I’ll lick your feet like a dog… I’m more useful than you think… Argh!”

The tip of Woo-hyun’s knife dug deeper into Kim’s thumb. The tip of the knife, which went inside to some extent, was suddenly blocked.

“If I spare you.”

Woo-hyun murmured in an empty voice. His empty gaze reached the tip of the knife.

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“… Can you turn everything back?”

Eun-soo’s death.

The crap he did.

And Yoo-hwa’s pain.

All of that.

Woo-hyun’s eyes sank darkly.

“I-I will c-compensate you for everything. No matter what it takes!”

“If you could do that.”


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“… I would have done it already.”

Woo-hyun, who spoke in self-reproach, applied more strength to his knife. In an instant, his thumb rolled across the floor. Woo-hyun cut off a couple more fingers in that state.


He got up only after Executive Director Kim, who was screaming horribly, fainted.

Woo-hyun kicked him in the face as if that wasn’t going to relieve his anger. The area around his eyes was torn and blood gushed out. Blood poured out from his mouth.

Executive Director Kim, who had lost consciousness, woke up and passed out again several times. By the time he couldn’t come to his senses anymore, Woo-hyun took a long sigh and looked at Executive Director Kim, who was in an unrecognizable shape.

From now on, Executive Director Kim was going to live as a slave on the islands with a messed-up body. Until he died, he was going to live a life where he couldn’t get treated even if he was hurt. A life where he wouldn’t seem to be alive even if he was.

The front of his clothes was damp, and his chest was fairly hot. When he looked down, he could see that blood had been coming out from the wound on his chest. It was a wound he didn’t even know was there. He didn’t even know he was hurt because his rage cut off the reason in his head. No, it seemed like he knew. He knew, but he didn’t care.

He raised his head again and looked forward. His weakened steps trudged along. The door divided into two as he approached it, and soon it divided into three. He shook his head violently, but everything looked warped as if he was in a heat haze. Eventually, it looked cloudy as if the room had been filled with fog.

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