“Why are you wondering that?”

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“Because in that case, I have to get ready to follow you.”

“What if I quit everything and decide I’ll set up a store or something?”

“I’ll follow you.”

“Don’t give your life to me.”


“You know this business is too dirty to maintain with faith and trust. What if I point a knife at you tomorrow? Be vigilant. Always.”

Though Woo-hyun answered indifferently, Jun-kyung did not believe all that he said. Woo-hyun was the type to take care of his own people more thoroughly than anyone he had ever seen. Even so, he always said that.

Don’t trust anyone, take care of yourself. This is not a place where someone can take care of you.

In a coercive structure in which everyone was forced to be loyal to their superiors and said things that roughly meant they would die instead of their superiors, only Woo-hyun said different things like a nail sticking out. Such a rational and indifferent side made him loyal to him.

“Please give me directions.”

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At Jun-kyung’s words not to beat around the bush and tell him honestly, Woo-hyun clasped his hands together.

“I’m not quitting. I will continue to do this work.”


“What is it? Is it surprising?”

Jun-kyung could not say no to Woo-hyun’s words. His thoughts were leaning towards Woo-hyun leaving the company when it stabilized.

“Honestly, yes.”

Even after answering, Jun-kyung did not move. Woo-hyun squinted his eyes at his silent expression, saying he would listen to the reason. It meant that the honest and unchanging Jun-kyung would not act like a spy, and that he was really curious.

Suddenly, he remembered when he first met Jun-kyung. He recklessly came to the private detective agency and asked to catch the murderer who killed his parents. And he thoughtlessly gave money to Woo-hyun, who was managing that place at that time.

“I will work harder to pay the rest of the money. No, I will do whatever you ask. So, please catch that bastard.”

He didn’t do anything that didn’t give him a profit, but if he left it like that, the police would somehow find the murderer who killed his parents. The problem was that the murderer was also likely to be killed. He felt strangely moved.

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“You have an athletic body.”

“I quit because of an injury. My parents had a hard time backing me up in sports. But like that…”

He had no intention to hear a touching story.

The pattern of criminals was obvious, and so was their hiding place. Woo-hyun found the murderer and gave Jun-kyung a chance to get revenge himself.

“I’m going to t-turn myself in…”

“I think it was me who did this. Why are you going to turn yourself in? You said you would do anything I told you.”

“What? Yes. Yes.”

“Work for me.”

Jun-kyung replied that he would. From then on, he worked closely under him. If he were to quit the organization, he would probably give up a few fingers and follow him.

Whether it was because he thought of the old days or because he had confirmed that Jun-kyung’s loyalty was strong, he decided to tell him his inner thoughts.

“There’s no need to think too much about it. From now on, I’m going to live while making safe choices.”

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At Woo-hyun’s words, Jun-kyung made a face that was hard to understand.

“If I quit here, a lot of people will come at me. Those who stood on Executive Director Kim’s side and went under, the elders who supported him, those who lost their businesses, and so on… Chairman Lee’s side could also step forward like that. They will come at me and eliminate me if I don’t join them, and I’m tired.”

It was a life that was already far from ordinary. At this point, even if he wanted to live a normal life, it would not be possible. The bloodstained paths he walked on would not leave him alone.

And above all.

“… She could get hurt.”

Yoo-hwa could get hurt in the process.

Woo-hyun’s eyes became more rational.

“So, I have to go up higher. So I don’t get caught.”

The only way to avoid being torn apart by the multitude of beings waiting for him to come down was to climb high beyond reach.

“In order to do that, this business must do well. I will do my best for that to happen.”

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Increasing the size of the business and gradually reducing the size of the organization to make it a little safer was Woo-hyun’s ultimate goal.

“And nothing makes more money than this job.”

Woo-hyun said softly.

He knew what it was like living in poverty. How poverty is not immune to misfortune. There were times when the moment he had to count money first rather than grieve in the face of someone’s pain felt more heartless than when he hit people.

He didn’t want to experience any more unreasonable and unfair moments being weighed down by money. No, he didn’t want to make her experience it.

“I think I’ve explained enough.”

As Woo-hyun asked if any further explanation was needed, Jun-kyung bowed his head.

“I understand. Thank you for answering.”

Jun-kyun quietly retreated. Woo-hyun stood up after checking the CCTV screen and seeing Jun-kyung leaving the house.

“I could barely concentrate…”

He tried to get some work done today, but it seemed difficult. He picked up his jacket.

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