Chapter 25 – Carrying Out the Mission

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Several minutes after Tomoya was captured and brought to the breeding room, Akira and other members of the Underground Public Safety Forces arrived in silence. Two cars were stopped at the front entrance and one at the back entrance, obstructing the entrance and exit.


The car in which Akira rode stood before the front entrance. Once it came to a stop, everybody immediately descended from the car and gathered to block the respective doors.

“Commence now.”

Upon hearing Akira’s brief words, the door was violently knocked down. Of course, the gang members within could not conceal their surprise. However, only Shinoda, the leader of the gang, remained seated in his chair with an imposing demeanor, eyeing the men who were entering the room.

“Is it a customer? You’re being rather disruptive, aren’t you?”

Akira’s icy gaze glared at Shinoda.

“This is the Underground Public Security Forces. You are under arrest for the crime of involving a civilian.”

“What a grand customer we have here. I have no comprehension of what you are referring to.”

In response to his words, which even elicited a peal of laughter, the members in the surrounding circle began to burst out laughing. Looking at them, Akira let out a small sigh. There were no other suspicious figures.

“… I’ll leave it to you. And while you’re at it, find out why they kidnapped Tomoya… If they are not killed, you can torture them in any way necessary.”

After giving these instructions to his companions, they attempted to head for the innermost room.

“What an attitude you have there…!”

Abruptly, one of the gang members launched an attack upon Akira, his knife glinting in the light. With a swift movement, he aimed at Akira’s back, his murderous intent evident.


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No sooner had this happened than the knife tumbled to the floor with a dull thud. It was one of the members of the force who mercilessly knocked the gang member who was charging at Akira in the stomach. Without paying attention to the man who collapsed on the floor, Akira made his way to the back of the room. Behind him, a dispute between gang members and members of the Underground Public Safety Forces has begun. Nobody hindered Akira.

Tomoya, where are you…?

While sharpening his hearing, he was aware of his surroundings without making any sound of footsteps.

“… Nnn.”


From a nearby door, he thought he heard a muffled voice. Without a single sound being made, he pressed his ear against the door.

“… This guy ain’t no virgin. He is used to it.”

It was a man’s voice, bold in tone, that was heard.

Within Akira, something snapped. He opened the door undeterred.


In an instant, he assessed the situation. There were three men in this room who were members of the gang. One of them, a man with his lower half exposed, was holding both legs of a boy who had been stripped of his school uniform. Each time the man slowly shook his lower body, the boy’s body trembled.


It was clear that he was being rap*d. His back teeth creaked with a grinding sound.

“‘Who the hell are you!!”

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One of the gang members who had been watching the rape suddenly yelled out. Akira, unresponsive to the yell, approached the man who was violating the boy determinedly.


His black hair was all back and he wore sunglasses. That man was Kurata, who terrified Tomoya with his rough attitude.

“Oh? Who is it?”

Even at the sight of Akira’s face, Kurata did not stop moving his hips. One look at the face of the boy being raped was ample evidence that he was Natsume’s younger brother. With a red collar attached to his neck as if to indicate ownership, a towel was chewed over his mouth, his hands were bound behind his back, rendering him neither able to resist nor to produce a voice.

These adults had gathered together to humiliate such an irresistible boy. Akira’s anger could no longer be suppressed by his rational mind.

“This is the Underground Public Safety Forces… and you are under arrest for the crime of involving the public…!!”

Immediately after saying this, he formed a fist with his right hand and struck Kurata’s left cheek to the hilt. With an unpleasant cracking sound, Kurata’s body was swept away to the wall. The blow was too forceful, causing Kurata to recline against the wall with his lower half of his body exposed and passed out.

“You bast*rd!”

The man who had just yelled at him reached for a metal bat, swung it with all his might at Akira, and struck him.


After avoiding and evading a simple attack to the side, he held out his left hand as if to claw and grasped the throat of the man who had struck him, sending him tumbling backwards and slamming the back of his head against the floor.


After confirming that he had fainted, Akira walked over to Tomoya. The remaining one fled to the gang leader to inform him of the situation.

“Ng… Gu…”

Tomoya was frightened by the hooded Akira who abruptly showed up. Shivering, with tears streaming down his face, he was appealing to him not to approach.

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“… Akira!”

Apparently, the rest of the group had been settled, and one of his companions called out to him. Naturally, Tomoya’s trepidation intensified.

“Shut up.” Perceiving this, Akira responded in a quiet, furious voice. “Call for the Special Rescue Squad…”

“Eh? But that is…”

One might say that it would be like a hospital where people from the underworld would be treated.

But Akira nodded.

“It’s not a problem. I know the people there.”

“… I understand.”

What Akira said to them seemed like an absolute necessity. The man backed down, approvingly.



Although he spoke to him softly, it did nothing to reassure him of the fear that permeated him. Taking off his jacket, Akira covered the other man’s trembling lower body. He got down on both knees beside Tomoya.


When he met the beautiful eyes of the frightened person who was staring back at him, he became aware of an uncomfortable feeling. Those eyes were unfocused.

He’s not looking at me…?

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No, it may not be that he cannot see him.



When called upon, he would become frightened and start to cry. While feeling apologetic for the terrified person, Akira removed the towel that was covering his mouth.

“U… Ah… Ah.”


There was no articulation. Yet, the fear and the sense of touch in him have grown more sensitive.

… Is this a symptom of poisoning…?

After cautiously inspecting Tomoya’s skin for any signs of abnormality, he found that the bruises had spread to his neck.

… So this is due to Shion. (Note: Shion is Aster tataricus)

That was Akira’s answer, based on the way the bruises spread and the overlapping of Tomoya’s symptoms. Shion is a type of wild grass that has been smuggled in recently. At first glance, it appears to be a pretty flower that blooms at the time when the moon is full. However, an ingredient extracted from the stem has been marketed as a drug. Although toxic, it is not addictive and is often found in use among black market organizations.

“… Let’s go to hospital and get you examined. You’re going to be okay.”

Keeping all the details under wraps, he approached him gently. Even though he knew that would not reassure the other party.


He wanted to hold his trembling body in his arms. But he desperately suppressed his conscience. After all, they themselves were the people behind the scenes.

Beyond that, he felt like he shouldn’t touch someone who held such fear towards him to this extent. The only one who would be allowed to do so would be Natsume.

Inside the deserted room, Akira remained on both knees beside Tomoya, silently waiting for the Special Rescue Squad to arrive.

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