Chapter 5 – Reality Confronted

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Before long, it was past midnight.

The surgery was a success.

The left eye, which had been impaled by a foreign object, was severely damaged and the inside was crumbling. Therefore, an enucleation procedure was conducted.

Both upper and lower eyelids were affected, and several stitches were required. Fortunately, Yuu was expected to recover the ability to open and close his eyelids in the future.

At a later date, he will undergo another surgery to insert a prosthetic eye.

At present, a prosthetic base has been installed to prevent the internal part of the eye from shrinking, and a device called a patent prosthesis has been substituted in place of the artificial eye. An IV drip was placed in his left arm to deliver painkillers and other medications through a vein. Although the immediate surgery was carried out successfully, no room was available and he was hurriedly brought to a private room.

It was almost time for the anesthesia to wear off​──


It was around two hours after the surgery was concluded that Yuu’s consciousness surfaced.

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Where am I? I, what exactly happened to me…?

Nothing was visible. There was only darkness.

​Was that a dream…?

The last thing he witnessed was the scene of a horrendous accident. The sight of his family that was dead and cold. The crimson flames that consumed everything. Everything was crimson and red…──

I see, that was a dream. That was all a…

Subconsciously, he tried to convince himself that it was a dream. However, something was not right. He couldn’t open his eyelids. His left eye had no sensation. It was as if he had forgotten how to open his right eye, and was unable to open it properly either. When he attempted to move his right arm, an intense pain shot through him.

The only thing he could move freely was his left arm. But there was an uncomfortable feeling in his left arm as well. It was as if something was sticking into it, or holding it in place…

Yuu still didn’t realize that it was the IV drip.


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As he gently brought his left hand to his left eye, he could feel the cloth rather than his skin. There were bandages wrapped around his forehead, left eye and left cheek.

What’s the meaning of this?

“Have you awakened?”


When a voice unexpectedly called out to him, his thin shoulders jerked slightly. The owner of the voice seemed to be on Yuu’s left side. Without being able to open his eyelids, he reached out his left hand. The world was shrouded in darkness. The familiar voice made him yearn to cling to it. He hoped it was all nothing more than a dream.

“… Kyosuke?”

His outstretched left hand was tenderly cupped in a broad, bony hand.

“Oh, Saiki was here a little earlier too, but he had to leave early tomorrow for some business, so he left for home. I’m glad you woke up… I was worried about you.”


His heart was flooded with uncertainty as he could not grasp the current situation. The subtle relief that sprouted there was manifested in the form of tears from his closed right eyelid. As he held the other person’s hand with his limp fingers, a gentle and warm touch caressed his eyes. With the palm of his other hand, Kyosuke brushed away the tears. He drew a slow, deep breath and loosened his shoulders.

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“Thanks, Kyosuke… I am fine. By the way, here is…”

“You are fine? Don’t lie to me.”

Usually, Yuu was a twisted and dishonest person. Even in this situation, Kyosuke can distinctly discern that he was saying things like “I am fine” in a strong manner.


After a short pause, Yuu’s lips turned into a slight curve. Apparently, he was displeased that he was interrupted and that he was being lectured. This time, Kyosuke took a deep breath at the sight of the other person. There were things that he needed to relay to the person who had not fully comprehended the current circumstances.

“Yuu, here is the hospital.”


He was about to ask why when a faint interrogative question returned to him.

A brief silence passed by.

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“… Apparently, it was an accident. You were involved in a explosion caused by a vehicle fire.”


When Kyosuke felt Yuu’s expression and body tensing despite the darkness, he reinforced his grip on the other man’s hand slightly.

It reminded him of an unpleasant experience. That was a painful revelation for Kyosuke. He needed to make him understand that it was not a dream, but the reality. From the moment he learned that the other person had regained consciousness, he was aware that the other party was insecure and frightened.

“I’ll get you, Doctor.”

With that gentle voice, Kyosuke quietly pressed the nurse call button.


Sonohara Yuu’s appearance after the accident

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