Chapter 64 – Saiki’s House in the Morning

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On Saturday, days after the international mail was delivered.

Assuming what his mother had stated in the letter was true, he would be evicted from his apartment by the end of this month. Since Kyosuke was not involved at all when it came to the contract, he did not know.

His parents, who were only label in name, were even trying to deprive him of a dwelling site. They planned to arbitrarily set up an arranged marriage, etc. and were even attempting to tear apart the relationship with Yuu, who was living together with him.

Deprived of his freedom step by step, Kyosuke alone, who has been living at his parents’ convenience, cannot even resist. Even so, Kyosuke, who has faced the desperate lives of those around him, was unwilling to give up.

By himself, he was too powerless.

So, what shall he do?

In conclusion, he sought out the Saiki residence, a place he had visited on many occasions.

The time was 9:30 in the morning.

Appointment with Natsume had been arranged in advance for this time. After passing through the large garden between the towering walls, he pressed the intercom next to the side-opening front door. Not long after, someone approached from behind the polished glass and it rattled as it opened.

“Ichinose! Sonohara!”

They were met by Tomoya, dressed in a black top and bottom sweatshirt, putting a bright smile on his face. Apparently, he had just risen and was dressed as it was.

“Good morning, Saiki.”

From behind Kyosuke’s greeting, Yuu peeked out.

“… Morning.”

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Even the lack of intonation in his tone of voice for Tomoya was a part of his happiness. He nodded pleasantly and beckoned them in.

“Come on, get in! In fact, my big brother is still sleeping since he had to work late last night. I only woke up a few minutes ago, in the meantime, why don’t you wait in the living room?”

“Okay. Excuse me.”

As Kyosuke removed his shoes and stepped in, Yuu grasped the hem of his outfit as if to indicate to Kyosuke not to separate from him, and once Yuu had also taken off his shoes, they proceeded to the living room together. Eventually, after ensuring that they had both settled down by the living room table, Tomoya pointed to the stairs and spoke to them.

“I’ll go get my big brother, hold on a sec!”

“Ah, please.”

In response, Tomoya left the living room with a joyful smile on his face. When he ascended to the second floor and peered into the rear bedroom, his eyes fell on Natsume, who was sleeping soundly on the king-sized bed they shared.

Approaching gingerly, Tomoya observed his beloved brother’s sleeping face. Far from his typical tough features, his face was neat and beautiful. Although he thought it would be a shame to awaken him, Tomoya called out to him.

“Big brother, big brotherー”

With one hand planted on the bed, he shook him by the shoulder in an attempt to rouse him.

However, perhaps he was in a deep sleep, for he did not wake up easily.

“… Ngh… ah, Tomoya? Sex?”

It was as if he was mumbling in his sleep, yet at the same time Tomoya’s hand was pulled from the bed and he was caught in Natsume’s arms in a flash.

“Eh, wait… ugh…”

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Even though he rushed to utter a denial to his half-awake partner, he was not even able to do so in time, as his body was trapped between the bed and his brother in a tight embrace.

“You’re inviting me, aren’t you…? Come on, take off your clothes…”

With his eyelids down, Natsume commanded in a tone of voice implying peremptory. However, being conscious of the presence of the guests, he simply could not nod his head and frantically tapped his shoulder to jolt him awake.

“Ah, big brother, you’re half-asleep… hiii, ah, you can’t!”

Disregarding Tomoya’s flustered voice, his large palm forcefully slipped into his underwear and gripped the symbol of a man without hesitation.


His inner thighs trembled as his pitiful voice rose. His heart rate accelerated rapidly, and his expression became debauched by the compulsive pleasure that fueled his oppressed mind, causing his body to tense up in the pleasure of humiliation.

“Let me treat you, and you’ll moan adorably.”

Natsume’s large palm relentlessly rubbed up and down his sensitive shaft. His body involuntarily shuddered and he held on tightly as if seeking to restrain himself.

“Wait, ah… Ichinose and Yuu are here…”

In a feverish breath, he desperately appealed that Kyosuke and Yuu were here, which awakened Natsume’s consciousness at that point.

“! You should have said that earlier…”

As if nothing had occurred, he withdrew his hand from the underwear and licked the fingers while casting an amused glance at the other party. The act of licking his fingers, which had just been touching his penis, was a shameful conduct, raising Tomoya’s face to a brilliant shade of crimson, and his moistened gaze fell weakly downwards.


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“Don’t expect any sex.”

In short, Tomoya was left in a limbo. However, due to Tomoya’s propensity, he cannot disobey his order. No, he did not wish to disobey.

“Ugh… ah.”

As his voice was escaping like a spoiled child, unable to retort, Natsume’s hand seized the back of his head and drew him aggressively towards him.

“I’ll screw you thoroughly later. Until then, you can masturbate while savoring my scent.”

His eyes, as acute as those of a predator, dissolved Tomoya’s rationality and mind.

While sniffing – in other words, he wanted Tomoya to get under the covers where Natsume had been sleeping previously. Without releasing his sight from the other’s masculine eyes, Tomoya nodded while fixing his gaze upon him with a debauched intensity, as if he had been hypnotized.

“… Ngh…”

One corner of Natsume’s mouth hung up in laughter at his younger brother’s submissive reaction, followed by a kiss before he released his body and climbed off the bed.

“Listen, I’ll be back later, just undress everything and wait for me. If you spill anything on the futon, lick it clean.”

Turning his back on him, Natsume ordered him to do so and left the bedroom.

“Un… okay…”

As if to convey his gratification at being instructed by the other, Tomoya, who was supposed to be here to wake him up, crawled under the covers and slowly reached for his symbol, which had grown stiff and large by his older brother’s hands.

While his adorable little brother plainly heeded his brother’s words, Natsume went downstairs to converse with the two, still dressed in the black sweatshirt he wore in lieu of his nightclothes.

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He then made his way to the bathroom to wash his face, brush his teeth, and get ready for the day as a sign of etiquette in front of others.

Frankly speaking, his thoughts were not fully active yet, but he knew he couldn’t keep them waiting too long, so he strode into the living room.

“Yo, good morning…”

When he finally showed up and idly greeted them, Kyosuke and Yuu followed suit and spoke up.

“Good morning.”


“My bad, you’ll have to wait a little longer.”

After announcing this, he wandered into the kitchen and with a mild clinking sound, brought out the teacups, poured the tea leaves into the teapot, then turned on the electric kettle containing the water. The two of them observed the scene in silence, but Kyosuke felt a strange sensation and modestly interjected.

“… Um, Saiki is…?”

“Hmm? Saiki? Ah, you mean Tomoya. I’m Saiki too, so I get confused when waking up from sleep.”

After letting out a brief, habitually low-key laugh, he tilted the kettle of boiling water and poured the boiling water into the teapot.

“Tomoya… went back to sleep. Since he rose early.”

It was impossible to tell them that he was “engaging in onanism”, and he pondered for a possible reason, only to find that it was too cumbersome to offer an explanation, so he gave a reasonable answer and proceeded to pour tea into the teacup.

To this, Kyosuke and Yuu nodded in a mature manner, feeling as if they should not pry further into the matter.

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