Chapter 72 – “Promise”

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After safely landing, the group alighted from the Sakura Zaibatsu-owned jet and headed for the parking lot, following Kouki’s father who led the way.

It would not be an exaggeration to assert that this was the first time for all of them to visit the United States.

Although Kyosuke had traveled here as a child, he had no recollection of the trip.

“Would you mind telling me your mother’s name?”

At the sudden question from the person leading the way, Kyosuke raised his head and opened his mouth, somewhat hesitantly.

“… Ichinose Airi.”

Since he was asked, it was unavoidable for him to provide an answer, but for Kyosuke, he was not willing to admit that she was a ‘mother’. Subconsciously, his expression warped bitterly.

“Hmm… I remember her.”

“! You know her?”

The unexpected words forced Kouki to widen his eyes and pose a question. He didn’t particularly desire to find out more about his “mother,” who was only a figure in label. Yet, by the time he realized it, Kouki’s father was already nodding and beginning to compose an explanation.

“Ah, she is the president of a fashion brand that was launched about two years ago, I believe. The name of the brand is ‘Noble Déesse,’ which is reputed to be a hot new brand that has just debuted in the market.”

“… I see.”

Against the other party’s words, Kyosuke could only give a socially appropriate response.

I don’t really care about it…

He did not wish to know.

Hoping to evade it.

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He did not even feel a shred of love for his “mother,” who was nothing more than a mere figure.



Yuu’s impassive voice sent his shoulders jerking. Without being aware of it, he seemed to have frozen in place.

At some point, all of them had stopped in front of Kyosuke.

The five questioning gazes shot up at him, and Kyosuke hurriedly put on a smile.

“Ah, no, I’m sorry… I haven’t met them in a long time, so I got nervous…”

He lightly brushed Yuu’s hair as he eyed him apprehensively, before pacing again so that no one will perceive what was in his heart.

Even the five people who had stood still started to walk along with Kyosuke. As if out of regard, nobody broached the subject.

After quietly reaching the vast parking lot where everyone was waiting by the black limousine that had been arranged for them, the driver respectfully opened the door. Kouki’s father sat in the passenger seat while Kouki climbed in behind him. All four of them, including Kyosuke, settled into the same seats they had occupied when departing from the Saiki’s household. At last, the driver climbed in and the car slowly began to move.

“… It’s not surprising that you’re at least a little nervous…”

When Natsume, sitting in the back, ruptured the silence, Kyosuke pensively made a nod.


Nervous? You’re wrong… I simply do not want to meet them.

For now, he didn’t want to dwell on it.

He shook his head.

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Yet, the deeper he tried to refrain himself from pondering, the more his thoughts kicked in, wreaking anguish on Kyosuke’s self-confidence.

Yuu, seated next to him, gently touched his shoulder.

Noticing this, Kyosuke only directed a glance at him and smiled with a lingering bitterness in it.

He did not want to cause Yuu to be worried.

“I am fine…”


The words were promptly returned along with his eyebrow furrowed in dissatisfaction. At the look that was leveled straight at him as if penetrating through his heart, Kyosuke took a breath, widened his eyes, and looked away discomfortingly.

“… Yeah, I lied. Sorry.”


The continuous swearing drew an involuntary smile. As he felt that Yuu’s constant behavior and words had diminished the haze that was smoldering in his mind, Kyosuke’s expression relaxed peacefully, even if it was only mildly. Then, with his palm rested on the other’s white cheek, he fixed a keen gaze and returned his gaze straight ahead.

“But now that I’ve come this far, I can’t afford to be whiny.”

“When you get home, will you be vulnerable?”

He could not nod at the question. The red eye of the person staring at him faded sadly.

“… Idiot.”

When Kyosuke was knocked into silence, Yuu lowered his head and muttered the same expletive in a weakened tone of voice unlike earlier.


Kyosuke acutely grasped the reason why the other, who would typically turn away and fidget, swearing, would show such a fragile and restless demeanor. Even when he called out his name, Yuu would still not lift his head. Even so, there were words that needed to be conveyed instead of whimpering.

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“Don’t worry. My feelings have been solidified from the very beginning.”

I won’t let people do that. Absolutely not.

As he spoke these unflinching words, Yuu, who had stayed silent for a while, held out his hand and raised his pinky finger tentatively.

“… We’ll go home together. It’s a promise.”

“Yeah, I promise.”

He will not make Yuu feel any further uneasiness.

To this end, Kyosuke wore a smile that demonstrated his resolute will and firmly intertwined his own pinky finger with the other’s thin one.


At the time when Kyosuke and the others had just gotten off the jet and were on their way to the city in the morning via limousine.

The time was past 6:00 in the morning. The time difference was approximately 13 hours.

A crowded street in New York City.

Among them, the most striking feature was the words “Noble Déesse” rendered in gold on a black background.

The intense morning light reflected dazzlingly on it.

This was the store and office of the fashion brand run by Kyosuke’s mother, Airi, who served as president of the company.

On the first floor stood a wide storefront, while on the second floor was a stockroom for clothes, bags, and miscellaneous accessories. And on the third floor, one can find the office, a meeting room, and the president’s office.

In the president’s office, watching the computer screen contentedly was Ichinose Airi, who was also Kyosuke’s mother. Her long, shiny hair was tied up. Her piercing indigo eyes reminded one of her kinship with Kyosuke. She had fine white skin, and a woman in a suit approached her.

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“… President.”

With dark brown hair tied back in a single bun and red-rimmed glasses, this sharp-looking woman worked as Airi’s secretary. At the modest call, Airi expressionlessly brought up her face.

“What is it?”

Despite the chilly tone of her voice, it was somewhat bright, as though she was playing a musical note. The secretary sensed this and pressed on.

“You seem rather pleased, is there any good news?”

When asked back in an earnest manner, the tone of her voice further developed a hint of delight.

“Hmm, you can tell? As a matter of fact… my lovely son is joining me today.”

“The president’s son?”

The secretary widened her eyes once and uttered a question mark. It was as if she was saying, ‘I’ve never heard of this before”. Airi let out a funny laugh as she rose to her feet and looked back to the large window behind her. While viewing the city lit up by the rising sun, she suppressed her joy and quietly stated her reason.

“Yes. He was in Japan because of school… but he will be seventeen this year and eighteen next year. He’s coming to the U.S. to prepare for his engagement.”

As she finished, Airi smiled faintly. She cast an ice-cold gaze out the window, where the morning sun was streaming in, with no trace of warmth in her eyes.


At her back, the secretary congratulated her.

“Thank you. May I invite you to the ceremony?”

She responded in a nonchalant fashion, then looked back at the other person and awaited the answer to her question.

“Of course.”

She may be smiling, but her piercingly icy gaze remained the same. With those eyes fixed on her, there was no way she could refuse. As the answer was delivered in a sober voice, the corners of Airi’s mouth curved up.

“Haha… I am looking forward to it…”

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