Chapter 61 – Lanceolate

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Upon Natsume’s subsequent absence from the room, Kyosuke’s sight drifted to the information handed to him, while Yuu sipped his tea and munched on a cookie.

For several minutes, a period of dead silence prevailed.

“… Let me see it.”


At the sound of Yuu’s mild voice rupturing the silence, Kyosuke raised his head and tilted it to wonder what he was referring to.

“That, let me see it.”

His finger gestured to the material Kyosuke was viewing. He nodded affirmatively and passed several pages of documents across the table to him.

“It is an outline of the company and the magazines it publishes.”

“I know that from what Natsume said a while ago.”

As Kyosuke gave a nod to Yuu who scanned over the received information, Kyosuke chuckled as he relived that moment.

“… Right. You do have some knowledge about this company, don’t you, Yuu?”

“Yeah, I’ve checked that out before… Well, there’s a branch office nearby, and they have a gothic themed magazine, and I’d like to be a model for that…”

When he told Kyosuke while pointing to his own eye patch, which he reattached, Kyosuke couldn’t figure out adequate words to reply. Whether Yuu was saying this in a compromising manner or genuinely believing so, Kyosuke was tight-lipped for fear that any response would be wounding.

“Do you think… it wouldn’t suit me?”

His anxiety grew at the lack of response from Kyosuke, and a desolate question drifted out with his brow drooping. To that, Kyosuke flusteredly shook his head.

“No! I bet you would suit it! I haven’t seen you wearing it in real life, but you look beautiful…”

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“Is that so…? Really?”

As he sipped his tea and further inquired with a upturned eyes, Kyosuke nodded in confidence.

“It’s true.”

“Okay, I got it.”

Following Kyosuke’s reply, Yuu rose to his feet in a distinct attitude.

“I’m going to the company now. Kyosuke, you accompany me too.”

It was a sudden resolution. Although he initially kept his mouth half open and blankly stared up at the other party’s right eye, which was brimming with volition, Kyosuke reflexively sprang to his feet as well.

“O-Oh! Of course I will.”

“Let’s go! Ngh.”

As soon as Yuu opened the sliding door, he collided with Natsume, causing Yuu to stagger backwards and fall on his buttocks, outmatched by the sheer physique of the two of them.

“My bad, my bad, are you alright?”

Natsume widened his eyes and crouched down on the spot to reach out his hand.

“Ugh, it hurts… I’m fine…”

All his previous elan deflated like air releasing from a balloon, and Yuu was helped to his feet by the offered hand.



At the unexpected outburst of Yuu’s cry, Kyosuke’s attention shifted from one place to the adjacent spot vigorously. Whatever it was, Natsume was wrapping Yuu in a tight hug.

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“I’ve got you!”

Yuu timidly looked up at the low, amused tone in the other’s voice. The corners of his mouth were curved upwards in a devilishly frightening fashion, with his sharp pointed teeth peeking out.


It seemed as if he was ready to capture and devour Yuu, and Kyosuke hurriedly jumped over the table and flew to the opposite side of the room to save him.

“Hiii, Kyosuke, help me!”

When Kyosuke grasped him, Yuu’s tearful and tense body was released with a whoosh.

“Haha, just kidding.”

As if to pacify him, Natsume’s large palm patted Yuu’s head, but he was again alarmed as he clung to Kyosuke’s arm.

“Natsume, do you want to be liked by Yuu? Are you trying to make him hate you?”

At Kyosuke’s question, half in dismay and half in relief, Natsume simply burst out laughing. However, that laughter soon developed into impatience.

“… Big brother, you idiot!”

With a shocked look on his face, Tomoya, who presumably became aware of Yuu’s shout that brought him upstairs, complained as if he were witnessing the end of the world. When his younger brother’s voice rang out from behind him, Natsume turned around, his expression scrunched up.

“Eh… Tomoya?”

“If you ever do anything weird to Sonohara, I swear I won’t let you get away with it! I hate you, big brother!”

Hmph! After spitting the words out in a rage, Tomoya stormed down the stairs.

In contrast, this time Natsume followed suit, wearing a shocked and awkward smile.

“H-Hate… O-Oi, that was a joke… Tomoya.”

At the sight of the frail figure, which neither of them had ever encountered before, the remaining two exchanged glances and let out a small grimace.

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It was thirty minutes after the small commotion that arose in the Saiki household.

Kyosuke and Yuu were once more traveling by car with Natsume driving.

“I guess I shouldn’t do anything I’m not accustomed to…”

Along with a heavy sigh, words of remorse flooded out of Natsume’s lips.

By “not accustomed to,” he meant that he had startled Yuu by embracing him. When Tomoya caught him hugging Yuu jokingly, he was asked to justify his actions, for which it ended up consuming 20 minutes to convince him.

Furthermore, Tomoya’s anger did not subside with just that, and Natsume even had to get down on his knees to seek for forgiveness. Who would have dreamed that Natsume would get down on his knees? Ultimately, they promised to take a bath together, and he requested Tomoya to stay at home.

“Yuu, I don’t know how to get there, so please guide me…”

A lackluster voice was addressed to the backseat.


Having seen Natsume chasing after Tomoya, Yuu neither feared nor was on guard against him, so he nodded with Kyosuke in his arms. Thus, around 30 minutes had passed since they departed from the Saiki household. Led by Yuu’s directions, the group landed in the underground parking lot of a building. While quietly parking in an available space, Natsume questioned him.

“… Hey, are you positive this is the accurate site?”

“Yes, it’s right.”

After Yuu nodded in agreement, he turned off the engine.

“Let me tag along in your place as your guardian.”

With that said, he stepped out of the driver’s seat and opened the door to the rear section of the car.

“Here you go, main character.”

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The first to alight in the parking lot was Yuu, followed by Kyosuke.


As he stepped onto the concrete-lined parking lot, Yuu drew in a deep breath. From behind him, Kyosuke kindly hugged his shoulder.

“You must be nervous.”

“… I’m fine.”

Inhaling deeply yet again, Yuu lifted the corners of his mouth.

“Because I decided to become a model. With expressions that are unique in me, and which only I can deliver, I will mesmerize people, so I’ll be fine.”

Accompanied by confident words, his beautiful red eye was gazing at Kyosuke bearing a radiant shine free of melancholy.

“Ah, keep it up. I’m rooting for you more than anyone else.”

He embraced his beloved partner with both arms.

“… Um, I haven’t seen anything.”

As the two exchanged gazes of happiness, Natsume turned his back on them. For the next few seconds, Kyosuke and Yuu’s lips lightly met. Today marked a major breakthrough for Yuu. Including all that has unfolded to date, his entire path will define his life and lead him to the future.

“I have someone who supports me, so I will never lose.”

Clutching his beloved in his arms, Yuu voiced his resolve.

“Ah, that’s the spirit.”

Against this, Kyosuke gave a push and even Natsume smiled in the shadows. Despite the hardships of his past, he will continue to look forward, drawing a future replete with euphoria with the people he loves and with the support of those around him.


Lanceolate – The chapter’s title means creating one’s own future by getting rid of many difficulties such as severing thorns and opening the way to advance

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