Chapter 27 – The Spiritual Pillar

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The following morning, after 8:00 a.m.

Amidst the ever-present scenery at the high school Kyosuke and his friends attended, there was a single thing that was absent.

“… Saiki didn’t come.”

Staring at the empty seat, Yuu muttered desolately.

Even after homeroom was over, the boy who usually entered the classroom with an annoyingly cheerful air showed no sign of activity.

“I haven’t heard from Natsume either… It is ungratified when the guy I expect to be there doesn’t turn up.”

Although Kyosuke checked his smartphone while expressing his agreement with the other party, there was still no contact from Natsume. Unsure of what went on, it was difficult for the two of them to even conceive of what had transpired.


At the same time, Tomoya was sleeping in a private room at a special emergency facility.


By his side, Natsume, seated in a chair, watched his brother’s condition with concern, scarcely moving.

“… Uh, ugh… ah…”

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When Tomoya, who had been sleeping quietly until then, began moaning and twisting in pain, Natsume’s voice reverberated briefly as he reacted in a bouncy manner. He must be experiencing some sort of unpleasant dream. His forehead was drenched with sweat, and tears were streaking from the corners of his eyes.

“Ya… brother…”

“Tomoya, Tomoya!”


When he shook his shoulder, his eyes opened with a start. With his chest rising and falling and Tomoya breathing roughly continuously, Natsume bent over to check the other’s condition.

“Tomoya, it’s okay──”

“N-No, don’t come closer!!”

Simultaneously with the cry, he was weakly thrust away by both of Tomoya’s arms. The strength of his arms was too weak to shove a single person. Yet Natsume staggered backwards with eyes wide open despite the exertion and sat back in his chair powerlessly. It was not that he lacked the strength to overcome him. The rejection rendered Natsume helpless.

“To… moya?”

Tomoya pulled the sheets up to his head, awfully terrified and trembling.

“Stop!! I don’t want it!!”

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It was exactly as if he was clutching the sheets tighter and tighter, revealing alertness reminiscent of a wounded beast.

“… Tomoya, it’s me… your big brother…”


He was extremely gentle and called out to him in a calm manner so as not to intimidate the other person, and though his body trembled, after a short pause, he timidly moved the sheet up to his eyes to confirm Natsume’s appearance.

“… Tomoya?”

While gazing into the beautiful eyes that swayed apprehensively, he called out again.

“… Brother?”

Upon being asked to affirm, a faint corner of his mouth lifted slightly with some relief, followed by a nod.

“Ah, it’s me.”


Tomoya’s expression gradually shifted from frightened to startled, and then to vulnerable, as if he might burst into tears at any moment. Slowly, he attempted to raise his upper body.

“Tomoya, it would be better for you to sleep…”

When he rushed to help him up, he thrust out his arms, which were not in a decent strength again.

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“… Tomoya…”

Not resisting the other’s arms that were struggling to keep his distance, Natsume stared forlornly at him.

“You said you would protect me!!”

Again, droplets of tears fell from Tomoya’s eyes.


Natsume was at a loss for words. That was something he had said to him many times.

──I’ll protect you.

It was easier said than done. However, the desire to protect him was genuine. Yet now, regardless of what he says, his words only serve as an excuse.

“I’m sorry…”

All he could do was apologize, and Natsume forcefully enveloped him in a hug, ignoring both of his arms that were straining to push him back. In his arms, the other began to lash out ineffectually.

“Let go of me!! You liar!!”

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While crying and screaming, he was hit on the chest over and over again, and his hair was yanked. He resisted like a young child. As he gently held him, Natsume looked up. While desperately withstanding the overflowing emotions, he exhaled a deep and shivering breath.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you…”

“I hate you, brother!”

Despite the verbal outpouring of rancor, his arms were firmly around Natsume’s back, grasping his clothes. As if to say, “Don’t leave me”.


He had the tone of a child and behaved like a spoiled brat. Natsume was aware of this. This was a symptom of a mental disorder called “infantile regression”. His brain has judged that his older brother, who has accompanied him throughout his childhood, was the only platform in which he could be pampered, hence he tried to stabilize himself mentally by being spoiled in such a way.

In the past, when Tomoya was under extreme anxiety, this was frequently manifested. However, although he called Natsume “brother” and Natsume sometimes rubbed up against him and spoiled him, it was never this intense. Now, the only thing that can be done was to talk to him tenderly and soothe him.

“… I love you so much, Tomoya.”

Conveying his honest feelings as they were, he softly stroked his back to appease and spoil him.

“Ngh… brother, love you…”

Having revealed a great deal of emotion, the other party gradually regained his composure and began to exhibit a different demeanor than before. He surrendered himself meekly in Natsume’s arms and cast his eyelids down with a slight sniffle. It was similar to a state of being exhausted from crying and falling asleep, which would be common for a young child.

“I’m so happy, thank you.”

For a while, it will be essential to take care of both the physical and mental aspects of the child’s life until the child’s mind can be stabilized. Even after Tomoya fell asleep, Natsume remained holding him in his arms and patting him on the back.

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